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Coronavirus: China-Thailand social media war escalates


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Wow, so in 2020, still have people browse internet without any AdBlocker ?

What ? They still use Internet Explorer to ?

Or they just like to have many (agressive) banners and popup ?




And if your private life isn't public,

you may stop use Google (Android, gmail, Chrome...) and facebook,

its look like maybe you don't know yet they spy you...

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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

The solution is simple. Democratic countries must declare full sanctions against China, a new cold war. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Tibet must be assisted in becoming sovereign nations. CPP must be destroyed in the same manner CCCP was. The time to act is now.

Full sanctions? Is it really that simple? Just like that huh.

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5 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Full sanctions? Is it really that simple? Just like that huh.

Yes. Just like that. All you need to do is decide and right now it's easy as the world is reconfiguring it's supply chains anyway. Build a wall - or repurpose the one they got. This time to keep the CCP and it's followers in.

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3 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

i lived in taiwan and hk many yrs and have visited PRC often.the political system and culture in china is very aggressive.nationalist,usery .theres little respect for other peoples or cultures ,a sense of superiority based on propaganda.if we wish to put the genie back in the bottle its real simple,dont buy PRC products.inform the stores owners and managers why your not buying this product and by selling it they are supporting repression of chinese and racism,aggression ,expansionism and the bullying of other nations,problem will be solved very quickly especially in the west where the customer has some say,it will also be reflected on govt policy.the factories from eu,usa japan korea will move real quick.

There was such an outcry recently when the President of the United States took a minor moderate stance on applying pressure on China. I never heard so much crying in my life. Do you really think the world would get on board?

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3 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Yes. Just like that. All you need to do is decide and right now it's easy as the world is reconfiguring it's supply chains anyway. Build a wall - or repurpose the one they got. This time to keep the CCP and it's followers in.

Alrighty then... well despite my extreme negative views on China, I don't see the world suddenly deciding to sanction China. The global economy is rather delicately intertwined with China at the moment.


I do see long term solutions for the USA to move certain strategicly valued trade sectors away from China, but would think it nearly impossible to concieve of any coordinated multinational effort in that regard to take place. Probably a decade long process even for the USA.


Perhaps you can be more specific? What do you mean by sanctions? Please be specific. What kind of sanctions?

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13 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Yes. Just like that. All you need to do is decide and right now it's easy as the world is reconfiguring it's supply chains anyway. Build a wall - or repurpose the one they got. This time to keep the CCP and it's followers in.

A wall? They have a wall. A coastal wall? A big wall of ice?

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3 hours ago, potless said:

I was trying to avoid their stuff 20 years ago. It became nearly impossible as manufacturing shifted to the east. Blame the west.

You would have to slowly squeeze them over time denying them certain sectors or vertical markets. Begining with the highest of high tech, but that is happening a bit now and the west cant get onboard and a tremendous amount of blowback already. Takes massive political will.

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2 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

A wall? They have a wall. A coastal wall? A big wall of ice?

Indians and Pakistanis are doing a fair job keeping Kashmir closed for them, but a wall could help. South side there are mountains, in the north the wall is a tad too south, might as well throw Russia and North Korea in the same siege and use the South Korean border wall as usual.


The piece we need is in the South, Myanmar-Laos-Vietnam. I'm willing to pitch in, just gimme a shovel.


As for sanctions, here's a blueprint, just replace Soviets with Chinese:




In 1948, the United States began a campaign of economic sanctions against the Soviet Union that would last more than fifty years. In March of that year, the Department of Commerce announced restrictions on exports to the Soviet Union and its European allies. Congress formalized these restrictions in the Export Control Act of 1949.



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