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Another fall in new COVID-19 cases in Thailand


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2 hours ago, Why Me said:

Yep, next time I get ill I am going to cuss the doctor out for letting it happen.


You are a very stupid person Zik.

Attention seeker I suspect!

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8 minutes ago, wasabi said:

proof of this?

No proof only media reports. However can't link to it as its not allowed but published today and name of the article is "The Coming storm" Article source Boon Vanasin, chairman of Thonburi Healthcare Group who has 3 hospitals. 


Just Google you'll find it

Edited by Bkk Brian
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3 hours ago, toenail said:

I question if all COVID-19 cases are reported. I see plenty of village folks in the rural areas  not practicing “social distancing”.  Oh, I forgot, it is only “farangs “ that spread the virus.????

Why did you come to Thailand... for the total different way of life or klimat or the expances... i start to hate the "farangs" that only can comment when they fear to be outnumbered... embrass the way of life or go home ! And yes i know thai people can be ununderstandeble...so be it, its there country, don't try to change it! And the more you fight the system the more you find yourself "farang" 

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21 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Old yai's die home and life goes on as normal without any social media posts. 

Can't disagree with that where I live and from what I have see happen with the wife's family!

The perception and reality of Thai medical care outside the "wealthy" cities are worlds apart

Edited by CGW
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18 minutes ago, CGW said:

"executive" summary please, you have proven to have a better understanding than most? (I got bored after the first page!)

From a 5 minute skim:


Basically some Aussies were sent by the WHO in 2012 to audit the Thai system for registering/certifying deaths. The results are not a disastrous indictment of the Thai system but had some unsatisfactory conclusions relating to the rigour of identifying causes of death. The audit team were particularly critical of the 20-30% (sic) deaths identified as cause unknown and observed that doctors receive no training in death certification although the Thai respondents to the audit observed that doctors do learn about certification when they are being trained. I didn't see any implication that deaths go unrecorded (but I only skim read it).


It was 8 years ago. Dunno how the Thais responded or whether any improvements have been made

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3 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Hopefully this covid nightmare will be over soon!

Looks like a softening of the restrictions is on the cards for the end of this month, at least for smaller businesses. I think the night curfew will stay in place as that only affects late night bars & restaurants which will be the last to re-open anyway as they attract the larger crowds.

Start small, see how it goes then roll it out bit by bit.

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1 hour ago, Hockeybik said:

Today's number is 2,672 total reported cases and 1,593 recovered, add to that the dead, 46 and that leaves 1,033 still sick and presumably sick enough to go to the hospital. I will agree that number is low. There are no doubt many sick at home and never went to be tested. How low do you think it is? How many people are out there with symptoms, fever, cough, etc. are out there? Or do you think the hospitals are not reporting COVID-19 cases? Have you heard of hospitals overrun with patients?

TIT. Hospitals are alawys overrun with patients. It's quite simple really. Have you ever eaten lambs fry? Crumbed, or breaded for our American friends, lambs brains? Would you eat it? Many people will say no. That's disgusting. They don't know and won't know because they haven't tried it. If you don't taste you don't know. Same with testing for the virus. If you don't test you don't know. 

By the way lambs fry is delicious.

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2 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

TIT. Hospitals are alawys overrun with patients. It's quite simple really. Have you ever eaten lambs fry? Crumbed, or breaded for our American friends, lambs brains? Would you eat it? Many people will say no. That's disgusting. They don't know and won't know because they haven't tried it. If you don't taste you don't know. Same with testing for the virus. If you don't test you don't know. 

By the way lambs fry is delicious.

And lambs brains,how do they taste?

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1 hour ago, Chassa said:

I'm still waiting for the social media to go 'viral' about deaths and bad cases of this virus.

Also, so far no increase in funerals in my area. Thai funerals are not exactly quiet!

   And, in my limited experience, Thai funerals are not exactly short, either.  When my Thai partner's mother passed away in December it was a 4 or 5 day affair at the temple.  My partner went every day to greet well-wishers.  I only went on the last day, when the main ceremony and cremation was held.  Seems like if there were massive numbers of deaths, the temples would be backed up with families waiting their turn to give their loved ones proper sendoffs. 

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19 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

No proof only media reports. However can't link to it as its not allowed but published today and name of the article is "The Coming storm" Article source Boon Vanasin, chairman of Thonburi Healthcare Group who has 3 hospitals. 


Just Google you'll find it

OK I read the article and it said 1,000 people got tested at the drive through testing facility and got 6 positive results so as a rough estimate if 1 million tested that would be 6,000 positives 10 million tests would be 60,000 positives if 40 million tested would yield about 240,000 positives if the CFR is 1% that would equate to about 2,400 deaths.The annual average flu deaths each year in Thailand was about 2708 between the years 2006 and 2011.Interesting. 

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54 minutes ago, Snig27 said:

It's like a stuck record – new numbers are announced and the TV medical committee announce they are all fake then go back to their fifth Chang of the day. 

If you have some solid data people, not just barroom expert theory, please post it.

booze ban alert, when these control freak chinese communist puppets, re-open the booze, i am sure you be having de-caf, non-fat, no foam latte, like a real tough guy 





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How many test were performed and what are the readings it does not mean anything unless they test test test ..

what if i was to fix your car and never tested it .. i just go ahead and fix it and have no idea what is wrong 


we might as well count the dead that succumbed from the start of the CV .. it would give us a better idea than we have now  even if wrong

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3 hours ago, Mavideol said:

if number of infections down that means number of tests down as well, it's all relative, if previously they were testing 600-700 day now maybe testing 300-400 day.... unfortunately the number of deaths keeps steady

Thw two aren't ncessarily correlated when you look at global statistics. Thailand is only reporting a 2-3 positive cases out of 100 being tested. Other countries are much higher. Just randomly testing 1000's of people is not cost effective at this time. 

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2 hours ago, Zikomat said:

 I myself always wear the mask. I consider it a social norm at the moment. Also, kind of placebo, maybe. But there is no way I will believe those basic masks do really prevent the spread of the virus. 

I think as you , whether any mask works or not it is far better to wear one , it can't do any harm.  I took a 15 k ride out on my Forza today as fed up with being confined to barracks.  When I arrived at the only place where I know I can sit down to drink a capp. I ordered my coffee still enmasked . Only removed to drink coffee.  Girl serving smiles , bet she wouldn't if I arrived without a mask.

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Please Thailand, tell America how you have been so successful in controlling the disease despite the millions of Chinese tourists up until February. Seriously ,if you have cracked the problem, tell the World ,if not you will never be forgiven

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2 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

I kinda hate to say this, but Prayut and Co seem to have done a pretty good job here with coronavirus. I am not a big fan of the generals that run Thailand but, at 50th in the league table given he number of visitors from Wuhan over the winter season (five flights a day) is a really good result (provided the numbers are accurate). But I also admire the way the lockdown has been handled in my town.....reasonable and sensible policing, nothing over the top. Trump and Boris might learn a thing or two from Gen Prayut and save lives if they were no so arrogant as to be incapable of taking advice. 

We will see who lets the Chinese in first, the country allegedly responsible for Corona virus.

Trump, Boris, or Prayut. I know who my money is on.

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55 minutes ago, SantiSuk said:

Attention seeker I suspect!

You made on average 800 posts per year. My average is 100. Who of us is more of an attention seeker?

Btw, there is nothing bad in seeking attention. Especially, when you have something interesting to say. 

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They just say this in the hope that people will think that all businesses will be back to normal soon ,so will not be asking for the gouvernment handout(we all know that's not going well) , they are just keeping the people on a leash as they always do . 

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People in China who test positive but are asymptomatic are not included in the infection numbers even though they can spread the virus. I wonder what the situation is here in that regard. The junta govt has not made clear what the reporting process is. Who is not being included?

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3 hours ago, Guitar God said:

Thailand has been one of the best examples of how to contain the virus and the incredibly low number of deaths is the proof.
Thailand acted quickly and closed down non-essential services, told people to stay home, closed borders, even provincial borders, made wearing masks mandatory, sanitized hands and took temps at all public entrances, wiped down handrails and door handles.

Why be so cynical?

After I refused to let my son finish his year at School, they announced a lockdown and then let a few million people leave the epicentre and travel to the provinces.


Then I remember a report about a boxing match going forward... stories about some large businesses refusing to shut down operations. I love the 'booze ban' being announced with a 24 hour window for crowds to go shopping and further mingle...


Meanwhile a hospital advises patients to skip attending, do video conference with the doctor (great IDEA). Then they complain they wrote down the address wrong and someone must travel across the city to the hospital (which also closed down the car park) and spend all day there - not only to re-register (they can't write down the address and update it over the phone).


When said person asked for copies of information about the case, they said that person would need to attend on another occasion because (as it was 3pm already) they need all day to collect this stuff - and they can't get it together and send it.


Next, my son's Thai school spread a request via LINE groups to ask people to answer the question 'Do you have internet?'. I'm curious how many folks answered NO. They were also asked if they own a smartphone... again, how many can answer NO. Such stupidity is not believable - neither is the fact that you are criticised for pointing it out because 'they're trying to be helpful'. Funny they couldn't simply start making some video lessons and websites to punt their lessons (like Khan Academy if you're lucky, but simply BBC Bitesize if you're not).


Meanwhile, take an early morning visit to Makro - nice and quiet when I went in, quick temp screen and handwash at the door, but NO LIMIT on how many people can enter - so distancing inside becomes impossible and checkout queues quickly back up. Then we're quickly reminded of stupid systems any time we travel to a hospital that has a sensor to see your car enter, and a voice that tells you you STILL must press a communal button before they'll give you a damn ticket.


Sorry, 'best example' or 'apparently lucky' - I'd choose another term if I were you. All I see are bumbling idiots.


The largest motivation I see for lifting the lockdown is the financial one... Assuming the virus can't last 2 days on it's own, I don't know why they can't let some places open alternate days and work harder on the message that if people travel only to work and then back home then they are less likely to be sick... meanwhile credit card companies are apologizing they can't give any extra time to pay, so a single month off work can spell disaster for many folks.


Similar to China and all other countries - there's no hiding the fact that someone can die of a heart attack, not be tested, and not be counted as a COVID case. The real number in Thailand is likely to be maybe 200,000 right now - so you go on out and see if you can spot one. Don't forget, the virus can hang in the air for 3 hours or more so that if any one of those visits a 7-11 at 7am, you better not go in until afternoon.

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