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PM apologizes for miscommunication about 5,000 baht subsidies


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All farang beware!!! Try to limit going outside after dark... Desperate times, make people do desperate things! Stay safe boy's.... Who wants to buy a beer bar??? <deleted>!!!!!

Edited by metisdead
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34 minutes ago, Farmerkev said:

Wife been told no to 5k handout. She stopped working 12 years ago but was given the option to keep the government social security insurance as long as she payed it herself every month which she has. Told she does not qualify as doesnt work.


Same story with mine, 19 years of social security payment. She also gave up her job after the boss wouldn’t adhere to minimum wage and government holiday laws, but I encouraged her to continue with the payments. She doesn’t need the bailout now, but I guess she and a lot of others are thinking what could happen in the future. 

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

has caused widespread public confusion, over the 5,000 baht monthly cash subsidy for people affected by business closures

I remember reading a post from about a week ago, stating how many people had registered for the payment because of either temporary closure or laid-off permanently thus unemployed... those qualified to receive the payment was woefully low! 

Such a kick-back from the disgruntled public has shaken the master a little... first apology ever?

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14 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

I do not see a rebellion in my village community as yet, but my wife who has 100's of friends on Facebook and in Line groups comes out with dismal stories of people without electricity and the unfair distribution of the 5000 baht support.

People are beginning to get angry.

Seeing the same thing. It wont be limited to Thailand either. 

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I doubt there has ever been such a greater LOSS OF FACE by a thai prime minister (real or puppet) and to do so without the face mask .

The world really does see this thai government as a joke a very bad joke.

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1 hour ago, southcoast said:

Looks like new helicopters and military hardware come BEFORE Thai people. How does this <deleted> get away with it, cant the Thai people see this. Could some one produce Toilet paper with his face on every sheet, sure it would be a good seller.

I think a Bum Gun would be more appropriate.

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

He assured that the Government will try to help all affected groups by providing them with the [ 5,000 ] cash over the next three months.



2 People in our village received it, while 2 other surrounding villages no one received the money.


They were all told to reapply, but most likely were not going to get it, plus they want all kinds of information and the money if ever given, could be taken back. 


So 80% of the people who applied the 1st time and didn't get it, are not bothering to re-apply - so the scheme worked in ''Buying'' some Time.


The General and his family and friends will not even be in Thailand when it all comes to a head, maybe Dubai? 

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59 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

They are easing things at the end of the month to send people back to work so they don’t have to pay them the 5000 bht !!

Probably because a lot of it has vanished somewhere !

Absolutely - just look at all the hints being dropped all over the place about easing the lockdown.


They have looked at the cost of continuing the lockdown, realised that they would have to pay out to avoid widespread discontent, baulked at the idea of using the reserves or otherwise diverting the flows to the troughs, and are going to re-open.

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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

If he and his cabinet do not step up, and put forth a funding package that covers all Thai National's, and even those disenfranchised workers living here and working on legitimate work visas, who have been affected by this crisis and start taking care of his people, the suicides that have been occurring will only increase, and those folks that are left desperate, but look at the life others still have, will turn to crime as a way to get what they need

In desperation those running the country turned to crime to gain control of the country do you think they really care about the nobodies being left behind committing petty crimes against each other?If it starts getting messy the tanks and other toys will come out.

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These government handouts are a corrupt media prop to slow down the collapse of economies of scale. America has put measures in place To prevent fraud and 25 percent actually received anything. It really is designed to help the needy. I personally wouldn’t hold my breath for any public assistance and never will. 

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11 minutes ago, tomauasia said:

These pretenders were never audited and are filthy rich on army salary lol..And they have The balls not to give now. If l was him l wouldn't be going for any long walks lol.

Just a long walk on that short pier, is where they should takes there walks, but FACE dictates otherwise.

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15 hours ago, smedly said:

PM, even if the lockdown ends 1st May what jobs does he think the so called freelancers, self-employed workers and small traders are going back to ?


They ordered them out of business and shut without any support, even if some manage to open where exactly are the customers going to come from - tourism is dead for at least 12 months if not longer


All his problems are just starting 1st May - what are all these people going to live on for the next 12+ months, if he thinks cancellation of lockdowns is going to make it all go away he really is deluded


These tiny 5k payments per month will need to continue well beyond 3 months

Oh, come on, be fair! It must be heart breaking to have to hand out all that money, that he and his cronies can't get their grubby mitts on.

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our little one calls him mr BLA BLA so young and so right,everytime she sees his face she changes channel

only talk no actions promisses promisses.............. to hungry people you should not wave money, any imbecile can tell you that


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12 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

Oh really ?

Can someone find the link to the total assets of Bank of Thailand

including the huge foreign exchange cash reserve ? 

It should be very interesting to see exactly if they are really short on the money

This could explain something (10 day ago on Bloomberg TV news): …."planned borrowing of 1 trillion baht ($30.6 billion) to finance a major economic stimulus program."




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This is exactly what i said yesterday keep the nr's low so people will think this is over soon so not everybody will come for the 5000 baht a month relief , and now this thickhead is saying that if the situation gets better people will not even get the 5k . He rather opens everything up as soon as possible even tho there can be a next big rise in infections a deaths , then pay these poor people their much needed helpfund . And i geuss there is a lot of money set aside to pay this 5k help , so when prayut and consorts don't need to pay this anymore there is a BIG POT TO GRAB FROM BY HIM AND HIS MATES . 

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has offered a public apology for his miscommunication, which has caused widespread public confusion


The General is fortunate that his miscommunication *only* caused "public confusion".


  --  If his miscommunication had caused a "public panic", then he might well have been in trouble with Section 14(2) of The Computer Crime Act.




"Section 14. If any person commits any offence of the following acts shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine of not more than one hundred thousand baht or both:

that involves ... 

that involves import to a computer system of false computer data in a manner that is likely to damage the country's security or cause a public panic;

... ".



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1 hour ago, aussienam said:

At least the PM has admitted an error and apologised.  That is to be commended.  There are others that refuse to admit error.  OT, but If we look at China's CCP leader Xi Jinping however, he is responsible for one of the world's worst atrocities and won't admit anything, in fact creating propaganda and stories it was the fault of the US! 

You mean the error of promising money then saying <deleted> ouy?Yeah at least he did that!

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