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How soon would you get a covid 19 vaccine shot?


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22 minutes ago, DavisH said:



Pseudoscience level of this website: quackery



There will be no peer reviewed articles supporting any such claim. Unfortunately, many people have no critical thinking skills and will believe any ond website they come across. 


I am making a new range of tinfoil hats now, free shipping.


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15 minutes ago, Mattd said:

This is the crux of it all, first they must develop a vaccine that is as safe as it can be and secondly mass produce it.

The first batches would be administered to those at most risk and it would filter down to the least risk, which could take years.

There is a lot of hysteria surrounding this virus, whether or not it is founded or not I do not know, however, it is possible it will lead to vaccination certificates needed for travel, similar to yellow fever used to be.

Personally, I am not keen on being the guinea pig for a while.........

Assuming that proof of vaccination would be required, that would mean no travel for many years...something I am expecting anyway...

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3 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Assuming that proof of vaccination would be required, that would mean no travel for many years...something I am expecting anyway...

It could well mean that, which is not something to look forward to at all, massive affect on the tourism / business side of things.

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22 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Not being told there will be a vaccine in 12 - 18 month.


Being told it will likely be at least that long.


Big difference.


I didn't write "will", but "we are told about a vaccine coming..." which is not so affirmative.


Anyway, almost since day one, this 12 to 18 month away vaccine/carrot has been dangled in front of everyone's nose.


And as time moves on, the vaccine/carrot always remains 12 to 18 months away...



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3 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

I didn't write "will", but "we are told about a vaccine coming..." which is not so affirmative.


Anyway, almost since day one, this 12 to 18 month away vaccine/carrot has been dangled in front of everyone's nose.


And as time moves on, the vaccine/carrot always remains 12 to 18 months away...



The thing to think about, is that treatments may evolve  prior to any vaccine. Remember that science has been trying find a vaccine for HIV infection for over 30 years now, and still the information is "at least ten years away" it has been 10 years for 3 decades. 

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46 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Not being told there will be a vaccine in 12 - 18 month.


Being told it will likely be at least that long.


Big difference.


If/when there is a vaccine, its roll out will take a long time and have to be rationed/prioritized.


The scenario of people trying to force everyone to get the vaccine is far from the way this is going to unfold. On the contrary there will be huge demand that takes years to fully meet.

Logical of course, so Sheryl, could that mean that for a while / maybe several years there will be a very big focus on:


1. Short-term preventative medications, and

2. Fast eradication once people are infected, for example the existing medication that was intended (among other things) to kill head lice however reports so far indicating that within 24 hours it has a strong impact to reduce the infection and kills the virus within 48 hours ?



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6 hours ago, Skallywag said:

OK - link might be nice.  Many Indian children have pre-existing conditions, and of course no vaccine is perfect. 490,000 is less than 2% of the births per year in india. So you are saying the vaccine may have saved 98% of children from polio? 

That is acceptable or not?


Here is a link that is well worth reading:  https://thefullest.com/2020/04/13/gates-globalist-vaccine-agenda-a-win-win-for-pharma-and-mandatory-vaccination/

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2 minutes ago, LarryLEB said:

Oh dear, read some of it, and making sure my foil hat is secure.

The misinformation on this site is mind boggling.


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1 minute ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

So you skipped your chickenpox, yellow fever, polio and small pox vaccines?

TB?? Polio?? Whopping cough, measles, mumps rubella?



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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

There is no vaccine against cancer, which is not caused by a virus...

There is a vaccine given to females preferable before they become sexually active that is supposed to prevent contracting some type of genital wart that can lead to I think cervical cancer it’s called HPV

I seem to recall it was developed in Australia.

It is certainly available in Thailand as I have seen it listed in my daughter’s vaccine book

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3 hours ago, drestesnd said:

I am a retired Naturopath doctor and will not get  vaccine for covid 19 or any other virus (flu).  Vaccines are not good for people in general

I would be dead if it was not for BCG vaccine, I have had flu shots for 30 years now, never had flu.

Excuse me for not listening to quack advice.

You are not a doctor, that's a self-awarded title. Doctors have to have their qualifications approved by medical boards.

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1 hour ago, DavisH said:

There will be no peer reviewed articles supporting any such claim. Unfortunately, many people have no critical thinking skills and will believe any ond website they come across. 

Almost right.   People tend to believe the "news"  or  "facts"  from the sources that they

feel most comfortable with.   Of course these are the sources that control the media.

Posting other ideas from other less available sources is not in fashion.  Ridiculed .  Labeled as


Why do you think so much is spent on advertising ?   If you bombard people with the "studies show that Colgate reduces cavities  50 percent more than other toothpaste" well,

studies show that the sheep will get a warm fuzzy feeling and sure enough, Colgate goes in

the shopping cart.

Critical thinking skills ?   5555   Most posters won't even look for alternatives to what they

are fed.  

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31 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Oh dear, read some of it, and making sure my foil hat is secure.

The misinformation on this site is mind boggling.


ah,  the old foil hat retort.      another one who thinks what he believes is the only truth.


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2 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

The whole question really depends on your circumstances. I am currently back in the UK, waiting to go back to wife and child. If it meant getting back to see them tomorrow , I'd take it today

i understand.   We all have to choose.   Unfortunately these choices are made under coercion, 

no ?      

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2 hours ago, Dap said:

I've never had a flu shot and I intend to be hesitant and cautious about the Covid 19 vaccination until I have enough data to make an intelligent decision.

IMO best response so far. ????

Same here as regards flu shots - i have a heart condition (not respiratory) for which I take meds and the docs recommended a flu shot last year before Covid became an issue.

I declined on the principle of "flu is generally minor and I'll get over it". That still holds true for me....BUT Covid is a whole new ball game!


On principle I don't like to take vaccines or meds but sometimes one needs to reassess one's principles.

I don't want to take Statins, Ace inhibitors or Beta blockers...I take them because having acquired said heart condition, they're keeping me alive and feeling good (mainly) and I can still run around and be a "naughty boy" ????


The same principle applies to a Covid vaccine - IF I'm not immune, I might be forced to take one just to resume enjoying my life - socialising, travelling, etc.

The other thing that occurs to me is that I'm 65 (mentally 20!) so if the side effects of meds / vaccines are long-term - the hell with it!


I'd rather LIVE for another 5-10 years than merely EXIST for 20. But that's my personal take on it - we all need to make up our own minds and as @Dap said " I intend to be hesitant and cautious about the Covid 19 vaccination until I have enough data to make an intelligent decision."



I forgot to mention that as a child I was vaccinated against Polio and received the BCG jab. Obviously, that was the choice of my parents but I haven't suffered from the vaccinations as far as I know so I'm kind of playing Devil's Advocate here!

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6 minutes ago, rumak said:

ah,  the old foil hat retort.      another one who thinks what he believes is the only truth.


No I actually read research, and comprehend most, if not I seek counsel from those more knowledgeable, from reliable sources, such Kirby research institute, Daugherty research,onlinelibrary.wiley.com and I want the design for your avatar, may protect me from the 5 g infection 

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21 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

I seek counsel from those more knowledgeable, from reliable sources, such Kirby research institute, Daugherty research,onlinelibrary.wiley.com

thanks for your polite response.    if you read my post again,  the gist of it is that people are SUBJECTIVE  in what they believe.   Therefore what you see as  "more knowledgeable,  reliable

sources"   is just YOUR opinion.    

That is why presented with 500 "experts"  we get so many different "facts"  based on their studies..... and so many different results/conclusions from various studies.

The link to an article against vaccines was written by none other than RFK Jr.    Does that impress me ?  No more than Gates or many others.   But,  i do not just dismiss what is written as being ridiculous .   

What i have learned and believe in life has been gained from personal experience.  Many of the

things experts recommend I found to not work for me.  And all my posts are from first hand experience..... or opinions based on experience.   In other words, what works for me.  I DO NOT LIKE TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO   ????

Reading others opinions is not nearly as enlightening as I once hoped they could be.  Along my way, though, I did get ideas from reading what many would call alternative life choices,  particularly regarding my health.

Lots of trial and error..... on a real life subject.   Me      

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13 minutes ago, rumak said:

thanks for your polite response.    if you read my post again,  the gist of it is that people are SUBJECTIVE  in what they believe.   Therefore what you see as  "more knowledgeable,  reliable

sources"   is just YOUR opinion.    

That is why presented with 500 "experts"  we get so many different "facts"  based on their studies..... and so many different results/conclusions from various studies.

The link to an article against vaccines was written by none other than RFK Jr.    Does that impress me ?  No more than Gates or many others.   But,  i do not just dismiss what is written as being ridiculous .   

What i have learned and believe in life has been gained from personal experience.  Many of the

things experts recommend I found to not work for me.  And all my posts are from first hand experience..... or opinions based on experience.   In other words, what works for me.

Reading others opinions are not nearly as enlightening as I once hoped they could be.

But good to pass the time as we wait for the next  "event"  to come along.

Investigation and interrogation demands an open mind, to challenge your own positive bias. 

It is good to have differing opinions based on fact as opposed to bias, and lack of rigor.

Yes I do have a bias towards the scientists, demographers, researchers, virologists at certain centres  due to their renown expertise and years of rigor in their fields. I still have an open mind and do not subscribe to conspiracies. The idea of conspiracies involves way too many people in way too many centres looking at the same data.

RFK is an attorney and advocate with no qualifications in science, health or related fields. 



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5 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

no qualifications in science, health or related fields. 

now there you go again     LOL  


i know when i'm beat.   you are a Colgate man ....


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44 minutes ago, rumak said:

Almost right.   People tend to believe the "news"  or  "facts"  from the sources that they

feel most comfortable with.   Of course these are the sources that control the media.

Posting other ideas from other less available sources is not in fashion.  Ridiculed .  Labeled as


Why do you think so much is spent on advertising ?   If you bombard people with the "studies show that Colgate reduces cavities  50 percent more than other toothpaste" well,

studies show that the sheep will get a warm fuzzy feeling and sure enough, Colgate goes in

the shopping cart.

Critical thinking skills ?   5555   Most posters won't even look for alternatives to what they

are fed.  

My education in the wonders of advertising came as a trainee chemist with Unilever. The company made Rinso, Persil, Surf and Omo, all laundry powders. Rinso and Persil were identical, coming off the same mixing line into a different packet. Surf and Omo were differentiated by dyeing a small portion of product with methylene blue, and feeding that into the Omo packet, otherwise indistinguishable. It's a marketing technique called brand saturation.

From memory, the total cost of a packet of laundry powder when it hit a supermarket shelf was 20% in raw materials, production and distribution, and 80% advertising.

I'll wager there are still housewives today who swear blind Surf is better than Omo, or vice versa.

Sorry, off topic.

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Just now, Lacessit said:

My education in the wonders of advertising came as a trainee chemist with Unilever. The company made Rinso, Persil, Surf and Omo, all laundry powders. Rinso and Persil were identical, coming off the same mixing line into a different packet. Surf and Omo were differentiated by dyeing a small portion of product with methylene blue, and feeding that into the Omo packet, otherwise indistinguishable. It's a marketing technique called brand saturation.

From memory, the total cost of a packet of laundry powder when it hit a supermarket shelf was 20% in raw materials, production and distribution, and 80% advertising.

I'll wager there are still housewives today who swear blind Surf is better than Omo, or vice versa.

Sorry, off topic.

Hmmmm    Not really off topic.      Almost every thread on social media is dominated by

people stating what they think are the real facts. 

As you say,  they will swear that what they believe is based on objective thinking.  

Its advertising baby !        I won't use the  "B"  word      

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4 hours ago, UbonThani said:

Silly comparison. 2 totally different things.

Yes I am silly.  Even sillier is a topic about a vaccine that will not be available for another year or more. 

People always like to look ahead, but this is so very far ahead it does seem silly to me.  Many people are anti-vaxxers, some claim religious reasons, some personal reasons for not wanting to take vaccines, so why even discuss it? 

Can anyone really expect to change someone elses mind on this issue?

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