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Is China Really Responsible For The Virus?


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46 minutes ago, uli65 said:

just wait some time, the truth will come out

Politicians in any first world country would be able to cover things up, so I would not be too sure if any truth will come out.

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33 minutes ago, Thailand said:

The world is probably responsible man made or otherwise.


Just about every country has been developing biological agents for warfare in the guise of research for betterment for the people.It may have escaped from a lab in Wuhan, it may have morphed from some animal. It could easily have started in the US or any another country.


Maybe the world will learn something from this catastrophe, ideally helping countries to work together in the future instead of against one and other.


I doubt it though, man does not seem to have that foresight.

I would agree with your second last paragraph, but IMO, 99% of politicians in the world put money and themselves in front of anything else.

Edited by possum1931
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34 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:



Since it appears very likely the the "Spanish" flu originated in Kansas then to be on the safe side we should also boycott the USA, plus the Congo for Ebola, the Middle East for MERS. Now would be a good time to demand reparations from all countries involved in the bubonic plague, or maybe we can charge the rats. The Mexicans will have a big bill to give the Spanish for the c. 10 million plus  they wiped out with European viruses. Likewise the reparations for the genocide of the First Nation Americans. The Mongolians are going to be in a really tough spot when the bill for Ghengis's adventures comes in.


Alternatively we could grow up of course, though that is probably too much to ask. Nationalism, racism and xenophobia are making hay in the shrunken minds of our self destructive species.  

You forgot about the Romans pillaging and plundering as well as Hannibal and his elephant rampage over the Alps....but then maybe the relatives of Christopher Columbus for what he did to the American Indians....but I wouldn't put it past anyone, except the US had started reparations for interring the Japanese....

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3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I think in many western countries there will be hate, disdain, and discrimination against Chinese like one has never seen.


Many Western countries hate/dislike other non Western countries, already. So this would not be anything new.

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