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Wissanu denies government 'begging' for money by reaching out to tycoons


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4 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

Wissanu added that things will get clearer next week and it is the premier who is taking care of all the details.

What is clear is the Wissanu just threw the premier a hospital pass as well as throwing him under the bus.It wasn't me it was him!

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7 minutes ago, colinneil said:

This is very confusing, little P, goes cap in hand to the 20 rich tycoons, then Wissanu says its not begging.

HELLO Wissanu if that is not begging, what is?

'little P, goes cap in hand'

Given the circumstances that have caused this, he must be like a Yorkshire version of Batman then - the 'capped' crusader.

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1 minute ago, Hayduke said:

This whole thing would be more believable if the general announced he would contribute….say….one month’s worth of his own commissions, fees, incentives, retirement contributions etc (maybe a billion Baht or so) to a general relief fund.

While I'd be the last person to defend him, IIRC didn't he do something like this already?

Well he claimed he did anyway.

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All these Generals retired or not retired are wealthy and collectively if they gave could be tons of Baht.. The nerve of asking the top 20. Yes it is begging. Just say 2500 generals retired and active give 10,000,000 baht each = 62,500,000,000,000 baht. I don't think there is one general out there that cannot easily afford to give the money.


The nerve of P!

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Wissanu added that things will get clearer next week and it is the premier who is taking care of all the details.


Isn't that the most worrying part of the whole statement?

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam on Saturday clarified that the open letters the government would write to 20 of the richest Thais was not an exercise in begging for money.

But, of course.

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I reckon that this whole announcement was cooked up with the Billionaire community before the idea was made public.


They are, after all, the people that this government answer to.


They (government and billionaires) realise that they are looking at a very large number of desperate and hopeless people. They have bottled out off diverting the flow of cash, (or simply don't actually have the cash) to make any meaningful attempt to relieve the problem. Even if the lock-down were to be lifted at dawn tomorrow (at what monumental loss of face) it would be a couple of months before the flow of cash started to trickle in to the dispossessed, They will lift the lock-down just as soon as they can without losing face ( you must have seen the hints being dropped lately) but they still need something to cool down the situation - the "benevolent uncles" may be an attempt to do that.

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