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British man would rather be stuck in Thailand during coronavirus pandemic


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2 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

I am still amazed, how anyone can say "Thailand is working"!

They are still not testing, all the numbers they have are plucked out of thin air, they are absolutely unable to financially help their poor and they basically come up every day with 3 different plans, that will be revised 3 hours later!

How thick are your rosy glasses?

Absolutely spot on! 

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3 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

I am still amazed, how anyone can say "Thailand is working"!

They are still not testing, all the numbers they have are plucked out of thin air, they are absolutely unable to financially help their poor and they basically come up every day with 3 different plans, that will be revised 3 hours later!

How thick are your rosy glasses?

While I agree they should be doing more to help those in need due to poverty/unemployment. I do believe that the measures in place in Thailand are working more effectively than those in place in the UK. Of course, nobody in any country will ever know the true figures of those infected with Covid-19, it's just not possible. However, I do know that the people in Thailand have not been infected anywhere near to the extent of those in the UK. My mother-in-law had to visit the local government hospital a couple of nights ago due to an underlying medical condition (not due to Covid-19). It was clear to me that the hospital was not overrun with patients, the medical staff were not stretched to their limits. In fact, it was the quietest I'd ever seen it. That was enough evidence for me that the measures in place are working. At least in this province anyway.

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total garbage


he has had 3 flights cancelled he did not cancel them so he cannot be out of pocket

Ok Thailand is not doing a truck load of testing


maybe it does not have to


Of course if we look at past Dengue outbreaks we know Thailand likes to 'ahem' downplay the figures
but in General SE Asia has significantly  low numbers of infection and death so its ok


I think the main difference is media they can print anything they like in the UK and the trash media is part of the whole UK mentality problem.
In every country there are morons 
and in the UK Boris takes top spot 
then their close down is not 100% sports direct B&Q etc you can still go shopping for DIY where as in SE ASia you gotta use Lazada

Id rather be in Thailand too rather than UK the viral numbers speak for themselves
they are still mulling over if the public should be made to wear a mask

out of UK & better for for it.

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5 hours ago, petermik said:

I,m sure many will agree...others will not though....horses for courses and all that :thumbsup:


p.s. he,s not been sponsored by the P.M. here by any chance...:cheesy:

perhaps a little backstreet boom boom is making his stay here more enjoyable than Weymouth.

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26 minutes ago, domgaf said:

While I agree they should be doing more to help those in need due to poverty/unemployment. I do believe that the measures in place in Thailand are working more effectively than those in place in the UK. Of course, nobody in any country will ever know the true figures of those infected with Covid-19, it's just not possible. However, I do know that the people in Thailand have not been infected anywhere near to the extent of those in the UK. My mother-in-law had to visit the local government hospital a couple of nights ago due to an underlying medical condition (not due to Covid-19). It was clear to me that the hospital was not overrun with patients, the medical staff were not stretched to their limits. In fact, it was the quietest I'd ever seen it. That was enough evidence for me that the measures in place are working. At least in this province anyway.

lol There weren't any measures there until recently. What's happening in the major centres of the west can't be correlated with places in the east that do not get the same amount of international movement. Reckon that goes hand-in-hand with how cultures meet and greet, so fates were sealed long before any measures anywhere were introduced. The hospitals are not overrun here either. Obviously covid is an issue, but A&E and other departments are very quiet, which would be logical for any place.

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