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Possible end to Pattaya lockdown set to be discussed today


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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No it's not. It's because the authorities decided to shut it down. Sweden made the right call, IMO.

They now think that some Corona patients were possibly killed by the ventilators they were put on. No doubt more clever minds than mine are looking at that right now.

Life isn't safe. Every time I go out the door I'm at risk, and if I don't go out the door I'll die of inactivity if the shut down goes on too long.

Have a nice day.

Sweden put too much faith in its citizens to do the right thing.  Many didn't.  




Remember when HIV was a killer?  People used condoms, and still do.  A temporary adjustment to social life is the condom for Corona virus.  ???? 

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7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Live your life the way you want, go ahead, run around not having anything but personal responsibility, and hopefully you will not find yourself on the wrong side, no one is stopping you are they?, Oh yes not much to go and do, but then maybe you should be in Government and make those decisions for us.  Do you believe for one second we are really happy with what has happened, no we are not, but you know what life goes on, things change and what we thought we knew gets changed when we find out there are others who are in charge, and not just ourselves and we adjust to the situation.  I would like to book plane flights that at this point may or may not get canceled.  However, since it seems that you know what's best for everyone, then go ahead and continue to air your public frustration over your personal liberties being violated.  If you feel like this then why not return to whence you came from, I am sure there that everything is the way you want it to be.  You and I unfortunately can not change what has happened or what will occur, so stop with the temper tantrums about Pattaya not being opened, bars being shut, and beaches closed.  It does absolutely no good.

Temper tantrum? This is a discussion forum, I'm discussing my side of the lockdown subject. Sorry if I scared anybody.

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On 4/24/2020 at 5:20 PM, newnative said:

My swimming pool has been closed for a month or more, even though there was hardly ever more than 2 or 3 people in it at one time and it's a huge pool.  It's used all the hours it's open but residents go at different times.

In my condo I am usually the only one in the pool yet it is still closed.   


Is it the Mayor of Pattaya or the Governor of Chonburi that has jurisdiction in this matter?   

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39 minutes ago, shortstop said:

In my condo I am usually the only one in the pool yet it is still closed.   


Is it the Mayor of Pattaya or the Governor of Chonburi that has jurisdiction in this matter?   

my condo pool is open in pattaya.  i was under the impression that it is up to the juristic person.  

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6 hours ago, shortstop said:

In my condo I am usually the only one in the pool yet it is still closed.   


Is it the Mayor of Pattaya or the Governor of Chonburi that has jurisdiction in this matter?   

My condo pool was originally open for awhile but then closed with the lockdown--I thought because it was ordered by the government but not sure on that.  The condo next door's pool has stayed open.  

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21 hours ago, tlock said:

i was under the impression that it is up to the juristic person.  

That is my impression too.  But my impression is also that juristic people are afraid of possible personal consequences due to the lack of clarity given by governmental authorities.   


Even allowing just one person at a time in the pool would be OK with me.


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On 4/26/2020 at 12:51 PM, ThailandRyan said:

And as many as you say may think like you, than there are no asymptomatic carriers of the virus now is there...Think again, and really try and get a grip on the me me me attitude.  Life is not about just you......

People I care about are those that will be ruined by lockdowns. Seems to me the me me me people are the ones so scared of getting it they are willing for millions to have ruined lives.

Life is not just about you............

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42 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

germany has just reinstated their lockdown as cases have risen again .sorry fritz you got it wrong

Also, for those applauding Sweden liberal approach to managing infection.  Take a look at the graph.  



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6 hours ago, Guderian said:

Just saw this on Pinoy Thai forum. Bangkok rather than Pattaya, but I guess it's a start. The bit about no alcohol being served in restaurants sounds more than a little bit ominous. 



It's looking like the alcohol ban in Pattaya\Chonburi will be extended, no window to buy alcohol. To be confirmed today

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10 hours ago, Leaver said:

Also, for those applauding Sweden liberal approach to managing infection.  Take a look at the graph.  



Compared very selectively to prove some point!

Compared to it's neighbours doing badly, compared to Belgium, Spain, Italy, UK, France doing much better (per capita Covid deaths).  Have to ask, why are those countries doing so badly despite serious lockdown. 




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I'm sitting at one right now on buahkow, not sure why or how they are open tbh. Just the relaxation of sitting down and eating was better than a happy ending. Food was expensive and blah and won't return but right now I don't want to leave. 

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8 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Compared very selectively to prove some point!

Compared to it's neighbours doing badly, compared to Belgium, Spain, Italy, UK, France doing much better (per capita Covid deaths).  Have to ask, why are those countries doing so badly despite serious lockdown. 




It was on the first page of Google.  I didn't "selectively" choose it.  The graph speaks for itself.  


Italy has the second oldest population in the world.  No doubt that played big part in their high death rates.

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The barricades will continue until 4 May and be taken down on the 5th.

"The Pattaya City Mayor, Mr. Sonthaya Khunpluem, spoke with local news media in Pattaya today and stated that the checkpoints which close Pattaya City to the general public will run through May 4. The city is planned to be returned to normal access on May 5."


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13 hours ago, Leaver said:

It was on the first page of Google.  I didn't "selectively" choose it.  The graph speaks for itself.  


Italy has the second oldest population in the world.  No doubt that played big part in their high death rates.

And the UK which has just slotted into 3rd place behind them?

I think Sweden in the longer run will look quite bad, but not worse than the USA, UK and Italy, as it doesn't seem to be tapering off like many places. 

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14 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

And the UK which has just slotted into 3rd place behind them?

I think Sweden in the longer run will look quite bad, but not worse than the USA, UK and Italy, as it doesn't seem to be tapering off like many places. 

Plus Sweden's economy aka loss of jobs and lives won't be as bad as other countries

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4 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Plus Sweden's economy aka loss of jobs and lives won't be as bad as other countries

The long term impact of the 100% shutdown of UK etc will result in a lot of misery. 

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5 minutes ago, gamesgplayemail said:


Will it really end ?

I think so. It was a sham to begin with ("Phase 2" and "Phase 3" at least).

The original intent was to keep droves of possibly infected people, mostly from Bangkok, from entering Pattaya - especially just before Songkran would have started. Even though Songkran was "cancelled" they no doubt expected hordes of people to come to Pattaya, get drunk and "play water" regardless if the occasion was officially cancelled or not.

First attempt didn't work. They underestimated the amount of traffic they'd be dealing with and were set up in locations that weren't ideal for handling that much traffic.

Phase 2 was the (laughable) attempt to lock down just the "core" of Pattaya by setting up checkpoints hundreds of meters down the main roads and trying to block off all the other ways in/out of the area. This time it was (supposedly) about keeping  all those "dirty foreigners" that were staying at hotels in the "core" from escaping and spreading the virus around the country.
"Laughable" because they weren't doing anything to prevent anyone from leaving that area, only from getting in to it !

Phase 3 was somewhat better in that they set up in better locations that allowed them to control access (more or less) without having to block as many roads. But from all the various reports, pretty much anyone could still get in, or out, with hardly any hassles at all (though a lot of TV members seemed quite reluctant to pass through any checkpoint that might require them to show their passport). 

Due to the lackadaisical effort that seemed to be going on at the checkpoints (i.e. letting delivery drivers pretty much come and go as they pleased), the whole exercise was moot. 
Fortunately for the authorities, no new cases of infection were reported for weeks. 

Now they can point to the numbers as justification for the checkpoints and take them down without losing "face". I think they would have liked to do it sooner but then it would have looked more like they had "screwed the pooch" and they would have lost "face".
I think they may have learned some valuable lessons though, least of which being where to set up any future checkpoints. For when the "2nd wave" of infections start rolling in. Which will probably be about 2 weeks after the first plane loads of tourists start arriving again.

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