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Thailand reports 53 new coronavirus cases, one new death


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28 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I think covid came, saw and conquered Thailand sometime between December and February and cared nought for heat or humidity. The strain got split into the EU/USA one and the one here sometime around christmas: https://nextstrain.org/ncov/global?s=Nonthaburi/61/2020 . Most here were likely completly asymptomatic. Antibody testing would be able to confirm that, but "not effective, too expensive, yadayada".


The danger now is getting the other strain here, the second wave. The borders must remain closed for a long time.

Could you please point out from the link you posted what it is in the myriad of charts, which seem to me to contain no direction or conclusion, that convinces you that Thailand got a weaker strain than Europe. I'm not saying that I disagree with that possibility but yer 'avin a laugh if you think you've posted evidential material.

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7 minutes ago, SantiSuk said:

Could you please point out from the link you posted what it is in the myriad of charts, which seem to me to contain no direction or conclusion, that convinces you that Thailand got a weaker strain than Europe. I'm not saying that I disagree with that possibility but yer 'avin a laugh if you think you've posted evidential material.

I posted that one to point out the timeline it split, around christmas. The evidence is emerging here:




They also confirmed for the first time with laboratory evidence that certain mutations could create strains deadlier than others.
“Sars-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity,” Li and her collaborators wrote in a non-peer reviewed paper released on preprint service medRxiv.org on Sunday.
Li’s study provided the first hard evidence that mutation could affect how severely the virus caused disease or damage in its host.


I've been trying to fit the pieces of puzzle together in my head for weeks and this is the best I've come up with. If I get better info, I'll revise.

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9 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Wel, it could. But needs to be verified. Large scale antibody testing. Then it becomes a really interesting test case for immunity, how long will it last, if any, against which strains, etc.

Have you not read that covid-19 is more contagious that a seasonal flue ?

- for a seasonal flue the pic of the epidemia is reached after only 4 weeks and heird immunity after 6 weeks = 3 weeks & 5 weeks for the covid-19 ?

- most countries did a lockdows only after 2-3 weeks of the pandemia (because our hospitals were full)


I really think that most countries in the west were really close to reach their pic / heird immunity just before their lockdown.


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1 minute ago, DrTuner said:

I posted that one to point out the timeline it split, around christmas. The evidence is emerging here:


OK - 'coulds' and 'mays' but I agree that different strains could be one explanation why Thailand was not hit by the Chinese New Year tourism factor, like everyone expected.

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Has Thailand ever been successful at anything scientific or technical besides Som Tum ? Any great feats of Engineering or Literary greats ? Pretty good at shooting rubber bullets and needless checkpoints .

Laying on the bottom in a submarine trying to descend to periscope depth...

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2 hours ago, jimn said:

Yes just to add before the usual people get on their soapbox.

53 new cases today. However, despite the apparent leap, 42 of the cases are foreigners at an Immigration Detention Center at the Sadao Malaysian/Thai border checkpoint which was previously closed several days ago after an Immigration officer tested positive. The entire center is being tested and quarantined, including staff.

It doesn't matter who they are or where they're from , the Singapore experience is migrant workers couped up in special accommodation ,  however they've got Covid 19 and as long as people are getting covid 19 Thailand isn't out of the woods by a long shot and neither is most other countries including China all except Nth Korea who is exempt from Covid 19 because their leader say's so.

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1 minute ago, chainarong said:

the Singapore experience is migrant workers couped up in special accommodation

Dont forget that all migrant workers coming back to Thailland are tested.

Untill end of february Thailand was still invaded by chinese tourists and few thai people have been tested.

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1 minute ago, zippysteve said:

Wow, I saw the title in the message and got nervous but only 53 new cases and only one new death, ok, we were expecting much worse. So let’s just be thankful other places are not doing as well as us. 

You have to read 11 new cases in Thailand and 42 imported new cases (from Malaysia).

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11 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

Dont forget that all migrant workers coming back to Thailland are tested.

Untill end of february Thailand was still invaded by chinese tourists and few thai people have been tested.

From my wife's translation, these 42 are not Thai migrants returning home, but illegal immigrants from 9 different countries, caught and sent to this detention center in the South. 


The total caught was 47.


It seems that one or a few of them were already infected, and that from there the virus spread in the detention center. 



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5 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

From my wife's translation, these 42 are not Thai migrants returning home, but illegal immigrants from 9 different countries, caught and sent to this detention center in the South.

That shows us clearly that when Thailand will reopen his borders to tourists, all will have to be tested.

Really good move for us living in Thailand and to show to the world that Thailand will be one of the 1st "free covid" country ????

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51 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Got a link? 

no data to support this. Some opinions from some doctors are actually suggesting 28% immunity, others are more optimistic. Sweden have practiced voluntary isolation from day 1. They only test when someone is very sick so no idea of anything really. But Sweden decided to let it run its course as they calculated the population death rate is low against the idea of trashing their entire economy... Sound familiar? 

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Just now, Spellforce said:

That shows us clearly that when Thailand will reopen his borders to tourists, all will have to be tested.

Really good move for us living in Thailand and to show to the world that Thailand will be one of the 1st "free covid" country ????

Now if that was true, it seems that will be a kick in the head for Thailand because all I can see is the virus being imported to the Country when they open up the borders. A virus doesn't understand borders and will just slip in like with these detainees easily.

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13 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

From my wife's translation, these 42 are not Thai migrants returning home, but illegal immigrants from 9 different countries, caught and sent to this detention center in the South. 


The total caught was 47.


It seems that one or a few of them were already infected, and that from there the virus spread in the detention center. 



I'm confused though. This seems like we're creating a new category. First we had two categories: those new infections connected to a known case and those not obviously connected. Now we have three categories which seems to just be: someone infected who is not a Thai citizen. Am I understanding this correctly? If so, what does it mean?

Edited by JCP108
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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

The models used I see as being flawed. Without true and accurate data it is a hypothesis.  Further information needs to be obtained.  It however is a good interview but stating that doctors are being forced to list it as a covid death has to be taken in context with other medical problems the patients had.  Without Covid-19 was there a chance they would have not died but because of Covid-19 it is what was the final straw and is what killed them.  

Agreed.Still a long way to go in this saga.I think it maybe more virulent but otherwise similar in many ways to the flu which may have caused similar outcomes as the Spanish flu did,which looks like leaving C19 for dead so to speak as that flu killed many healthy younger people without comorbidity issues so I can't really go with the idea that the flu isn't or can't be worse than C19 especially where numbers of deaths is concerned.I really don't get the argument that C19 is worse than the flu when there is empirical  evidence to the contrary.Sure C19 may be worse than some flues but not all of them.  

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3 hours ago, Ranshoko said:

This news is a kick in the ball!s to all here proclaiming Thailand is over reacting. There's a long way to go yet. If you don't like wearing masks in public then tough - take the consequences .......

But put this in perspective. Thailand got its first case in January, UK thought it got its first case in February. Both countries have approx same population and yet Thailand has only 53 new cases where UK as over 6,000 new cases. Overall, Thailand has only 2,900 cases and 51 deaths whereas UK has 138,000 cases and 19,000 deaths.


The fact that almost all cases in Thailand were from people who came from abroad tells you something. In the UK, the cases were community infections.

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It's common sense:

The more people are tested the more corona infected you'll find. 

Therefore Thailand got only a relatively low number of cases. 

Whereas the number of tests is up to 300.000 per week in some EU countries, in Thailand not more than 10.000.

If Thailand would speed up testing we would see a huge rise of cases. 

Unfortunately they got those tests from China which EU countries threw into the bin already because too many faulty results. 

Good Luck Thailand ????

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Nothing to panic or worry about. If it's happening at the IDC, then it will be contained only to that area. Can't imagine it will change anything. What they need to be doing is cleaning up these places and treating people like human beings.

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27 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

You have to read 11 new cases in Thailand and 42 imported new cases (from Malaysia).

Does it really matter where those infected came from?.  At the end of the day they are here on Thai soil, and at least one IO who dealt with someone who was infected also became infected.  This virus is still out there, more so probably with many more asymptomatic carriers than those with symptoms.  Until antibody testing can be done on a mass scale there is no way to accurately know who has been infected, maybe at a level that was no more than the common cold, with no symptoms at all, to hospitalization's.  Think about those people who share a residence, one of them has the virus, and shows symptoms, is hospitalized, but the others do not show any symptoms and after 14 days or so go on there merry way without being tested.  What you have is probably a few asymptomatic carriers, or they all have created antibodies, and have heard immunity, and will never get sick.  The end result is that we do not know how many are infected here or who have the antibodies, for all we know when the mass exodus from Bangkok occurred it may have been the start of heard immunity.  Unless they test we will never really know now will we.

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1 hour ago, Susco said:

Anyone with a single functioning braincell would be able to figure out that when locked in the chance of infection decreases .


Same as if you forbid people to use the roads, road fatalities will decrease

That maybe true but there are still ways to get infected whilst in lockdown such as the virus's ability to survive on plastic containers as from food deliveries or whilst on shopping trips or when you finish your lock down and reemerge into the virus filled world where you might come into contact with a flu virus similar to the one that caused the Spanish flu pandemic which killed and estimated 30-50 million and that was just a flu!

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1 hour ago, wensiensheng said:

Well, apparently asymptomatic people can pass the virus on to others, who might suffer a serious health reaction.


but I take your point, at the moment hospitals do not appear to be overloaded with critically sick people, and village crematoriums don’t seem to have long queues. The government restrictions might have something to do with that. Or, maybe the virus is indeed inhibited in Thailands heat and humidity, only showing its true face when present at a Thai boxing stadium packed with people.

Why would you need to queue at a temple crematorium when there are 20,000 plus in Thailand?If each had only one C19 cremation that would reach 20,000 without you queue requirement.

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


Thailand appears to have this thing well under control


Thankfully. Kudos to the ones responsible for that. 

Thailand has its very own way to deal with crisis, and somehow emerge on top of it.


Remember the children locked in the cave not so long ago.


For some time, it looked like a circus over there, and yet in the end they got the perfect score...and luck had nothing to do with it...they just made the right decisions when it mattered...

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What I don't understand in a lot of these arguments is a comparison to the 'normal' flu for which there is a vaccination. In such circumstances, in most developed countries a person can choose to be vaccinated or not. There are vaccinations for a host of other diseases that are usually given to infants after they are born.  Vaccinations not only protect the person who is vaccinated but society at large because it limits the spread.


I am also amazed and dismayed with the number of people who dismiss the experts in their field at respected organizations and prefer to promote 'minority' opinions of doctors with far less experience than those who know much more.

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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

It doesn't matter who they are or where they're from , the Singapore experience is migrant workers couped up in special accommodation ,  however they've got Covid 19 and as long as people are getting covid 19 Thailand isn't out of the woods by a long shot and neither is most other countries including China all except Nth Korea who is exempt from Covid 19 because their leader say's so.

I understand what you are saying however these are illegal migrants from Malaysia. Thailand on the face of it does not have a large Covid 19 problem, Malaysia does. Basically what I am saying is if they hadn't come here illegally then the numbers would be against Malaysia not Thailand. Yes I know the virus isn't going anywhere just yet.

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