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Thailand reports 53 new coronavirus cases, one new death


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3 minutes ago, Trip Hop said:

I'm sorry but as soon as I seen that you quoted David Icke, your credibility in my opinion went straight out of the window!

Yes, I know, but I found that it was an excellent interview.  Give people a chance because we can't all be perfect.  It was deleted minutes after it appeared on YouTube, so that might tell you something.

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51 minutes ago, dluek said:

Well 42 are migrants who were already in quarantine at the border. Not discounting them, but it sounds like the cluster they represent is being well contained. Apart from them, today's number is 11. Which is pretty darn good. 

I wonder if they had to go into quarantine to get infected?

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5 minutes ago, Brunolem said:



Many still don't get it.


Lockdowns are not supposed to protect you from the virus, just to avoid too many getting sick at the same time.


Flat curve or steep curve, the end result will be the same...probably 70% infected...

But with a lockdown, the hospitals and medical staff are not overwhelmed and can try and keep up instead of having that issue of being inundated with bodies that they have no way to treat.  So choosing how you want to attack the issue, is probably why governments have chosen what they are doing.  Not sure how Sweden's medical staff are handling the uptick, or for that matter Mexico, which chose to try and use the heard immunity angle.

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6 hours ago, Guderian said:

We were warned that numbers would become higher as Thais working abroad returned home, and the same evidently applies to migrant workers coming here. Since the 42 are imported cases, the bottom-line number is actually just 11 new local cases, so still on track.


Given the geography of the Kra Isthmus, it should be possible to contain local spread of the virus down in the Deep South. It does emphasise what myself and many others have been saying for days now, though, there are many migrant workers living in cramped conditions in the main part of the country, the government really does need to find out how many of them may be carrying the virus or risk becoming the next Singapore (and I don't mean that in a good way!).

Would be a lot higher if they were doing more testing in Thailand 

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Maybe the muppets making these decisions, should pay closer examination to their own shortcomings  before placing nations like Laos, with no new cases for weeks, on an at risk to Thailand list ..........

You couldnt make this nonsense up if you tried.   

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

One more thing I'd like to add, for a healthy lifestyle and it's benefits one should have been onboard for years before the pandemic. Nothing wrong with getting healthy now while waiting for the next one, it's a good idea anyway, but it's a bit too late to hit the gym now for this one - and in most places you can't.

Agree, but you are also right. Never to late to regulate your diet with fresh fruit, plenty of veggies and cut back on fat, carbs and sugar. My old Dad quite literally lives on carbs, fat, cakes and chocolate.. he won't listen, says he is too old to bother, but this us a good opportunity to start changing if you haven't already. stay safe,

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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

'Thailand has reported a total of 2,907 cases and 51 deaths'

Population of Thailand: 69,430,000

The consequences appear to be next to nothing.

FACT - the true numbers ARE NOT KNOWN. You can do what you want but rules are rules. If you don't abide by the current restrictions take the consequences. 

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6 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

The government won’t see it this way

I expect the lockdown and alcohol ban to be extended until June 1st now

Most of you are missing the point of the alcohol ban. In countries similar to Thailand the number of hospital A&E cases that are linked to alcohol are normally around 40%. In similar countries where alcohol has now been banned since COVID19 it has lowered to around 15%. Banning alcohol not only reduces the risk of transmission from socialization but primarily frees up key emergency medical staff to deal with Coronavirus cases. 


Expect to see the alcohol ban lasting well into July and even as long as October. Don't expect the government to lift it any time soon.


You should never believe the government figures no matter which country. Coronavirus is far more widespread than they state. In Thailand's case, no country in their right mind would enforce lockdowns and social distancing with only 3000 cases in total in their country. 


Thailand reported normal flu infections to WHO for March 2020 at between 11-20% (based on testing) you would tend to think that COVID 19 is close to this or even higher given the lack of immunity. 


Given the estimated actual total population COVID19 infection rate of other countries at around 15% (that is both those who have had it and those still infected) you should probably times the Thai government figures by 5000 to see a realistic picture.


If however you actually trust the government statistics then you should stick your head in a bucket and push to rename Thailand as 'Shangri La'.


As Mark Twain said, 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics'

Edited by Muzzique
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Indonesia extended Jakarta's lockdown to May 22nd, Singapore to June 1st.


Thailand is just making up some last minute numbers right now (i.e. they chose some group to finally test -migrants obviously, to be used in future rhetoric against them-). Mind you , limited testing, you don't want to test too much. 50 sounds just right per day for a couple of days. Perhaps 70 tomorrow. Fits into the previous story.


That way, they will have some sort of credibility to further extend the lockdown past April 30.

Edited by lkv
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20 minutes ago, pookiki said:

You have no idea of my ideas or philosophy. However, if you believe so deeply in your theories about a totalitarian conspiracy, isn't it a bit ironic that you choose to live in a country that is still subject to a very authoritarian government? Wouldn't you feel better in a place like Idaho or living close to shops selling guns? So, who is in charge of this conspiracy? To what end? Will you be able to make a difference living here?  Or will you follow the government's directives to keep from being deported? And your medical expert in France was a fellow pushing the malaria cure that has now been completely debunked.

This is not a conspiracy, but rather an opportunity offered to countries who were in serious social and economic trouble before the pandemic.


Just look at the global numbers...how can you explain the overwhelming differences in numbers between the US + Western Europe, and the rest of the world?


Granted, many countries are not able to provide reliable numbers, but just compare these six reliable countries:


Japan, South Korea and Taiwan




Italy, Spain and France


And remember that the lockdowns are far more enforced in these European countries than in their Asian counterparts.


The Thai government may appear to be totalitarian, but it is not the one that is asking its citizens "papieren bitte" everytime they put a foot outside their homes.


It is not the one that send SWAT teams in the middle of the night to terrorize average joes and kill their pets.


It is not the one that has its goons put their hands in granny's underwear at the airport.


It is not the one that has quietly implemented the bail in rule in case of a bank going under.


It is not the one practicing asset forfeiture.


And so on, and so on...the list is endless..


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4 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

The masks don't protect you, has nothing to do with the spread. The issue with Thailand (and many other countries) is the woeful number of tests being carried out. Thailand has no idea how many of it's 68 million people have the virus, the official number of tested is just 142k. Also I understand there was a mass migration of workers back to their villages not too long ago, well someone must have taken it with them and how would the government know? This virus is horrible and highly infectious. We are all going to be in some form of lockdown until an effective vaccine is found. Good news for Thailand because the government gave a blueprint to the local scientists to produce one in 3 months......... 

I wouldn't bet anything on Thailand developing any type of vaccine. There are some very good Doctors here and Thailand is one of the best places in Asia for cosmetic surgery. But vaccines!! I dont believe they have the skill set. I don't know of one decent world changing invention or idea that's emerged from Thailand? Let's be realistic, if a vaccine is found it will come from Oxford, London, USA, Canada, Oz or the EU

Edited by Ranshoko
miss spelling
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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

The models used I see as being flawed. Without true and accurate data it is a hypothesis.  Further information needs to be obtained.  It however is a good interview but stating that doctors are being forced to list it as a covid death has to be taken in context with other medical problems the patients had.  Without Covid-19 was there a chance they would have not died but because of Covid-19 it is what was the final straw and is what killed them.  

That would be true of everything everybody is saying. The video is just another hypothesis. The crazy thing is, most people are only believing the end of the world hypothesis's. The idea's presented in the video are as valid as anyone elses. If you watched the video you would know they don't advocate for everybody to go about their business. They concede that it can be deadly for old people and people with other health issues and those people should continue sheltering in place and wearing masks and such. They are only saying that the sheltering in place and other things are not necessary for healthy people because the fatality rate for healthy people is infinitesimal and that is a fact. 

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7 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Read the fine print!


It is 42 imported + 11 local

Of course I read the full article. When you TEST TEST TEST you get results either positive or negative. The "imported" cases were found due to TESTING.. The best way to reduce affected numbers is to reduce TESTING or by not increasing TESTING

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7 hours ago, Guderian said:

We were warned that numbers would become higher as Thais working abroad returned home, and the same evidently applies to migrant workers coming here. Since the 42 are imported cases, the bottom-line number is actually just 11 new local cases, so still on track.


Given the geography of the Kra Isthmus, it should be possible to contain local spread of the virus down in the Deep South. It does emphasise what myself and many others have been saying for days now, though, there are many migrant workers living in cramped conditions in the main part of the country, the government really does need to find out how many of them may be carrying the virus or risk becoming the next Singapore (and I don't mean that in a good way!).

Well if the powers say there's only 11new cases there you go.

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1 hour ago, Muzzique said:

Most of you are missing the point of the alcohol ban. In countries similar to Thailand the number of hospital A&E cases that are linked to alcohol are normally around 40%. In similar countries where alcohol has now been banned since COVID19 it has lowered to around 15%. Banning alcohol not only reduces the risk of transmission from socialization but primarily frees up key emergency medical staff to deal with Coronavirus cases. 


Expect to see the alcohol ban lasting well into July and even as long as October. Don't expect the government to lift it any time soon.


You should never believe the government figures no matter which country. Coronavirus is far more widespread than they state. In Thailand's case, no country in their right mind would enforce lockdowns and social distancing with only 3000 cases in total in their country. 


Thailand reported normal flu infections to WHO for March 2020 at between 11-20% (based on testing) you would tend to think that COVID 19 is close to this or even higher given the lack of immunity. 


Given the estimated actual total population COVID19 infection rate of other countries at around 15% (that is both those who have had it and those still infected) you should probably times the Thai government figures by 5000 to see a realistic picture.


If however you actually trust the government statistics then you should stick your head in a bucket and push to rename Thailand as 'Shangri La'.


As Mark Twain said, 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics'

You’re very dedicated 

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16 minutes ago, EricTh said:

If the numbers aren't dropping, does that mean Thailand is getting paranoid again and will extend the lockdown to 1st June instead?

As explained in another thread, it is up to the province governors to lift the restrictions or not.


The government in Bangkok only decides for the state of emergency and the curfew.


Both will probably be extended, but some provinces will reopen while others will decide to wait for conditions to improve.

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Where does it say the migrant workers arrived with Covid-19? More questions need to be asked: Why weren't they tested when they arrived? When did they arrive? Alternatively, how did migrant workers contract Covid-19 in a quarantined detention centre. 




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53 minutes ago, EricTh said:

If the numbers aren't dropping, does that mean Thailand is getting paranoid again and will extend the lockdown to 1st June instead?


Not necessarily since most cases were concentrate in a single known location (a detention center). Those aside, cases in the country remain few.

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1 hour ago, Muzzique said:

Thailand reported normal flu infections to WHO for March 2020 at between 11-20% (based on testing) you would tend to think that COVID 19 is close to this or even higher given the lack of immunity. 

I'd be interested in the link for the flu test figures. Never heard of anybody being tested for the influenza viruses, I'm sure that they do, but not in large scale?

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2 hours ago, CGW said:

Ah the cure all Vaccine, queue up for your shots of disinfectant people, funny how they can mandate vaccines and not mandate healthy food, life style?

The "worse outcomes" are here already, suicides, which the media don't cover are rising at a rapid rate, will only get worse!

The war on commerce is more important it seems!

Look on the positive side - zero people die of "natural causes" anymore ????

Not sure what's so amusing about this for you. Vaccines are one of the worlds leading preventives of many diseases that saves millions of lives. Hopefully one will be found for COVID, one has to have hope on this despite the naysayers who harp on about one never being developed before for a coronavirus. Oh and yea the governments and institutions do mandate healthy food. "Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant, child and maternal health, stronger immune systems" (WHO)


The war on commerce is more important? Really, South Korea is seeing investors flocking back after their successful mass test and trace policy (without the need for massive lockdowns) has curbed the spread. I'll ignore your last point, its really not worthy of a response.


My view is all nations will eventually manage the virus, but as in South Korea it will be a hammer and dance strategy until/if a vaccine is found, heard immunity helps but there is no evidence how long it lasts so even with a vaccine it may have to be taken yearly for vulnerable people much the same as the flu vaccine.


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2 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

An indefinite alcohol ban on the horizon?????

I hope not. Even with the ban people drink alcohol as they used to (please prove me wrong if you are drinking less now than before the ban).


Therefore it is worth noticing that alcohol ban didn't play a massive role in the decrease of the virus cases. Closing nightlife may be did!


As a result it proves that alcohol consumption has very little to do with the virus spread. But it burdens so many people in this industry losing their income. 


If they continue the ban, then I will be speechless. I will have nothing to say in my disbelief.

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9 hours ago, Guderian said:

We were warned that numbers would become higher as Thais working abroad returned home, and the same evidently applies to migrant workers coming here. Since the 42 are imported cases, the bottom-line number is actually just 11 new local cases, so still on track.


We don't know how many of the 42 cases were imported, if any, and how many were infected in the IDC.

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4 minutes ago, Arkady said:


We don't know how many of the 42 cases were imported, if any, and how many were infected in the IDC.

But, if we use the word "imported", we can magically and effectively drop the number of cases in a day from 53 to 11!

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9 hours ago, Yadon Toploy said:

It's very possible they contracted it in Thailand, then were locked up. Depends how long they were in country.


You can be rest assured the situation is far worse than anyone is letting on, especially among the migrant worker communities.

People have to remember that alot of workers were sent home when they started the clamp down, alot of the cases that might have been here were deported.

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