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bucket list..


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4 minutes ago, djayz said:

A really sweet, dark African one more time. 

Visit Portugal again. 

Learn to play both golf (when I'm older) and chess asap so that I can teach my boy how to play it.  

Finally finish reading Ulysses. 

Buy a yacht and learn how to sail her. 

Buy an old Landrover and do her up. 

Visit Mongolia, India, Nepal and Bhutan (not necessarily in that order). 

See Julian Assange being released without charge. 

See the look on Trump's face when he's not re-elected. 

See Ireland finally reunited. 

Watch my boy grow up happily and become a good man. 





Some nice ones,i like the Trump one and that will happen!!!

There is a nice chess app in windows 10.i play it often,must be some sites you can learn to play.

When ever i play a new game i never look at how to play,i just start and learn from there.

I think your last one is the most important one but the first one looks like fun.

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2 hours ago, faraday said:

Go skiing, just one more time...


Unfortunately, having had a hip replacement, & other stuff, I don't think it would be advisable....555

dreams can come true. 



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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

My interpretation of the Op was a list of things we are looking forwards to doing again or still plan to do.

Me: On the list of things I want to do: Motorcycle tour around Thailand and perhaps elsewhere in S.E. Asia.

OP ask what's your bucket list, I haven't got one, my wants are dreams of what I'd like to do and unless I have a big win on the lottery not possible. ???? 

I have managed one dream and that was to retired early and live in Thailand.

I'm of an age now where I've done the best I can in life with what fate has given me.

If something turns up that want to do, I'll do it but it's wise for a person to know your limitations. 

I wanted to be in MotoGP but I was never talented enough to be spotted. ????

Already done Thailand on motorcycle and truck/car but there are many more places to see on my motorbike which I shall continue to do along with my other two hobbies.

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8 hours ago, faraday said:

Go skiing, just one more time...


Unfortunately, having had a hip replacement, & other stuff, I don't think it would be advisable....555

Yes, I'm in the same boat. I'd love to go skiing again. 2 hip & i knee replacements told me to be save.  I suspect the next recovery will be a bitch.

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13 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

You're right. Only sad people think about a bucket list. 

Far from being sad person, there are numerous things that I would like to do in the future, which would be impossible to enact at this singular point in time. Hence a "bucket list", which also changes in content periodically from personal whim. Quite a number of my earlier listings in the "bucket" have been realised and replenishment's are added.

Unless you're the fat guy in Monty Python, you cannot really eat every dish on the menu in one sitting. 


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I understand your question and wish all well in fulfilling their dreams. I am older, yo! Go easy I thus am closer to the end. I am fortunate in having been able to experience much in my life and so there is not a “bucket list” that is extensive. Oh, if I hit the lottery or one of you wish to make me a millionaire, I certainly would be open to re-evaluation. Currently, my wishes would include being able to effect a change from an ”O-A” Visa to an “O” Visa so I can continue my retirement in Thailand. As to travel, a trip to Vietnam and in 2023 or 2024 a last return to the USA with my Thai family. Did I mention making me a millionaire? Ha! Wishing all well, may you realize your hopes and dreams.

Edited by wwest5829
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Already completed my bucket list. My much older brother had 30 years in the military, beginning in 1945, and would tell me of his travels. For a boy from small town Ohio, educated by nuns and then brothers in an all-boys high school, everything sounded exotic. I started my list of places to see before the interstate highway system was much more than some disjointed links. Ohio was easy. S. Carolina, various places in Texas, Oklahoma, old route 66 to California (got my B.A. there spending weekends in Haight-Ashbury), the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, France, and last on my list was Thailand where he did two tours during the Vietnam War. I arrived here in 1998. Living here now. 

  I've seen much more of the world than that list but it got me going and I've raised my 4 kids to do likewise. Three of them have visited Thailand (among other countries), the 4th I took to tour Edinburgh to London because she had just earned a master's in Shakespearean English and wanted to see a play at the Royal Globe. Thank heaven for frequent flyer miles! And thanks to my Thai friend who got us a 66% discount at a beautiful country lodge where she worked up north near Hadrian's Wall.

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