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Trump 'not interested' in reopening U.S.-China trade deal after report of Beijing discontent


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4 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

While it's unlikely that the “Spanish Fluoriginated in Spain, scientists are still unsure of its source. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918

There's a lot of new information and study. More to come, they recently located tissue specimen slides from the earliest severe British cases. China's a good guess at this point. People turning blue from pneumonia flu like symptoms in 2017,  itdentical to the second wave of severe H1N1. In all fairness, China didn't recognize it as an ordinary flu because of its severity so they recorded the cases a "winter death".


All the new info and studies.













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50 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

You also were not quite accurate in your rebuttal.

From your factchecker -

Pelosi urged people to shop and eat there at a time when tourism was suffering because of the novel coronavirus

from the factchecker:


But in response to a question, Pelosi rejected the notion that racism was the reason people were avoiding Asian businesses.

“I don’t know that,” she said. “But, I do think that because it started in China, there’s a concern that are the – is the Chinese government doing what it needed to do early enough, and now as we go forward. But that should not be carried over to Chinatown and San Francisco.”


being afraid of consorting with asians in general, or blaming chinese-americans for actions of the chinese government, would be unwarranted.  boycotting chinatowns when few cases had been reported, and there were no lockdowns in place, seems needless discrimination. 


i'm not sure how many communist sympathizers you'll find in chinatowns around the world, so holding that part of your citizenry responsible for other governments would be uncalled for.  i would expect quite the opposite, that many of them had escaped "chicom" repression, emigrating to democratic countries.

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2 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

So Wuhan virus has sickened millions and killed thousands, and brought America’s economy to a screeching halt—and it’s Trumps fault?

Let the CCP pay the world reparations. Of course CCP remains in denial of Wuhan virus origin.  Better to avoid “Made in China at every opportunity.

Clearly that answer is YES. His telling Americans the Democrats  were using COVID as a HOAX. Other successful countries reacted and were not denying the dangers. Months lost let this virus go wild in the two largest World travel centers in the US. The opportunity he had from the shared intelligence he could have SAVED America. He wanted the stock market to continue up at any cost. Don't you blame any one else but the GUILTY one. 

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

Nancy Pelosi did no such thing.




Trump ignored his own advisors, intelligence agencies and health experts back in January.

Blame cannot be shared equally by both sides. Only one side had the power to do anything.

I advise you to fact check anything that Trump says.

The playbook needs altering as Deny, Deflect and admit he did it BUT so what. Pelosi, right!

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9 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

Clearly that answer is YES. His telling Americans the Democrats  were using COVID as a HOAX. Other successful countries reacted and were not denying the dangers. Months lost let this virus go wild in the two largest World travel centers in the US. The opportunity he had from the shared intelligence he could have SAVED America. He wanted the stock market to continue up at any cost. Don't you blame any one else but the GUILTY one. 

Xi! Who lied.

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43 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

This begs the question: do the Trump-haters on this thread really favor China over America?

sailor, it is not at all that simple. Many of us hold anyone who is guilty to be at fault. trump is just an every moment disaster. He any only him is why the attacks are so constant. We all make our own beds and it is him that is who he has always been.

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3 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

The playbook needs altering as Deny, Deflect and admit he did it BUT so what. Pelosi, right!

Agree, playbook has changed. They're now indirectly admitting mistakes by pointing at others and their perceived mistakes.

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51 minutes ago, rabas said:

There's a lot of new information and study. More to come, they recently located tissue specimen slides from the earliest severe British cases. China's a good guess at this point. People turning blue from pneumonia flu like symptoms in 2017,  itdentical to the second wave of severe H1N1. In all fairness, China didn't recognize it as an ordinary flu because of its severity so they recorded the cases a "winter death".


All the new info and studies.













No, China's not a good guess. Some of those articles are two years old.


The theory that the flu originated with Chinese workers has been laid to rest:


"No evidence of 1918 influenza pandemic origin in Chinese laborers/soldiers in France"


"In conclusion, there is no evidence in the mortality records reviewed that supports the hypothesis that the 1918 influenza pandemic originated in China or Southeast Asia."




The orthodoxy and most commonly held view, proposed by several unrelated researchers, is that the Spanish flu originated in Kansas, USA.

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16 minutes ago, Logosone said:

No, China's not a good guess. Some of those articles are two years old.

Two years old? What on Earth does than mean?


Your one article that does not dispute my 5 references is 6 years old. LOL.


Really, are you OK?  I feel like I am talking to Vladimir Lenin who keeps telling me the same thing over and over again.


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59 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

sailor, it is not at all that simple. Many of us hold anyone who is guilty to be at fault. trump is just an every moment disaster. He any only him is why the attacks are so constant. We all make our own beds and it is him that is who he has always been.

Thanks, Earl.  I was beginning to question your overall allegiance.  It’s all just politics, and we love to banter.

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2 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Why can't you have "allegiance" to the truth?

Sometimes it comes from the GOP and sometimes from the Democrats. Would it not be better than being ideologically hide-bound whereby one party can do no wrong and the other do nothing right? This is the problem of modern US politics.


Generally, US citizens don't like having the House, Senate and the White house controlled by a single party because they want to see bi-partisanship and it used to work. Now, all it produces is pointless political posturing, inaction and log-jams.

I blame the slow take-over of US democracy by big-business, their lobbyists and all the politicians in their pocket.

Your last sentence is the dirty little secret. Some people think it's mostly one party that has sold out to corporations, it's only one party that ________________________. The fact is, we have two lousy major parties who have tacitly (at the very least) agreed to a very low standard for the American people. They're running a game on us. Oh and it is almost ALWAYS about accumulating power with these people, not the issues themselves these hacks say they are working on.

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5 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Trade is about reciprocity & not by intimidation.

Exactly, so the Chinese getting their panties in a bunch just because we had the audacity to call for an investigation (which is a matter of course when dealing with things like pandemics), breaking with diplomatic norms, threatening us with what boils down to economic sanctions, threatening to put 80% tarrifs on barley and the latest banning imports from 4 abattoirs that represent 35 per cent of beef exports to China is what exactly?

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3 minutes ago, Salerno said:

Exactly, so the Chinese getting their panties in a bunch just because we had the audacity to call for an investigation (which is a matter of course when dealing with things like pandemics), breaking with diplomatic norms, threatening us with what boils down to economic sanctions, threatening to put 80% tarrifs on barley and the latest banning imports from 4 abattoirs that represent 35 per cent of beef exports to China is what exactly?


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29 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


Just curious... is China ever at fault for anything? Your posts seem to always make excuses for them while blaming the US. Why are your beliefs so well-aligned with those of the CCP? Surely you can see how this is a legitimate question, yes?

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46 minutes ago, simple1 said:

They were experienced reporters. Quite the opposite conclusion to you, trump demonstrated he is incapable to handling the press in a professional manner, an attribute which as President one would have thought is a prerequisite. 

Very professional. One lady was from a CCP backed private news company in Hong Kong. When Trump became suspicious of her question and asked who she worked for she said The Arizona Times or some such nonsense.


This seems quite common, here is another example on April 10.


Careful what you believe these days.

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On 5/12/2020 at 7:47 AM, Thailand said:


Hours after the report was published, Chinese importers on Monday bought at least four cargoes, or about 240,000 tonnes, of U.S. soybeans on Monday for shipment beginning in July, and additional sales are possible, two traders familiar with the deals said on Monday.


The purchases were the latest in a recent string by China, which U.S. officials say has also begun implementing other parts of the trade deal regarding intellectual property protections."


Does not look like backing out to me.More to the point, is Trump upholding his part of the deal?

I believe China "pledged" upwards of 100 ship loads over a 2 year period from the US; so four loads just delivered is just 'lip service' while China monitors Trump's erratic behavior to reverse deals based on his immediate political needs.

China already imported under contract (ie., not a pledge) 10 loads from Brazil. 

President Xi is not compelled to tolerate Trump's political tirades against China.

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22 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

No, not his fault, but, the amount of US deaths would have been far less if he had taken it seriously back in February instead of playing golf.

 Set the record straight! Those ridiculous claims that lives would of been saved if he wasn't playing golf,  those feb weekend golf excursion were permissible by fauci ,as I source below. 

Nice try!




March  22,

Fauci: If you have an overwhelming pandemic, there’s almost no degree of preparedness that can prevent all the suffering and death. There are relative degrees of preparedness. And in that regard, [the U.S. leads] in the level of preparedness. But, obviously, as you can see [with] what is playing out right now, when you have something with the force of a pandemic, it appears that you are not well prepared.



Bottom line out of 180 countries in the world my country was # 1 in preparation according to the fauci.

When fauci mentions "playing out "it was during that day ,March 22



Fauci: Feb 29

No need to change our habits or anything were doing on a day by day basis,right  now! The risk is still low and it could change!



Does this sound like  at the time everybody in America needs to wear masks, quarantine and take tests if your not showing systems !


So when fauci says no need to change your habits  at the time, playing golf and many other activities were ok,despite the anti Trump critics, obsessive claims that he is ...

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