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8 policemen dismissed after allegedly demanding Bt40,000 from woman


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Seriously "Why is this news?" All in Thailand know that the Biggest thieves in Thailand

Are MPs State Officials, Police more police and more police. Did I forget to mention MPs and government officials?

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If they dismissed every police officer and government official that demanded and expected bribes there would be few left on the payroll. I personally had to pay a 20000 baht bribe at the land title office to get something approved in a reasonable time. When building, the boss of the workers had to pay 15000 baht to the police get a worker off trumped up charges. Previous to that the head of the truckers filling our land told me he pays the police monthly so all his trucks and drivers aren't harassed.  It's absolutely everywhere. 

Edited by ryane66
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5 hours ago, CharlieH said:

"a lieutenant-colonel, a captain, three lieutenants, a sub-lieutenant and two senior sergeants major – to be dismissed"


Shocking how far through the ranks this corruption has been allowed to spread.

The saddest part is it is probably not an isolated incident either and more should/could be done to root this out.

People should respect the Police and feel comfortable seeking help from them, not be in fear of extortion or worse from those that are supposed to help and "protect" us.

I am not surprised. At the police you don´t get a higher position because you are doing your job well, you have to pay up to 1 million Baht to come to a higher level. Well, and then you have to take bribes to get this money back. Also you get a part of the bribes the ranks under you take from the people and companies. 

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5 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

So they weren't dismissed then?

Dismissed as in 'don't care what they did' other than getting caught. 

Transferred to 'inactive posts' so that SOP's can continue for the remainder.

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Heavens above.... What ever next policemen demanding money.... Shocking absolutely shocking.:cheesy:

If they sacked every policeman here who demanded money, there would be nobody left to police the country.

Sounds like you are making a big assumption there ... Should it not be : There would not be any police left in the country ? ????

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

Heavens above.... What ever next policemen demanding money.... Shocking absolutely shocking.:cheesy:

If they sacked every policeman here who demanded money, there would be nobody left to police the country.

Sacked!! amazing, I thought that never happens in Thailand, I guess all the "inactive positions" must all be full!!!

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15 hours ago, colinneil said:

Heavens above.... What ever next policemen demanding money.... Shocking absolutely shocking.:cheesy:

If they sacked every policeman here who demanded money, there would be nobody left to police the country.

Over 30+ years heard the story several times of someone very proud of their son for becoming a policeman but after not too long he resigned.


Why? Because he was being forced into the seniors gang or chain of corruption. Refuse to join/become part of the chain and you get ostracized, ignored, accused of fake actions. Better to resign. 

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Wow. Is this the shape of things to come? Or is it just because they have been caught on camera (so undeniable) and the police are making an example of them just for show? Everyone is aware that the police are corrupt and extort money from people, you only have to see how they enforce the law on the roads. Set up a road block, collect as much as possible and lapse on any enforcement after the road block is over. its very obvious the collection of money is the prime objective. the money for fines should go nowhere near the police and simply go to the courts like most countries. Anyway this is a good show...



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15 hours ago, TooBigToFit said:

They all should be jailed and banned from any government employment forever. But this is Thailand. At least follow the lives of these corrupt police after they are retired as its almost certain many are likely to go on and continue acts of crime to get the lifestyle they want.

Correct Sir, and I will give you a one word hint.............politics...........

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