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UK COVID-19 death toll rises to nearly 50,000, Reuters tally shows

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UK COVID-19 death toll rises to nearly 50,000, Reuters tally shows

By Andy Bruce



FILE PHOTO: An ambulance crew member from the South Central Ambulance Service loads a patient into an ambulance, near Portsmouth, Britain May 5, 2020. Leon Neal/Pool via REUTERS


LONDON (Reuters) - The United Kingdom's COVID-19 death toll neared 50,000 on Tuesday, confirming its place as one of the worst hit countries in the world just as Prime Minister Boris Johnson tries to ease the stringent novel coronavirus outbreak.


The toll now stands at 49,646, including death certificate data for England and Wales released on Tuesday up to May 22, previously published figures for Scotland and Northern Ireland, and recent hospital deaths in England.


Such a large death toll has prompted criticism of Johnson, who opposition parties say was too slow to impose a lockdown, too slow to protect the elderly in nursing homes and too slow to build a test and trace system.


Johnson's government says that while it may have made some mistakes it is grappling with the biggest public health crisis since the 1918 influenza outbreak and that it has ensured the health service was not overwhelmed.


Still, the grim death toll surpasses even some projections by the government's own scientific advisers.


In March, Britain's chief scientific adviser said keeping deaths below 20,000 would be a "good outcome". In April, Reuters reported the government's worst-case scenario was 50,000 deaths.


Unlike the daily death toll published by the government, Tuesday's death certificate figures include suspected cases and confirmed cases of COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.


Epidemiologists say excess mortality - deaths from all causes that exceed the five-year average for the time of year - is the best way of gauging deaths from a disease outbreak because it is internationally comparable.


Some 62,000 more people than usual have died in the United Kingdom during this year's coronavirus pandemic, according to the latest available data, an expert from the Office for National Statistics said on Tuesday.



-- © Copyright Reuters 2020-06-02

What really needs to be shown is the TOTAL number of deaths through the last winter period compared to the last several years. I strongly suspect that there will be very little, if any, increase. In winter people die from many respiratory ailments, on top of cancer, diabetes, whatever ???? The media have wildly succeeded in blowing this event totally out of proportion through scare mongering and omission of other relevant data, and for what ???

  • Confused 2
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So where have they (Reuters) got that number from?

Because I can not find any numbers that match that.

Reuters have about as much credibility as WHO now absolute ZERO.

Is this still coming from Reuters based in China?

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7 minutes ago, Knocker33 said:

So where have they (Reuters) got that number from?

Because I can not find any numbers that match that.

Reuters have about as much credibility as WHO now absolute ZERO.

Is this still coming from Reuters based in China?

Yup, i am also wondering what the true number of uk deaths is .


Reuters has it at nearly 50,000 whilst other sources have it at nearly 40,000 ??

12 minutes ago, Traubert said:

 Dont blame China for the UK's shortcomings.


Those are the UK's alone.

 Your are joking. Don't blame China?  Don't forget who started all this s##t. 

Apart from that where are they getting that figure from? Just another scaremongering headline

  • Confused 2
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30 minutes ago, Knocker33 said:

So where have they (Reuters) got that number from?

Because I can not find any numbers that match that.

Reuters have about as much credibility as WHO now absolute ZERO.

Is this still coming from Reuters based in China?

UK ONS   Deaths England and Wales 43000  the rest from Scotland and NI

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:


Johnson's government has made a lot of mistakes , and still continues to do so ... with an enormous death toll still rising , it is definitely too early to open up again .

The death toll a county suffers reflects the capability and intelligence of it's government .


Add to that the expected 50000 additional deaths from cancer due to skipped checkups and treatments, caused by the covid panic (according to Professor Karol Sikora, the Founding Dean and Professor of Medicine at the University of Buckingham Medical School and an ex-director of the WHO Cancer Programme, see his interview by unherd.com on youtube).

So we have already 50000 Covid-19 deaths, plus 50000 lockdown cancer deaths = 100000! As you say, "The death toll a country suffers reflects the capability and intelligence of its government" ! (your typos corrected)

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17 minutes ago, yuyiinthesky said:

Add to that the expected 50000 additional deaths from cancer due to skipped checkups and treatments, caused by the covid panic (according to Professor Karol Sikora, the Founding Dean and Professor of Medicine at the University of Buckingham Medical School and an ex-director of the WHO Cancer Programme, see his interview by unherd.com on youtube).

So we have already 50000 Covid-19 deaths, plus 50000 lockdown cancer deaths = 100000! As you say, "The death toll a country suffers reflects the capability and intelligence of its government" ! (your typos corrected)

Is this the same Sikora who claimed at the Libyans request that  the Lockerbie bomber had only 3 months to live .

  • Sad 1
2 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

What really needs to be shown is the TOTAL number of deaths through the last winter period compared to the last several years. I strongly suspect that there will be very little, if any, increase. <snip>

Already in the last line of the op. If you think 60,000 is not many you're correct.


While it is possible less people could have succumbed to the virus, it is also possible that whatever measures were taken the virus will have been contracted by the susceptible and a similar amount would have eventually died.


In real terms how far does a country place the lives of 0.1% of the population above the 99.9%? Of course the reality is any 'let the virus take it's course' attitude cannot be fully admitted by any government, they must be seen to protect all. UK government has implemented actions 'controlled the spread' individuals must now decide if they personally 'close their borders' or get on with life


Currently being one of the 99.9% still here to make the call,  I say judging by those countries who are past their 'peak' now is exactly the time for the UK to relax controls, get the children back to school, people back to work, get the economy moving again.


  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

I never know what on earth is going on with these numbers. Johns Hopkins' numbers are supposed to be the offical tally, but apparently don't include Britain's nursing's home deaths. Why doesn't JH just add the nursing home deaths in manually?

Another example of Thailand totally outclassing the UK with consistent easy to understand tallies, despite the supposed "superiority" of UK medicine and data management.

if you want 'facts' without political interference I suggest Dr. John Campbell's daily updates, not always pleasant but refreshingly honest..


5 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

I never know what on earth is going on with these numbers. Johns Hopkins' numbers are supposed to be the offical tally, but apparently don't include Britain's nursing's home deaths. Why doesn't JH just add the nursing home deaths in manually?

Another example of Thailand totally outclassing the UK with consistent easy to understand tallies, despite the supposed "superiority" of UK medicine and data management.

Look to little Singapore, with 5,85 mln inhabitants and.. 24 deaths... https://www.bing.com/search?q=corona+deaths+Singapore&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=corona+deaths+sing&sc=0-18&sk=&cvid=76784853A266401B92FCA572C5E7D214

Not with happy-handshake- government leaders, who see the corona-virus as 'just a little flue", but. face masks on, temperature masurement at nearly every entrance. And most of all: NOT members of the White Supreme Race, with think, they know all better.

  • Like 1


5 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

What really needs to be shown is the TOTAL number of deaths through the last winter period compared to the last several years. I strongly suspect that there will be very little, if any, increase. In winter people die from many respiratory ailments, on top of cancer, diabetes, whatever ???? The media have wildly succeeded in blowing this event totally out of proportion through scare mongering and omission of other relevant data, and for what ???

In the Netherlands we can do, see https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/cijfers/detail/70895nedOut of the averages over 2017-2019 you can calculate an average, for instance 65-80 Y: =


44.425+45.975+45.916 = 136,316/3 = 45.439 or /52 = 874/week or 8 weeks: 6990

Take the deaths over week 12-19 = = 9694 in 8 weeks. So : more deaths: 9694-6990 = 2703 “over"deaths

Same for 80+ gives: 2017 -2018-2019 = 84.095 +85.820 +84.988 = 254.903/3 = 84.968 av, or over 8 weeks= 13.072

Reality wk 12-19: 19344 in 8 weeks, resulting in an over-death of 6272.

So a total 65+:  8975 "care-oldies passed away as average. A HUGE benefit for the Dutch care costs, the gov + private pensions, availability of care rooms again and heritage a lot closer bye.


The Belgians are a lot more honoust abiout the resl catastrophy as mention: for sure as testes passed away in the hospitals ( 4114) + close to sure died in the care homes (4450) + elsewhere ( 92). Data of at 12 May, as then my source stopped to mention the overall details.


For sure, with the correct data you can do this for every nation.  You could be shocked...... and happy to stay in Thailand




  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, tyga said:

this mind set, is pathetic "a similar amount would have eventually died"  I hate to break this to you but we will all eventually die. The nearer you get to that day, the more you will value the time remaining. I don't think your attitude is very comforting to the old or sick. If we take that attitude, why bother with hospitals at all, after all, it is a waste of effort and money prolonging the inevitable then isn't it?


I am not sure where your 99.9% comes from either. In terms of % of deaths compared to total tested, it was over 10% last time I checked. If you think a similar amount would have died without lockdowns, social distancing etc, look no further than Brazil to see what happens.


This 'past the peak' rubbish too.  I predicted this would be the mindset of let's say the less scientific members of society.  The virus doesn't give up like a defeated army because it is a bit less than before. It doesn't care. It will come back unless you wipe it out completely. The lowering the peak is about coping in the hospitals, so there are enough beds for you to die in... Let's try another analogy, say you are in a boat and it is sinking and you are bailing and pumping the water out and you get to the point where you managed to stop te level rising and just get the level down below the deepest point when the boat was just about to sink, what d you do, say, that's it we are below the peak now, no need to bail any more, turn of the pumps, this is costing to much in fuel for the pumps? Where is that logic? If yu d that,  the water will rise again the same as before. No, you carry on until there is no water in the boat and find the hole and fix it. Same with a virus, you continue to get the numbers down (not just below the peak) and track and trace to cut out all the remaining cases or find a vaccine, j

ust like NZ, Taiwan, China and even Thailand is doing. Until then you have to keep fighting it even if it is tiring...




Anybody who cannot work out the percentage of deaths versus total population really needs to drop any 'scientific' criticism


Where in the world are we seeing this imaginary '2nd wave' we are actually seeing a few sporadic outbreaks


Get a grip man!!!

  • Sad 1
16 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Anybody who cannot work out the percentage of deaths versus total population really needs to drop any 'scientific' criticism


Where in the world are we seeing this imaginary '2nd wave' we are actually seeing a few sporadic outbreaks


Get a grip man!!!

We are not seeing it yet because we are not back to normal yet.

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, Sujo said:

We are not seeing it yet because we are not back to normal yet.

Well it might just be an idea to get rolling rather than lock up for a lifetime for fear of the unknown, expecting the worst case scenario


There is nothing stopping those that feel they are still at risk from staying home, social distancing, self isolate, those likely to be impacted are mostly retirement age and above


Time to take into account the younger element of society, they have done their bit in slowing the spread, now let them get on with life. time for the oldies to take responsibility and co-ordinate their own actions as they feel necessary

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1 hour ago, 473geo said:

Well it might just be an idea to get rolling rather than lock up for a lifetime for fear of the unknown, expecting the worst case scenario


There is nothing stopping those that feel they are still at risk from staying home, social distancing, self isolate, those likely to be impacted are mostly retirement age and above


Time to take into account the younger element of society, they have done their bit in slowing the spread, now let them get on with life. time for the oldies to take responsibility and co-ordinate their own actions as they feel necessary

There’s a problem.


Few trust the government to tell the truth.


You can fool some of the people some of the time.....

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There’s a problem.


Few trust the government to tell the truth.


You can fool some of the people some of the time.....

OK we can't believe any government anywhere, so let's ignore all the 'second wave' doom mongering that carries no evidence whatsoever and go for it


Let the youth of today live again and the old fossils put a bit of thought into their actions and survival rather than moaning about what 'might' be!!

  • Confused 1
On 6/3/2020 at 10:57 AM, puipuitom said:

 And most of all: NOT members of the White Supreme Race, with think, they know all better.

So the virus is down to the kkk?

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