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Social Distancing- NON Existent

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14 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:

You unfortunately don't live with your 85 year old multi sick mother who wouldn't stand a chance if she got covid-19, I do.


Shall we switch. I don't care, I give covid-19 to you and you kill your own mother instead of vice versa. 


She wouldn't be missed anyway, she couldn't even teach you to respect others


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4 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

It’s only a matter of time before the 2m distance gets relaxed. Originally 1m was advised by the WHO then the whole world decided to make it doubly safe and it’s stuck.....for now. 

Totally Impractical and with infection rates so low, unnecessary. 

Unfortunately, you dont seem to have grasp on whats going to occur. Yes the recent lockdowns etc..have helped, but If we do not use safe guidelines going forward, like face masks and social distancing what do you thi k will occur once the airports open for international flight...or possibly your from the group that thinks it won't happen.

Well in my book you do the best you can to prote4ct yourself until there is a vacine, do less is just idiotic and irresponsible.

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The R0 reproductive rate is thought to be in the range of 2.5-4. That’s high enough to spread quickly if unchecked but it’s also low enough to make it very very unlikely (but not impossible) that you would pass it to strangers in a situation where both people were being cautious. 

It makes sense for there to be social distancing regulations because it makes people think about the risks but I think most people also understand that the risks currently in Thailand are very very low.

Edited by chessman
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17 minutes ago, chessman said:

The R0 reproductive rate is thought to be in the range of 2.5-4. That’s high enough to spread quickly if unchecked but it’s also low enough to make it very very unlikely (but not impossible) that you would pass it to strangers in a situation where both people were being cautious. 

It makes sense for there to be social distancing regulations because it makes people think about the risks but I think most people also understand that the risks currently in Thailand are very very low.

The R number in Thailand is 0.

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It seems from the majority of the responses to the initial statement, That not many people are concerned about taking precautions to prevent a second wave of the virus after the international flights return and the tourists slowly trickle back...seems to me thats when we will be at the greatest risk.


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5 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

According to the governments figures there is no covid-19 in Thailand

1. This is not true, there are still people in hospitals with Covid 19

2. The government reports new cases that have tested positive, but it is generally accepted that every country has more cases than the official figures.

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56 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

It’s only a matter of time before the Risk Assessments are carried out and the arbitrary number of 2m gets scrapped so people can go about their business without the fear of Jess and the like getting all hot under the collar. 

Sooner the better. 

No one is hot under the collar, if anything a bit surprised about the lack of concern regarding  the situation.

I walk 8 mies daily most of it out doors, and the original statement was an observation that was shared......

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20 hours ago, Olmate said:

Makes me wonder why you put yourself and all the other folk at such risk then! Is this your version of a survey?

you don't take the BTS, do you


you would realize all the rest is just bullc....


window dressing


none of this fake things is any use


stay at home if you are scared

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I went to Mega Bangna a couple of days ago. It was busy, I felt that rules were being followed pretty well. Whilst wandering around browsing its hard for people to keeping distancing in their minds the whole time. Checking in and out all the time is irritating but but not difficult. Queuing to pay is orderly and distanced (mostly). I literally only noticed one person not wearing a mask, it was in IKEA and it was a foreign woman.

 Compare this to the scenes we see of the UK with crowded parks and beaches, and it looks pathetic., and the US where if you wear a mask you’re seen as anti trump or weak. I’m glad I’m here.

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30 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

you don't take the BTS, do you


you would realize all the rest is just bullc....


window dressing


none of this fake things is any use


stay at home if you are scared

Not me pal,it was the OP that was acting scared or just stiring up a story,guess you missed his videos? You get that tho when you trawl thru yesterday’s news looking for rant options!

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What about the situation of social distancing in NY, probably the most affected city in the world? After the riots of these days we should see a huge number of covid deaths in NY. If this won't happen (and I'm sure it won't happen) then the whole Corona thing must be considered as the biggest scam ever seen on planet earth.

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12 hours ago, chessman said:

The R0 reproductive rate is thought to be in the range of 2.5-4. That’s high enough to spread quickly if unchecked but it’s also low enough to make it very very unlikely (but not impossible) that you would pass it to strangers in a situation where both people were being cautious. 

It makes sense for there to be social distancing regulations because it makes people think about the risks but I think most people also understand that the risks currently in Thailand are very very low.

The R0 rate varies by country and over time.  Any R0 greater than 1 means that we should be seeing an exponential growth in the number of infected people.  If it was 4 that means an infected person would be infecting 4 others. Then each of those 4 people would each infect 4 others which would mean 16 infected people.  These 16 would infect 4 each meaning there would be 64 infected people.  This would continue until something is done to stop infected people from infecting others.  If 1 or less we will see the very few infections. Which we are seeing now in Thailand.

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On 6/3/2020 at 11:57 AM, baansgr said:

So worried about social distancing yet make all these needless trips in every mall and supermarket on every floor, every aisle and every level.....maybe the other shoppers were doing the same as you.

I thought exactly the same. I haven't visited so many places the last year. 

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On 6/3/2020 at 5:42 AM, JESSVANPELT said:

Whilst in these establishments I have made sure to walk every aisle, every level and every floor.

Sounds like you are stalking the virus ! It may just turn and bite you . Looking for trouble is an understatement especially if if there is no social distancing. 

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9 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Speak for yourself. Anything which makes us question the "new normal" of totalitarian control being inflicted on us under the pretext of fighting a virus arguably little more deadly than flu is more than welcome.


What is truly "insulting" is the Establishment's assumption, clearly shared by some Forum posters, that we are all incapable of seeing through the carefully-orchestrate media fear-mongering campaign and where it is intended to lead us.



Cue up for the Bill Gates conspiracy theory. 

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4 hours ago, Sundown said:

What about the situation of social distancing in NY, probably the most affected city in the world? After the riots of these days we should see a huge number of covid deaths in NY. If this won't happen (and I'm sure it won't happen) then the whole Corona thing must be considered as the biggest scam ever seen on planet earth.

Not exactly dude. 

Most are wearing masks. 

The protests are outdoors which is much less risky than indoor gatherings. 


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On 6/3/2020 at 5:49 AM, Jingthing said:

You're right, unfortunately. 

My theory about why is twofold. 

Most people take the official case counts way too literally. 

They don't bother to consider that there is no doubt it is an undercount. 

Possibly massive. 

Also as people are compelled to wear masks in stores and that is good there is a lack of understanding that wearing masks needs to be combined with distancing. People obviously falsely believe that the masks alone are enough. 

I think that much better public education is needed ASAP. 



Mask wearing has gone the same way. Noticed many idiots who simply remove their masks once inside the supermarket. Then there are the ones who think covering their mouths and leaving their noses sticking out is perfectly acceptable, as if noting can fall out of their noses and on to the fish that they are perusing.

I despair for humanity. So many think that they are the exception to the rule...

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Yeah, when people first became aware of the right way to behave I thought they understood. We went to Makro, they were only letting so many people in, the locals were really respectful and I was really impressed - people would wait until you vacated a freezer or fresh veg “shelf” before moving in.


I went to Big C the other week, and people were leaning over me to get to produce with no respect. I notice the same on food stalls, when food is involved, everything goes out the window and the locals all jostle to get to the front to see what’s on offer and place their order. 

Funny thing, I saw people queuing at the ATM on the street, they observe the markers on the floor but when the markers run out, there is no social distancing needed and everyone is in each other’s pockets.


I think if we are that worried, we should create our own distancing. We go looking for an ATM without anyone there, go shopping as soon as the doors open, I try to encourage the wife to stand away from crushes at food stalls. 

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