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Felling of British slave trader statue heats up simmering debate


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20 hours ago, vogie said:

I lived in Otley near Leeds for some years, we had a statue of Thomas Chippendale mounted there, I often thought what a lousy furnature maker he was, but I was never tempted to topple the statue.

The sad part is that the police are as much use as a chocolate fireguard, they just stand and watch as people break the law. A Labour MP has already condoned the mobs actions, same old Labour.☹️

...the police are as much use as a chocolate fireguard


To change that, the Police should have the ability to use an iron fist! LOL LOL

That's what the George Floyd murderer did!



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40 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


So, they choose to commit criminal damage. For their own reasons. For which they should face the consequences. No one, absolutely no one, can be above the law in a democracy. And the law cannot be applied selectively.


So do you know all of those involved in pulling down the statue personally? Or just assuming you know the motivations?

We all make assumptions and I am standing by mine [based on my understanding the motivation behind removing the statue of a man who traded in human misery].


Who exactly has said anyone is above the law, and don't say it's implied in my posts because it's not.

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4 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

so what?

Exactly, what are statues all about anyway. Some shallow self aggrandising <deleted> gets one put up to glorify his pathetic memory after he is dead. I would remove them all, scrap brass is quite valuable these days. Also when it gets cold there are always brass monkeys looking for welders as we used to say on site. (Freeze the balls of a brass monkey - a nautical saying)

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4 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Exactly, what are statues all about anyway. Some shallow self aggrandising <deleted> gets one put up to glorify his pathetic memory after he is dead. I would remove them all, scrap brass is quite valuable these days. Also when it gets cold there are always brass monkeys looking for welders as we used to say on site. (Freeze the balls of a brass monkey - a nautical saying)

Does that include the one of Robert the Bruce too? BTW off a brass monkey.????

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8 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Millwall lads currently (as we speak) "guarding" Churchills statue in Westminister , being confronted by the Ant teethers shouting about both Winston and Boris being racists

So overweight bald men with tattoos. You got any links?

Edited by tribalfusion001
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14 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Khan is not an 'alien'. Born, raised and educated in London - he is a Londoner, as I am.

Thanks a trillion for educating me. Never even dreamt that Sadiq Khan was a British name. I am wiser, that much.

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21 hours ago, simon43 said:

Seems like mob rule has taken over in the UK..... police deciding not to intervene..... rule of law broken time and time again.  I'm glad to have left the UK 18 years ago - it's gone to the dogs!

You have a problem with ripping down a statue to a slave trader?

Spoken like true person of privilege. 

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31 minutes ago, ravip said:

I lived in Otley near Leeds for some years, we had a statue of Thomas Chippendale mounted there, I often thought what a lousy furnature maker he was, but I was never tempted to topple the statue.

He may have been a lousy furniture maker (in your opinion) but did he exploit people by enslaving them taking away their humanity,  and treating them as "less" ?



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Just now, RJRS1301 said:

He may have been a lousy furniture maker (in your opinion) but did he exploit people by enslaving them taking away their humanity,  and treating them as "less" ?



I was being sarcastic, for the record he made better cabinets than Mr Kipling made cakes. And next time you quote someone make sure you quote the right person.

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7 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

You have a problem with ripping down a statue to a slave trader?

Spoken like true person of privilege. 

It wasnt what they were doing that bothered him, it was the "mob rule" that concerned him .

The facts that gangs of people are running around causing destruction and theres no rule of law

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3 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Absolutely correct about Churchill being a racist, at least up to and including WW11. but won't help them at all in the PR fight putting graffiti on Churchill's statue. Met Police should be ashamed of themselves, they should move along the Millwall 'lads', totally wrong for them to be there 'guarding' Churchill's statue.

Social media is blame for football thugs guarding statues and Tommy Robinson inciting them. There is a protest in Leeds on Sunday and the focus will be the Sir Robert Peel statue, looks likely to be Leeds thugs guarding that.

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21 hours ago, vogie said:

I lived in Otley near Leeds for some years, we had a statue of Thomas Chippendale mounted there, I often thought what a lousy furnature maker he was, but I was never tempted to topple the statue.

The sad part is that the police are as much use as a chocolate fireguard, they just stand and watch as people break the law. A Labour MP has already condoned the mobs actions, same old Labour.☹️


15 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

He may have been a lousy furniture maker (in your opinion) but did he exploit people by enslaving them taking away their humanity,  and treating them as "less" ?



Sorry, what you have quoted was not posted by me.

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