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Felling of British slave trader statue heats up simmering debate


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17 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

That is just the vehicle they use for communication :Men standing there peacefully protecting public property from attack and vandalism......................are the thugs ????????????

  How do you work that out ?

Ant Theethers rioting and looting and attacking the police are the thugs , not the guys trying to stop them behaving like thugs .

   Reading social media , all the football lads seem to be putting their rivalries aside 

I've been on two of these Facebook groups Antifa Public Watch North and British Patriot News, both are right wing and the comments are quite colourful. The only reason these football fans/thugs are going is for a fight, nothing to do with protecting a piece of brass collecting dirt and pidgeon poo.


"Wish we had guns like America" "it’s Antifa who will be on their knees" "If you don't like it here why did you come? You can go back! He llooks like he just arrived on a dingy!" "Saturday football lads going down. Going to be trouble !!"


That's a few of the comments on those groups. Peaceful lot lol

Edited by tribalfusion001
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7 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

I've been on two of these Facebook groups Antifa Public Watch North and British Patriot News, both are right wing and the comments are quite colourful. The only reason these football fans/thugs are going is for a fight, nothing to do with protecting a piece of brass collecting dirt and pidgeon poo.

No, the sole reason for going to the war memorials is to protect them from thugs  .

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:

No, the sole reason for going to the war memorials is to protect them from thugs  .

Do these same protectors clean the statues every Sunday morning from poo and mold, probably not. Most of them probably don't even know who the statues are.

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4 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Do these same protectors clean the statues every Sunday morning from poo and mold, probably not. Most of them probably don't even know who the statues are.

LOL, they are not going to clean the memorials , they are going to the memorials to stop them getting smashed up and vandalised by antitheers


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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:

LOL, they are not going to clean the memorials , they are going to the memorials to stop them getting smashed up and vandalised by antitheers


If they cared that much, clean the sh*t from them with their horrible Millwall and Leeds shirts lol. I wonder if ethnic minorites are allowed to join them or it is just white boys protecting the memorials!

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12 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

If they cared that much, clean the sh*t from them with their horrible Millwall and Leeds shirts lol. I wonder if ethnic minorites are allowed to join them or it is just white boys protecting the memorials!

Football lads are not racist , there are many ethic/Black football lads .

Some of the top lads are Black 

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31 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Most of them probably don't even know who the statues are.

Many of them would have had Family members who died in the Wars and thus the memorial is dedicated to their deceased Family members, the ones that didnt come back .

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3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

It doesnt matter what ethnicity  they are  , what difference would it make what colour they are ?

White males guarding memorials from mainly black activists, doesn't look good and they shouldn't be doing it. It can be classed as vigilantes, same thing is happening in the USA but armed with assualt rifles.

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1 minute ago, tribalfusion001 said:

White males guarding memorials from mainly black activists, doesn't look good and they shouldn't be doing it. It can be classed as vigilantes, same thing is happening in the USA but armed with assualt rifles.

Stop obsessing over race , it doesnt matter what colour anyone is .

You seem desperately trying to turn this into a race war .

This is nothing to do with race , there are a racially mixed  group of protestors and a racially mixed group of defenders .

  You are probably trying to turn it into a race issue , so you can call the defenders *racist* if theres any disturbance

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23 hours ago, vogie said:

I lived in Otley near Leeds for some years, we had a statue of Thomas Chippendale mounted there, I often thought what a lousy furnature maker he was, but I was never tempted to topple the statue.

The sad part is that the police are as much use as a chocolate fireguard, they just stand and watch as people break the law. A Labour MP has already condoned the mobs actions, same old Labour.☹️

You are comparing furniture makers to slavery?

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2 minutes ago, johnray said:

You are comparing furniture makers to slavery?

I made a sarcastic comment to make a point about the unlawfullness of toppling statues by people intent on a public disorder act. The whole point is not about what I think about the statue but about people taking the law into their own hands, that is not democracy, if the yobs feel so strongly about the statue they should campaign and if there is enough people in agreement with them then by all means remove it, but lets not go down the route of facism and remove items or relics we personally don't like.

What next vegans removing statues of meat eaters because they don't agree with their dietary intake. Where will all this end, we all must stay within the law, surely you must agree with that?

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You cant 'fell' a statue. You fell a living thing, a tree or even a person.

Has anyone ever felled a building?

The statue was pulled down, rightly or wrongly.

And it's inspired a debate about the UK past.

History is not dead, it's alive and kicking!


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39 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Stop obsessing over race , it doesnt matter what colour anyone is .

You seem desperately trying to turn this into a race war .

This is nothing to do with race , there are a racially mixed  group of protestors and a racially mixed group of defenders .

  You are probably trying to turn it into a race issue , so you can call the defenders *racist* if theres any disturbance

The point is no one needs to guard memorials and statues apart from the police. If the police deem it not necessary to protect them, then they are not worth protecting if it incites violence.


It is a race issue. I see people have turned against Anthony Joshua now because of the remarks he made on Saturday, 6 months ago he was a true British patriot to the same people who will be guarding the memorials lol.


Edited by tribalfusion001
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11 minutes ago, kingdong said:

Think you,'ll find the British did a lot to stop slavery,a lot more than the USA and the myth of the civil war being fought to abolish slavery.

When did I say anything about the causes of the American Civil War?


The fact that there were people who despised the slave trade and worked to end its misery, does not excuse the trade in humans and certainly does not justify celebrating a man who made a fortune out of such an unforgivable business with a statue.



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2 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

He may have been a lousy furniture maker (in your opinion) but did he exploit people by enslaving them taking away their humanity,  and treating them as "less" ?



At the time chippendale was making his furniture his workers probably were being treated as badly if not worse than a slave.

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5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

When did I say anything about the causes of the American Civil War?


The fact that there were people who despised the slave trade and worked to end its misery, does not excuse the trade in humans and certainly does not justify celebrating a man who made a fortune out of such an unforgivable business with a statue.



On your first point you didn,t ,and I never said you did, I used the fact to prove a point,think you,'ll find at the time of slavery the workers of that era in the west weren't treated much better.

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