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Thai media 'exaggerating' Covid-19 situation in Beijing


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Chinese health authorities suspect salmon imported from Norway or workers carrying the virus who were not detected to be the source of the new outbreak.


It is essential to arrest and imprison all incoming salmon. They are demons. And they may be responsible for some of the nations other problems too. Those dumb fish are real trouble makers. 


Nobody has proven that Covid can be transmit through food, so this claim seems a bit inane. And the hysteria surrounding the 57 new cases is a bit much. Concern yes. Hysteria no. Let's see how it is handled, and if it is contained. Sanity is required at this time. 

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Coronavirus: Beijing spike continues with 36 new cases


Beijing has recorded 36 new locally-transmitted coronavirus cases, amid fears of a second wave in the Chinese capital.

Another 36 cases were also recorded on Saturday. The city had previously seen no new cases in more than 50 days.


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The headline does say a lot about the media & some Government responses

Went to Chatuchak Saturday & used Skytrain for some of the journey.

Believe me, if the virus was still active, I would now have it, albiet, being careful.

And yet I cannot have a quiet beer in my local where any customer has been here for 3 months anyway.

Extrordinary that they cannot open up completely to all local businesses & see what happens for 6 weeks (in the real bubble) before even  considering 

bringing tourists in from China or anywhere else 


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9 hours ago, CanuckThai said:

"Chinese health authorities suspect salmon imported from Norway or workers carrying the virus who were not detected to be the source of the new outbreak".


That's rich....


Seeing that the out break occurred near a market place, one can only imagine. Beijing has locked down several area's in Beijing. 


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9 hours ago, CanuckThai said:

"Chinese health authorities suspect salmon imported from Norway or workers carrying the virus who were not detected to be the source of the new outbreak".


That's rich....


And here was me thinking it was that unwashed farang Batman (and his sidekick, Robin)

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We've been hearing a lot about Thailand's plans to create a travel bubble. What I'd be interested in is China's take on this - would they let Chinese travelers who return from Thailand enter without quarantining them? Otherwise whatever Thailand does is as good as irrelevant. China seems to be very cautious at this point, and rightly so.

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Salmon that is cut on a chopping block where on they first cut there infected meat , word is it came from a meat market but hey let's blame it on the imported norwegian salmon . I wonder how big this woman's brown envelope was . I geuss fuji restaurants here in thailand are not happy with this news at all and all the other sushi restaurants ofcourse . 

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6 minutes ago, Grge Soul said:

The gal has Stockholm Syndrome - bootlicking and parroting the party line.


Nothing worse than a CCP shill. NOTHING.

Wumaos are CCP paid Trolls 300,000 China just hired many Sell out Euros in their ranks 

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10 hours ago, ukrules said:

1 - Where is it going to come from in September if it's gone? They have quarantines on all international flights, nobody gets in without passing through the quarantine. This is admitting failure before even attempting to win.




Many people are never symptomatic, and it only requires 1 person to transfer it to another person. In The later months of the year, people will be huddled together indoors with less ventilation, which will be more prime for spreading the virus. 
Also a mutation has recently been discovered that has made COVID-19 up to 10 times more infectious. People, for whatever reason, have stated that the mutations are a myth, when in fact many mutations have been discovered over the last few months. 

Scientists have been freely sharing the sequences of the virus which, like all viruses, mutates constantly. "Sometime in the middle of January, there was a change that allowed the virus to become more infectious. It doesn't mean it's more lethal," Haseltine said. "It makes it about 10 times more infectious."


This virus isn't going away from the global population until a vaccine is introduced 

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11 minutes ago, Mung said:

Many people are never symptomatic, and it only requires 1 person to transfer it to another person. In The later months of the year, people will be huddled together indoors with less ventilation, which will be more prime for spreading the virus. 
Also a mutation has recently been discovered that has made COVID-19 up to 10 times more infectious. People, for whatever reason, have stated that the mutations are a myth, when in fact many mutations have been discovered over the last few months. 

Scientists have been freely sharing the sequences of the virus which, like all viruses, mutates constantly. "Sometime in the middle of January, there was a change that allowed the virus to become more infectious. It doesn't mean it's more lethal," Haseltine said. "It makes it about 10 times more infectious."


This virus isn't going away from the global population until a vaccine is introduced 

That's the D614G again.



Edited by DrTuner
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4 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

Spread there by a locally infected person or object. The virus would not have continued to live on dead tissue during the shipping process (IMHO)

Freezing a virus is the perfect way to preserve it, that's how they store samples at places like the CDC.


However the source of the COVID on this cutting board is going to have been the person cutting up the fish


They're blaming it on salmon from Norway - it's how the Chinese work.

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11 hours ago, ukrules said:

I won't be surprised if there are ow restrictions on salmon imports from Norway in various countries which kiss the ass of China on a daily basis.


I don't know if it's linked but i have noticed a massive increase on

the salmon price in Big C extra in Pattaya since few days 

Also a general increase of 5 to 10% on the price of most of the others procucts.

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2 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

I don't know if it's linked but i have noticed a massive increase on

the salmon price in Big C extra in Pattaya since few days 

Also a general increase of 5 to 10% on the price of most of the others procucts.

Air freight costs more due to the lack of flights.

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1 minute ago, ukrules said:

Air freight costs more due to the lack of flights.

Yes you are right it makes sense for the imported products

but for example the price of the yogouhrts, made in Thailand

has been increased from 48 bahts to 54 bahts last week for a pack of 4

They were already, but now they are definitively far more expensive than

they are in my country of origin (France). Ununderstandable.

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