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Three year old shoots himself with his father's gun


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I've been a gun owner my whole life I learn early it was up to me to provide the safety around me and others especially around my family even here in Thailand.

Sad really sad R.I.P. for the little guy even here in Thailand the father should be charged even if it adds to his pain if he can't secure it just in a bag hanging on the window being so irresponsible one wonders if he is mature enough to own one it wouldn't take much I'm thinking to cause him to use it?  Children shouldn't own guns especially this grown one!

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

unbelievable  !   absolutely insane idiotic people.  Dumb as they come. That's all i can say. 

RIP little man.

Having such a moron as a PaPa, you are probably being better cared for and protected.

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5 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

low IQ (-10 points) is proven by serious lack of iodine in the thai population


and for the admins, here the reference, just in case... 


WHO research suggests iodine deficiency accounts for losses of between 10 and 15 IQ points. However, according to Thailand's 2012 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, only 71% of Thai households consume enough iodised salt, falling to 54% in the poorest households


still don't need a alternative health expert for the forum here ???? lol


It's mostly genetic, but a bad diet for the pregnant mothers and preemies can affect IQ also, especially as far as iodine, zinc, iron,  folate, and protein. Salt itself isn't necessary but dairy products and fish are.

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2 hours ago, Mung said:

In the West he'd be seeing prison time 

doesnt make any sense to jail a grieving father because of a horrible accident. yes he is careles with tragic result but that doesnt mean to throw him in jail is justice or right, it is just to satisfy the bloodthirst of an angry mob who by tomorow already forgotten about the incident.

its shortsighted. not only the father but the whole family including the little brother will be deeply hurt, emotionally and financially, if his father would go to jail for a long time. 

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8 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

doesnt make any sense to jail a grieving father because of a horrible accident. yes he is careles with tragic result but that doesnt mean to throw him in jail is justice or right, it is just to satisfy the bloodthirst of an angry mob who by tomorow already forgotten about the incident.

its shortsighted. not only the father but the whole family including the little brother will be deeply hurt, emotionally and financially, if his father would go to jail for a long time. 

He still needs to go to jail for recklessness. Maybe not for too long, but for a short time at least. So he learns his lesson.

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1 minute ago, drbeach said:

He still needs to go to jail for recklessness. Maybe not for too long, but for a short time at least. So he learns his lesson.

He's learnt his lesson but should be jailed long time so others can learn too. 

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

In this country you can buy a gun no problems, try to buy a brain that is needed to use and safe guard this gun, and that's is impossible...

Well, they do have a brain. Just about only 10 points IQ lower than most farang countries. Enough to understand what a gun can do...

So strange in this country, the culture allows irresponsible behaviour. Quite strange actually. when one thinks that normal upbringing, yes normal upbringing, is successful when a child becomes a responsible adult...


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3 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

Guess the 5 year old shot his brother by accident.

As i see size of .357 guns, cartridge on floor, so not a revolver.

He should have pointed it to himself and then squeeze the trigger, backwards?!

With those tiny little fingers and power you need then to squeeze? As he had a wound going in chest and going out back. 

Well you never know how a cow fetches a hare, but its sad it happend with the kids.

But however its the same as putting kids on motorbikes and let them ride in traffic.

Exactly what i thought first- More likely his brother.

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8 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

More irresponsible gun owners here, and more dead children.  It is something that needs to be addressed, but alas it never will.  In the west the father would be held responsible for the death and charged.

Kinda happens in 'other' countries more often, I've heard - of course I might be wrong, maybe happens only in TH

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The father kept the gun in a bag hanging from a window. Sanook reported that the three year old had played with the gun many times before but it had never gone off. 

People who don't understand gun safety often discover the dangers in the most tragic of ways.  Sad for the kid.  Keeping an unlocked, loaded gun in a home where there are kids?  Insanity. 

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......... the three year old had played with the gun many times before but it had never gone off. 

I rest my case; having kids and grandchildren of my own I wonder what I did wrong in educating them. Never had a gun at home, not even hanging from a window and if so, it would have been safely locked away. But giving my kid a gun to play "many times" ....... 

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55 minutes ago, Keesters said:

He's learnt his lesson but should be jailed long time so others can learn too. 

Well if it was his little brother that shot him - Throwing his father in jail may / will cause more trauma for the brother who has to live with knowing that  he shot his brother - and causing his father to be locked up ...


The damage has been done ... Who will benefit from locking up the father ?


What 'other people' will learn from this ?


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9 hours ago, steven100 said:

unbelievable  !   absolutely insane idiotic people.  Dumb as they come. That's all i can say. 

Anyone is allowed to be a parent, no qualifications of any kind required. That might change in a hundred years or so, if the human race survives that long. Which is highly debateable.

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4 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

Guess the 5 year old shot his brother by accident.

As i see size of .357 guns, cartridge on floor, so not a revolver.

He should have pointed it to himself and then squeeze the trigger, backwards?!

With those tiny little fingers and power you need then to squeeze? As he had a wound going in chest and going out back. 

Well you never know how a cow fetches a hare, but its sad it happend with the kids.

But however its the same as putting kids on motorbikes and let them ride in traffic.

It could only have been a revolver, unless as you say big brother shot him by accident,  A three year old couldn't turn a long rifle onto himself and pull the trigger, his arms simply wouldn't be long enough. They do make .357 Magnum semi auto hand guns and  that would explain the cartridge on the floor, . Regardless of which one pulled the pulled its hard to believe the older brother would have deliberately taken the cartridge from the weapon if it was manually loaded, it must have been a semi auto weapon and most probably a hand gun if the police did in fact do gun powder residue tests on the young fella RIP. The father will never forgive himself. 

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4 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Anyone is allowed to be a parent, no qualifications of any kind required. That might change in a hundred years or so, if the human race survives that long. Which is highly debateable.

right  !  ....  Barry,  i mean you've got a 3 year old toddler playing with a loaded gun ......  !!!!!!!!!!!

geeeeze ......   what was he even thinking to leave it loaded and in a bag .... !!

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

In this country you can buy a gun no problems, try to buy a brain that is needed to use and safe guard this gun, and that's is impossible...

Definitely not for breeding purposes some of these people...

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1 hour ago, rvaviator said:

Well if it was his little brother that shot him - Throwing his father in jail may / will cause more trauma for the brother who has to live with knowing that  he shot his brother - and causing his father to be locked up ...


The damage has been done ... Who will benefit from locking up the father ?


What 'other people' will learn from this ?


Gun culture seems to be the "in" thing today.

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The kid had played with the gun many times before and it had not gone off...who knew this and why was something not done to make the gun safe and locked away? The mind boggles, I can't think of many more stupid things that a parent could do. RIP little Brother!!

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