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SURVEY: Do you agree with the gov’t plan for the return of expats?


SURVEY: Do you agree with the gov’t plan for the return of expats?  

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51 minutes ago, NightSky said:

The hotel isolation and associated mandatory costs have 'SCAM' written all over it..


If the wife and I were outside Thailand and we returned now, we have our own home to go to self isolate if required. Why would we want to pay 100k for the privilege.

And how will you get to your home...certainly at some point you will have contact with people getting there...isolating incoming travellers is the only way to avoid spreading the disease. That's worldwide not just Thailand...I know someone that is returning to the UK, will take a bus from the airport to the train station, then spend 5 hours on the train mingling with people...probably having immediate contact with hundreds of people. Self isolation just dosn't work, not to even mention trusting people

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4 hours ago, TrevorC said:

There should be an option to self isolate for those who have accommodation.

Fully agree, although personally I would not stay at home for two weeks to be honest, which might be the reason why they have those strict rules.

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Focusing only on me, because I am all that matters to me - I am currently in Thailand. I will need to leave around the beginning of the year. I will go to the USA for routine medical check up to include colonoscopy and any associated follow-up. I am concerned about being able to smoothly return, and I am concerned about this added insurance policy of $ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS <deleted>! - So as I currently Do have insurance , but not that amount I am concerned about having to take on additional ?Travellers insurance? I assume?


In the States I am concerned that the backlog at the VA hospital due covid-19 may also be an issue (Any US VETS out there may have comment on this), but anyhow the world kind of sucks right now don't it!


So yeah I am watching things. Still a few months off but time flies when you are getting old.

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1 hour ago, Don Mega said:

care to elaborate on why you think Iam full of <deleted> ?

Or are you just a snidey <deleted> that needs a forum holiday.

When I read what you write.


It's just the logic result. Like 2 + 2 = 4. No other outcome possible.

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3 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

Spain has dropped the 14 day quarantine period and France, Germany, Greece and Italy are in talks with U.K. Officials, Thailand can’t keep the 14 Day Quarantine forever or the $100k insurance, conduct a poll where Tourist go where people are living on the streets and depending on food handouts, I think you will find that the answer is yes allow the Tourist back. The government don’t care about these workers and are only thinking of their health not the well beings of the people employed in the Tourist Industry.



I don't understand why Thailand isn't really touching on the subject of those outside of Thailand trying to get back into Thailand to be with their Thai spouses. How can Thailand be so cold. Going to start calling us embassy bangkok,  and Thai Immigrantion on a daily basis so they know my name and what the issue is. Does anybody think China is influencing Thailand on any decisions inside of Thailand?  I do because China is financing many projects in the country 

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5 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

58 people died, is there a site with statistics about their age, gender, chronic diseases they had before entering the hospital ?

You want statistics about 58 people??

Impossible if you want to value it.

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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

The issue for me is Thailand has failed to value peoples rights to return to their home. Some will argue that we are only guests, fair enough, we are, but we are guests who own cars, condo’s, have Wives and Children.

I get so sick of this rubbish. You have temporary permission of stay. What the F does cars and condos have to do with it. What is you're current permission of stay and re-entry permit state.

I live in bkk 7+ year with same partner. Defacto. 

I would have zip chance to bring her to AU right now even if married. That's why I have  extension based on retirement.

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6 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Current news today. Big sport in AU is aussie rules football. An Irish player for one of the team's recently returned from o/s.

Required set rules to follow. Did not conform. Went visiting friends etc. Now has tested positive. That was from transmission in AU. Continued training with team mates. 

Self isolation is a joke. 

I wouldn't have a problem self isolating at home.


Edited by NightSky
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7 minutes ago, NightSky said:
6 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Current news today. Big sport in AU is aussie rules football. An Irish player for one of the team's recently returned from o/s.

Required set rules to follow. Did not conform. Went visiting friends etc. Now has tested positive. That was from transmission in AU. Continued training with team mates. 

Self isolation is a joke. 

I wouldn't have a problem self isolating at home.

Upon my return to the UK (in April) I rented a small property and did self isolate for two weeks, this was before it was a requirement, it seemed the right thing to do. Thus, I have absolutely no issues self isolating at home. 


Self Isolation is not a joke. Failure to enforce the rules is a joke. If people break self isolation regulations there should be harsh and firm penalties.


Some will break the regulations, there will be anecdotes and stories of people who are careless. However, we have to remember that people are travelling (to Thailand) after taking a Covid-19 test, thus, while there is risk of asymptomatic Covid-19 carriers entering Thailand, the risk is very slim - thus, 14 days self isolation at home is sufficient IMO. 


14 days self isolation at home will allow Thai’s to be repatriated more quickly and foreigners to get back to their homes. 








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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

14 days self isolation at home will allow Thai’s to be repatriated more quickly and foreigners to get back to their homes. 

Do you dream this stuff up by yourself or get help. I recall a post (true) a chap asking if he can have Thai wife meet him swampy and drive to their home in Udon and stay in isolation for 14 days.

I guess 7/11 were going to deliver their food. Self isolation does not work.

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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Yet, Thailand must have still locked down early enough - a key factor in the fight against Covid-19, keeping the numbers below a critical mass.

Rubbish. Countries such as Vietnam, NZ, AU stopped foreign nationals 18, 19 and 20 march. Many other countries similar.

Thailand March 26. 

In fact China banned group flights from China to Thailand earlier than 26.

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1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:
5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

14 days self isolation at home will allow Thai’s to be repatriated more quickly and foreigners to get back to their homes. 

Do you dream this stuff up by yourself or get help. I recall a post (true) a chap asking if he can have Thai wife meet him swampy and drive to their home in Udon and stay in isolation for 14 days.

I guess 7/11 were going to deliver their food. Self isolation does not work.

Whats wrong with that? - If my Wife and Son were to come to the UK, I would meet them at the airport and we’d all isolate together - a perfectly reasonable solution. 


In Thailand, there are plenty of food delivery services, even at the peak when they were busy it was possible to order online and set a collection time - there was no need to exit your car, the shopping would be placed directly into your boot (trunk).


My In Laws have been receiving food deliveries at home in Bangkok for the past 2 months (since lock down), now things opened up a little, they either visit my Wife and eat at our house or my Wife visits them with food. 


There are workable solutions, and yes, every 7-11 is delivering, so is pretty much every other food outlet. 


The bread a butter of many (if not all) the restaurants has been food delivery. 



Self Isolation does work. It requires ‘most’ to adhere to the regulations and thus requires stiff penalties for breaking the regulations. Track and Trace, Geofencing etc all possibilities and far better possibilities than the costly quarantine.


Some will break the regulations and provide your anecdotes, most however, will follow the rules, especially if there are severe penalties.





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8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


I have permanent permission of stay (life long Thai Elite Visa), but thats beside the point which was Thailand has prevented entry to people who call Thailand home.


People who own cars, condos, have families in Thailand, Children at School in Thailand can show that Thailand is their home - There is no reason to prevent these people entry. This is the whole point. 


My Wife has a 10 year visa to the UK, she can come to the UK at any time. But, the 2 week quarantine upon return to Bangkok (before schools re-start) is no place for a 6 year old to be, so my Wife and Son will not be travelling to the UK. 


I think the continued ban on flights is unnecessary, the quarantine is unnecessary - there are other perfectly workable solutions such as testing on arrival and ’track and trace’.



If your Wife (Thai I assume) were living with you, she would have a Visa (either residency or Partner / Partner and Child Visa) - you have presented a false argument, if outside of Aus at lockdown she would be permitted entry into Australia on an available flight. The Australian government is not keeping families separated and not enforcing a state lockdown upon returnees, instead going for the ’self isolation’ option which people can do in their own homes. 
















Screenshot 2020-06-21 at 17.47.03.png

Q1. Who are exempt from the overseas arrival ban and can still enter Australia?

All overseas arrivals will be placed in hotel isolation for 14 days at the place of their arrival. For example, a Queensland resident arriving in Australia at the Melbourne Airport will be placed in isolation in a hotel in Melbourne upon their arrival.



Self Isolation in Australia is not an option according to this web site

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8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


I have permanent permission of stay (life long Thai Elite Visa), but thats beside the point which was Thailand has prevented entry to people who call Thailand home.


I thought that long term tourist visa had 5 yearly renewals ?

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18 hours ago, Surasak said:

I can't believe this is the government looking for approval. Or is it?

No, it's a survey posed by a member of the Thai Visa moderator team, no connection to the Thai government. Nothing more nothing less.

Edited by scorecard
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15 hours ago, pineapple01 said:

Good 4idea.save em using agents and whingin about Nong Nooch.

And what about the Expats who dont use Agents,and use the 800k in the bank as required,and their primary residence is in Thailand in foreign ownership properties,that have lived in Thailand for years,but stranded in other countries like Australia,when they went on holiday,even with insurance that covers Covid-19,and are not allowed back in.

Absolute BS. TIT..

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16 hours ago, possum1931 said:

When I wanted to come and stay in Thailand about 14 years ago and was told I would need 400.000 or 800,000 Bt in my bank account, although I could easily afford it, I would not have stayed, and just went somewhere else.

And you would have been cutting off your nose to spite your face, especially in light of the fact that you say you 'could easily afford it'. Small price to pay to live here, assuming affordability. ????

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Why required to stay in quarantine? Once you've received a negative result for covid19 whilst in quaratine and then again with another test whats the reason for continuing with the quarantine?Surely after these tests if negative you should be allowed to get out

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Wifes Friend went to Switzerland where her Daughters at School. Had a Holiday about 5 weeks ago with her . Depends the persons nature i suppose. Asked her about it. "isolation in BKK was tedious" was all she found to say.Not one to play Drama Queen. 

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14 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

And you would have been cutting off your nose to spite your face, especially in light of the fact that you say you 'could easily afford it'. Small price to pay to live here, assuming affordability. ????

Wrong, no Thai or any other foreigner has to have any money in a bank account in my home country. Any foreigner living in Thailand is contributing to the countrys economy, in many cases taking families out of poverty, there is need to hammer them with draconian rules.

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