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I'm starting to find the world a very ugly place to live.


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55 minutes ago, Logosone said:

No it's not.


It's very easy.


Some people just look at only the bad sides. Plenty of positive things about the world.



How about naming some of these positive things.

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I agree. I have not seen much positive since i was young which is one of the reasons i never married and no kids.


Everytime something good happens some idiots come along and spoil it with self obsession and the almighty dollar.


Im currently sitting in a beach bar in langkawi hoping no one comes up to chat. Just leave me alone. Im happy to observe it all from a distance


Unfortunately my line of work requires me to interact with lots of people. That drains my soul.


On a positive note, it could be worse. Good with the bad and all that.

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14 minutes ago, giddyup said:

How about naming some of these positive things.

Cheap tasty food

cheap rent

cheap access to pretty girls

cheap motorcycle mechanics

UFC 251 this weekend.

papa happy

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4 minutes ago, giddyup said:

How about naming some of these positive things.

Massage with happy ending comes to mind........................that's it--that's my full quota of Ideas about whats positive




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3 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

Small pox, polio and other nasty diseases have been virtually eliminated. Far fewer people are starving in the moderen world than in previous generations. Most of us can expect to live longer than our grandparents did - and not have to work so hard or for so long.

Eradicating a lot of diseases has been part of the overpopulation problem. Unemployment is a huge problem in many countries now so you can live longer on the dole. There are just far too many people in the world and i can't see that problem being fixed anytime soon.

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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

I can remember back in the early 70ś many felt the same.

Hippies and the war people thought we were all doomed.

All one can do is try to stay positive.

This Covid BS however, certainly has put most of the world in a bad mood. 

Maybe, maybe not...

There was the time of sex freedom (for real and both ways), explosion of music, movies, travels, science... At least in the West.

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9 minutes ago, thequietman said:

The 'your generation' point still stands however. ????

There been another two generations since I was born, or is that three.

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There is less hunger, deaths etc in reality but it depends which narritive you believe. Only real thing is trash in oceans and similar stuff that is a real issue.

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"It may well be my age (nearly 78), but I'm finding that indeed the world is an ugly place to live. Besides the environmental destruction that's increasingly visible in Thailand every day, it's also the abuse of human beings of each other as well as animals, the worsening selfishness, the war and destruction that never seems to end. It's pretty hard to find anything positive to say about the world we live in.

I won't be around to see it, but does anyone have a positive outlook about the human race and the planet's future."


Mankind, not the world i would say, is... disappointing. To say the least.

Not sure it's worse or better actually. But the EFFECTS are way worse. Pollutions, manipulations, medias, gouvernements... The top is to distroy the planet, that's something really, really crazy.


For me the positive exist though, otherwise i would not be here ????

Music is very powerfull, direct, easy nowaday. I use it almost all the time. Changes your mood.

Littérature is the beauty of mankind. Like another dimension. Dumas, Hugo, Sartre, Louïss, Rosny, Kundera, Orwell, Tolstoï, Dick, Herbert, Simmons... and soooooo many many great Authors.

Any chef d'oeuvre will change your mind, open your conscience.

So Arts i would say. The part of the iceberg upon the (mental) misery of societies.


Sciences can be interesting too. But serious science brings more questions than answers. Still, it blow your mind.


Sport ? Better be young ????

Travels ? There was a time... ????


And... Women ???? But that could be the tricky part ????

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2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I see plenty of good and plenty of bad. 


What I don’t see is enough of the good doing something about the bad... (if that makes any sense). People are too busy doing their own thing. 


What I do see is an overwhelming amount of scammer and scam attempts... It astonishes me how so many scammers (world wide) are operating with seeming impunity. 


I’m in the UK at the moment: Scam calls are coming in on the landline quite regularly, scam attempts on the mobile at least once per week. It become so much the norm that people just accept it. 


Are the police so powerless, over worked etc?.... the world seems to be turning into a criminals safe haven while those ‘abiding by the law’ have ever more hoops to jump though. 

My daughter plays a game called "Roblok". Not a day goes by when she does not tell of scamming attempts. She is 10 years old and so are many of her would-be scammers. They scam each other out of digital pet animals.


Dishonesty is definitely on the increase. And it starts early.


But as Nietzsche said, honesty is overrated. Our eyes lie to us every day. We just have to be smart and not be taken for a ride.



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“A moment of clarity”

These last few weeks, months, years I seem to have been drifting into a situation where I thought that I could have some kind of little “effect” on the world around me!


My world and culture, as I understood or knew it was changing daily and not in a good or positive manner, to me it seemed as though it was being destroyed irreplaceably to be replaced with a “tribal or demonic one.

My very “being” was being eroded to a point that I felt that I had no place in the new world order that was so intent on destroying my own “idea” of what was right, good and proper!

I started to look elsewhere for some reason to have faith in “mankind, but alas being “natured” by my own life experiences I soon got fed up and lapsed back into a negative almost nasty frame of mind, looking for proof of my suspicions and paranoia!

An overwhelming number of “Conspiracy theories videos” had their wicked effect on my gullible mindset and “brainwashed me into believing their very credible and plausible stories about the world being taken over by “Evil sects, organizations and even the devil himself”


I now realize that I was so wrong and admit to have been “easily led” by the amount of disinformation coming my way from spending too much time on the Internet and especially Face book!


Being a “searcher of the truth” most of my life has led me into “looking” at most of the established religions, cults, sects for some place I could rest my philosophical head and be in a place that was as natural as my sense of expectation demanded!

I may have found some temporary little relief in these places but eventually fell away from them as they rarely gave the knowledge or deep understanding and satisfaction that my innermost spirit demanded.


I am now looking once again at Buddhism as a means of giving my “Spiritual” life some meaning and have been watching an English Monk called Ajarn Brahm on YouTube videos.


“Collectives” of any kind of group or organization are not my bag, I am a “loner by nature” and so could not see myself getting along with any Monks in a Buddhists monastery or temple.

The idea of being a “forest Monk” however does seem to have its attractions but once again there are my paranoia’s and doubts that in my mid 70s I am now too old for the kind of mental and physical change that could possibly t give me in the words of the “Buddhist” “enlightenment” or a deeper understanding of myself and more peace of mind !


In view of what I have had to say it will come as no surprise that once again I will not be allowing myself to get involved with Face book videos whether true and correct or more probably “Fake news” where the tendency is to be negative almost malicious.


The world can do without my opinions or my passing on hatred, especially when I “Know not” who is telling me the truth in the first place!


It occurs to me that my “ability ” in changing even my own world is impossible and so I have decided that if I cannot change anything in my own little world then I am certainly not going to worry or “stress about it anymore!

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23 minutes ago, Logosone said:

An Arabian stallion running free.



A 20 year old girl laughing.

(usually when i undress)



(at funerals)


Thai massages.



The Samsung Tab S4 tablet.



The golden age of film, TV and book and magazine entertainment we live in.



Knowing income has been rising for everyone for a long time, income inequality is decreasing

(noooo the way way pensioners have to survive on their pension is disgraceful).


The illuminating brilliance of OLED TVs that have never been sharper.


My amazing children.


Less murder and serious violent crime. Less wars.



Younger people becoming smarter.

(only those that are rich enough)


My saltwater pool.



The incredible rate of knowledge increase thanks to Youtube and Wikipedia.

(can be wrong knowledge)


23 minutes ago, Logosone said:


I could go on writing forever.


Yes, of course there's Rose McGowan, Greta Thunberg, Me Too, Feminism and a never ending array of annoyances, but of course there are many, many good things in the world.

(which negates your comment on young people being smarter)


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2 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

I see the opposite. Literally millions of people work very hard on environmental science, and put in the work to heal the planet, plant millions of trees etc. 

An increasing number of humans are very nice and helpful to each other and become more and more selfless. 

More people realize that war is just a pathetic game played by certain wannabe powerful people. The list is endless

The garbage is piling up a lot faster than they can get rid of it. Selfless? They don't call it the Me generation for nothing. War is NOT a game, unless you see killing people as fun.

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