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Dr. Thanarak Plipat says Thai people are inviting the return of COVID-19


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7 minutes ago, Christie Paul said:

There is not a scintilla of scientific evidence that masks (which freely allow particles less than 10 microns to not only pass through, but get propelled by the increase of partial air pressure of masks) have any effect on the spread of a virus of around 1 micron. Generally for health reasons, masks are not advised, for health reasons.


Now the CDC has just announced that you may well test positive for COVID, if you've sustained a cold! That's because the tests, don't test for a virus, but either common genetic material or antibodies associated with the Corona family, the common cold being one of them. And as the testing spectrum strength is variable, you can more or less dial the results you want. How convenient.


Sweden with its massive elderly population has sustained high deaths per million, but the average age of those who have died of respratory complications attributed to COVID 19 are elderly. The rest of the population has fared better than most countries and they've had no lockdown and their economy has remained intact. And unlike the social distancing, locked down mask wearing zombies, who are waiting for a vaccine, they now have heard immunity.


As for vaccines, there is no effective vaccine for RNA virus's because they constantly mutate. So when we start down the vaccine route it will never end. You will need to be constantly vaccinated, just like a Windows computer needs to be constantly updated and patched for virus vulnerabilities. I think we've seen this business model before. Hello there Bill. 

















If masks shouldn't be worn for health reasons, why do doctors, nurses and people in clinical settings wear masks? Is it to give them a better chance of being infected?

What a load of dribble.

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42 minutes ago, Christie Paul said:

There is not a scintilla of scientific evidence that masks (which freely allow particles less than 10 microns to not only pass through, but get propelled by the increase of partial air pressure of masks) have any effect on the spread of a virus of around 1 micron. Generally for health reasons, masks are not advised, for health reasons.


Now the CDC has just announced that you may well test positive for COVID, if you've sustained a cold! That's because the tests, don't test for a virus, but either common genetic material or antibodies associated with the Corona family, the common cold being one of them. And as the testing spectrum strength is variable, you can more or less dial the results you want. How convenient.


Sweden with its massive elderly population has sustained high deaths per million, but the average age of those who have died of respratory complications attributed to COVID 19 are elderly. The rest of the population has fared better than most countries and they've had no lockdown and their economy has remained intact. And unlike the social distancing, locked down mask wearing zombies, who are waiting for a vaccine, they now have heard immunity.


As for vaccines, there is no effective vaccine for RNA virus's because they constantly mutate. So when we start down the vaccine route it will never end. You will need to be constantly vaccinated, just like a Windows computer needs to be constantly updated and patched for virus vulnerabilities. I think we've seen this business model before. Hello there Bill. 

















Number ONE nonsense of today. You should go to become Bojo's or Donald's adviser or take your medicine regularly ????

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47 minutes ago, Christie Paul said:

There is not a scintilla of scientific evidence that masks (which freely allow particles less than 10 microns to not only pass through, but get propelled by the increase of partial air pressure of masks) have any effect on the spread of a virus of around 1 micron. Generally for health reasons, masks are not advised, for health reasons.


Now the CDC has just announced that you may well test positive for COVID, if you've sustained a cold! That's because the tests, don't test for a virus, but either common genetic material or antibodies associated with the Corona family, the common cold being one of them. And as the testing spectrum strength is variable, you can more or less dial the results you want. How convenient.


Sweden with its massive elderly population has sustained high deaths per million, but the average age of those who have died of respratory complications attributed to COVID 19 are elderly. The rest of the population has fared better than most countries and they've had no lockdown and their economy has remained intact. And unlike the social distancing, locked down mask wearing zombies, who are waiting for a vaccine, they now have heard immunity.


As for vaccines, there is no effective vaccine for RNA virus's because they constantly mutate. So when we start down the vaccine route it will never end. You will need to be constantly vaccinated, just like a Windows computer needs to be constantly updated and patched for virus vulnerabilities. I think we've seen this business model before. Hello there Bill. 


















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What people do want is a return to normality and not the NWO's New Normal. It has become obvious to most of the world (except those who are pusing the narrative like this Doctor) that COVID 19 was an exaggeration of something that was certainly not a Pandemic. Yhe numbers of deaths related to COVID 19 Worldwide have been admitted to have been exaggerated. Even though the figures were revised downward substantially in Italy and Spain. They were still way exaggerated still. Some people on here have said that the Thai government lied about the numbers and the death toll was way more. I put it to you that that would be much harder to hide. All you have to ask is, does anyone know someone personally that had COVID 19? Not heard or been told but knew someone who was in hospital with it and died of it, and not an underlying cause and then recorded as having died of COVID 19 on the death certificate. I guarantee that if it were recorded properly and there was a proper test for COVID 19 then there would have been 0 cases of deaths anywhere from COVID 19. As in Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. There is no COVID in Thailand according to the authorities and it can only be contracted if they leave people in to the country without testing, like the US General and his entourage who recently came here and were not subjected to the 14 days quarentine as we all would be in the same circumstances. They are the dogs and the gatekeepers and we are the sheeple. The rules set by them don't apply to them. Only us. Do not live in fear. Do not live like sheep or they will treat you as such.

Edited by Sumarianson
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They say no have any case of corvid 19 last 43 days so what is he afraid of? I look a list WHO of the safe country for the corvid 19 and thailand was on 47th spot so there is something they cover up nr 1 was the safest. In Thailand there was not mutch testing and bad reporting acording to WHO so i think thats why England want thais in quarentine.

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22 minutes ago, Christie Paul said:

For short periods of time, clinicians use masks so that vulnerable patients are protected from bacteria.


If surgical masks had any effect on the spread of virus's, it would be in the literature. No such claim has ever been published. 



Plenty of research has been done and published. Here is a systematic review of 19 of such studies. It concludes that wearing even a simple mask reduces a virus spreading in the community. 


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20 hours ago, steven100 said:

oh dear   !   Khun Prayut please crack that whip of yours and gets these thai's in line.

The worse thing that could have devastating effects on Thailand is a second wave of COVID19 with high infection rates.  Please Khun Prayut Chan O Cha , fix this like you fix everything else in Thailand. :wai:



"Please Khun Prayut Chan O Cha , fix this like you fix everything else in Thailand".

Does that apply to the disgraceful road fatalities? He has had six years now to do something about it, and there has been no improvement.

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31 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

What people do want is a return to normality and not the NWO's New Normal. It has become obvious to most of the world (except those who are pusing the narrative like this Doctor) that COVID 19 was an exaggeration of something that was certainly not a Pandemic. Yhe numbers of deaths related to COVID 19 Worldwide have been admitted to have been exaggerated. Even though the figures were revised downward substantially in Italy and Spain. They were still way exaggerated still. Some people on here have said that the Thai government lied about the numbers and the death toll was way more. I put it to you that that would be much harder to hide. All you have to ask is, does anyone know someone personally that had COVID 19? Not heard or been told but knew someone who was in hospital with it and died of it, and not an underlying cause and then recorded as having died of COVID 19 on the death certificate. I guarantee that if it were recorded properly and there was a proper test for COVID 19 then there would have been 0 cases of deaths anywhere from COVID 19. As in Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. There is no COVID in Thailand according to the authorities and it can only be contracted if they leave people in to the country without testing, like the US General and his entourage who recently came here and were not subjected to the 14 days quarentine as we all would be in the same circumstances. They are the dogs and the gatekeepers and we are the sheeple. The rules set by them don't apply to them. Only us. Do not live in fear. Do not live like sheep or they will treat you as such.

Better a live sheeple than a dead jackass. 

Your post is riddled with blatant misinformation. 

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17 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Your daughter deserves all the praise there is, and I hope she keeps well. But IMO, America has so many obese people, and people with questionable lifestyles that has caused so many of them to be in bad health.

What would be the death statistics and infections in America be if there weren't so many obese people with questionable lifestyles.

Death statistics from this would basically be nil if it wasn't for the allowance of covid into nursing homes, and the obese and unhealthy people getting it.


In fact, ifr is .04% for those under 70 years old, including the unhealthy and obese.    


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4 hours ago, steelepulse said:

New cases don't mean a thing if the virulence is now way down and only the weakest of the weak will have issues with covid as it is.  Keep the weak locked away.  Let the rest of the healthy people get on with their lives.

The information that I have is that the virus has mutated but the mutation hasn't changed the virulence up or down. However the ease of infection has greatly increased. This is the strain now dominant in the Americas. Hopefully that strain isn't in Thailand and won't come here but it probably will. 

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6 minutes ago, lostmebike said:

Kind of contradicts "Limited testing equals undercounts everywhere" 

No it doesn't unless you see the world in purist terms. I didn't say perfect. There are undercounts almost everywhere except perhaps New Zealand. 

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1 minute ago, Henryford said:

The "return" of Covid, it was never really here. One death per province. They should be more afraid of the 60 a day killed on the roads or years of unemployment.

It's still here. Thailand was in fact the site of the first cases outside of China. 

Road safety is a worthy goal but not the topic here. 

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6 hours ago, rtco said:

What has this guy fixed apart from the cash-cow flowing into him and his other Government cronies. I'm not sure if you missed it but Thailand is heading to be the worst country in terms of GDP, job losses, economic stability etc than any of it's SE Asia neighbours. This is not because of Covid but because of the mismanagement of the economy before the pandemic hit. It has been a downward slide since they grabbed power.


They have a military mind and not an economic one. They only see black and white (not a racist comment btw) and are unable to think of ways that they can turn the economy around. They couldn't care less about the suffering of the poor of this country and those that have lost their jobs so long as they can line their pockets.


The pandemic has merely shown them up for what they are ... a bunch of ex-Generals without a functioning brain cell between them.


Suggestion ... take of those rose-tinted glasses and see through all of the smoke and mirrors

Brilliant, post of the month. :clap2:

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Not withstanding that Thailand likely got the D614 variant in 2019, it looks like "herd immunity" is basically unachievable according to serological studies from Spain: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31483-5/fulltext


Gives a bit more credibility to his comments. If there was an immunity from 2019, it's likely faded by now. Reintroducing the G614 here would likely result in the same as it has in the western hemisphere. The complacency introduced by the daily "zero" news is real.

Edited by DrTuner
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25 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There are undercounts almost everywhere except perhaps New Zealand. 

BBC's article about excess deaths exposes the countries with unexplained deaths quite well:



F.ex. Denmark has no unexplained excess.


Yes, Thailand has more excess deaths than reported died from COVID.

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5 hours ago, steven100 said:

disagree .... Thailand has performed quite well economically prior to the COVID19 pandemic. Since coming to power as PM Khun Prayut Chan O Cha has implemented hundreds of projects that have benefited the middle class and lower class income earners including farmers. GDP has increased year on year as shown.


Also, since 2014 Government spending has increased substantially as shown year on year with infrastructure projects such as SRT expansion and upgrade, Sea port redevelopment, MRT expansion, BTS extension, North Eastern Highway upgrade, Various rail links in progress, hundreds of smaller projects ongoing. 

Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been created due to these and many more projects, both directly and indirectly through suppliers and contractors. 

Also, The implementation of the EEC infrastructure projects, high-speed railway project that will connect the country’s three main airports – Don Mueang, Suvarnabhumi and U-tapao.

The third phase of the Map Ta Phut Port project is with select private sectors for maintenance, repair and overhaul centre project and U-tapao airport project.

Other infrastructure projects outside the EEC extend from four routes of heavy rail projects, six more routes of double-track railway projects, to light rail projects in Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen, Nakhon Ratchasima and Phuket provinces.

This government has fast tracked more development projects in the past 5 years than the previous governments tried to do over 10 yrs. 

Thailand's exports have increased year on year as shown below. This government is committed to ensure Thailand moves forward with GPD, exports both domestically and internationally, Job creation, infrustructure development, agricultural projects to assist rural farmers, new schools, bridges, road, rail and BTS, MRT, hospitals and many more.





Exports from Thailand


Road expansion project for a 3km section of Highway 11, from four lanes to eight lanes (100 million baht);

Road expansion project for a 19.15km section of Highway 116 on Pasak-Sapung-Bang Ruen-San Patong route, from two lanes to four lanes (850 million baht);

Road expansion project for a 95.31km section of Highway 1035 on Wang Mor Pattana-Chae Hom route (3.33 billion-baht);

Elevated road project between Highway 1 on Koh Kha-Samakkhi route and Highway 11 on the North-Khun Tan route (100 million baht);

Rail bridge project on Highway 1136 on Muang Nga-Lamphun route to link Lamphun province with Chiang Mai (300 million baht);

Mae Rim bypass road project for a distance of 42.95km (6.97 billion baht);

San Kamphaeng bypass road for a distance of 16.32km (4.26 billion baht);

Truck terminal project (1.71 billion baht);

Development project to turn Chiang Mai into a smart city (60 million baht); and

Project to solve traffic problems around Chiang Mai international airport (budget unspecified).

Still cannot get the drunks and unlicensed drivers off the roads. The more roads that get built, the more roads that are unpoliced, the more the fatalities will just keep mounting up.

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3 hours ago, Sunderland said:

Until people like the health minister and other high ranking officials do as they tell others to do, the population will gradually ignore what they are being told to do.

Kudos to most people in Bangkok who are continuing to do as much as they could be expected to do to prevent the virus from spreading again. But many officials are blatant hypocrites who constantly snuggle up in small groups for photos, etc. without masks unless they need masks for a particular photo opportunity. 

Elected officials need to be reminded constantly that they work for the people, not the other way round.

But the present PM was not elected.

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21 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Yes, Thailand has more excess deaths than reported died from COVID.

Yes, and per the same NY Times data, Thailand had excess deaths SEP-DEC 2019 of 3,998, 3,061, 1,449, and 4,606 per month respectively.


Covid-19 related?


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5 minutes ago, SkyFax said:

Yes, and per the same NY Times data, Thailand had excess deaths SEP-DEC 2019 of 3,998, 3,061, 1,449, and 4,606 per month respectively.


Covid-19 related?


Thanks for this.  I would like to see January, February, and March, also.   I always suspected, covid had already "done the rounds" here, before they even started testing. 

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18 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

I always suspected, covid had already "done the rounds" here, before they even started testing. 

This is from the NY Times posted JULY 2, 2020 -- I will presume they are familiar with the oft referenced on these pages NY Times APR 2020 excess death data:


DEC. 31 (2019)

Chinese authorities treated dozens of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause.
On Dec. 31, the government in Wuhan, China, confirmed that health authorities were treating dozens of cases. Days later, researchers in China identified a new virus that had infected dozens of people in Asia. At the time, there was no evidence that the virus was readily spread by humans. Health officials in China said they were monitoring it to prevent the outbreak from developing into something more severe.


JAN. 11 (2020)

China reported its first death.
On Jan. 11, Chinese state media reported the first known death from an illness caused by the virus, which had infected dozens of people. The 61-year-old man who died was a regular customer at the market in Wuhan. The report of his death came just before one of China’s biggest holidays, when hundreds of millions of people travel across the country.



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