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Trump bashes U.S. health experts, Fauci urges caution, as virus cases surge


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Dr. Trump, has a PhD in what......Oh ! yes bullsh!tting,maybe a rapper

would be a better choice to run in elections...something has gone

terribly wrong in America.

regards worgeordie

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

Fauci on Monday ascribed the surge in coronavirus cases to the country's failure to shut down completely, then a rush to reopen too soon, and urged a commitment to guidelines to rub out the disease.

So says the guy who will don a facemask for a photo-op and then remove it when the cameras stop rolling.  Well documented on the net. 

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3 minutes ago, CALSinCM said:

So says the guy who will don a facemask for a photo-op and then remove it when the cameras stop rolling.  Well documented on the net. 

Who appointed him to the comittee to oversee the pandemic respons?

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2 hours ago, candide said:

Sure! And he has a proven record of being right about coronavirus issues! ????

Agreed. Well said. We need more open minds, free from political bias.

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Well, here is what I think:  Most professionals Fauci included - also issued warnings of round2 or round3...

perhaps even mutated...who knows....


I think that it may come to pass that those countries that developed a herd immunity might do well.  Economies cannot stay shut down. It is not even an option. To say it is is simply folly.


It's tragic. The world is like that. Tragedies happen. Americans, in the middle of this can't be ordered to do a damn thing.... it's in the blood - in our DNA, so even attempts at orders are folly.


People who are worried about life and death can stay home.


People who are not won't.


No sense arguing with me about it. It is what it is.

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11 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

 The virus is not obeying Trump.....it is refusing to listen to Trump's commands. How rude can a virus be?????? Why doesn't Trump do something about the virus instead of letting it run wild. 

"HEEL CORONA...HEEL!!!" (actually that should be "HEAL CORONA....HEAL!!! BAD VIRUS...BAD BAD BAD!!!")

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17 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

A fact that's clear about the US. It has had some of the worst republican pres in last 50 years ! Not intelligent or crooks. Only good at winning some archiac voting system called the 'electoral college'.  

What non archaic system did the Democrat presidents use?

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20 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

I guess we shouldn't be surprised if Chuck Wollery gets nominated to the Supreme Court. Maybe as Chief Justice given Roberts' health and left-leaning?



This of course is satire.

But I do think it likely DT could tap him for something like WH press secretary.  Chuck next to Kayleigh would look like a set-up for a porn scene.


But how is it that being a game show host or a radio announcer doing ads for used car dealers (Beck and Rush, to name a few) can be a leg up to becoming a conservative propagandist?  It obviously pays well.  Does this happen in other countries?



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The bright side of his mismanagement is that his chances of being re-elected have gone south. He has never been presidential material and it took  a non political person like myself to easily realize this. Some of my own family voted for this man, and even after he hesitated when he could have gotten the country shutdown and saved thousands of lives, they still make excuses for him. If he helped someone make or save some money, of course he's a hero in their eyes, but if anyone has been following what he's said, which has been noted here and everywhere else, it shows his ego overrides his ability to make a good decision. A lot of Americans though building a wall was a big deal, even though it's like putting a band aid on a bullet wound. It isn't going to stop those who want to get in, especially if the rich in America will hire them for more money than they make in Mexico. A friend calls him the best president we've ever had. I would go as far as one of the worst, near the bottom for sure. He still hasn't helped the average American, and health care is still not affordable for millions, and this time it really is needed. My family back there isn't going to put their kids in school even when it opens, and I totally believe in this. Kids going back to school will end up killing thousands more. If this was nipped in the bud when he had the chance, it would have been about over by now. Americans aren't  uneducated morons but too proud to listen to anything besides a law. Suggesting something doesn't work. Close everything down now, help people with more cash, quarantine (self is okay, as per a decree) those coming back, and in a few weeks it will be done.

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7 hours ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

Chuck at the Corona Virus Task Force Briefing: "The Cornoa Virus will be back in two and two!!!!" 

That will be a task force meeting without CDC representation. Trump is cutting CDC out, making it a completely political process.

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On 7/14/2020 at 9:04 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

I think visiting golf clubs is the best he can do for America. At least while he plays golf he does not mess anything up. 


      Trump should take a few golf lessons from ex president Obama .   

       Obama , improved  his golfing ability . While in office ..

       History will record  his greatest achievements , on the golf course , of course ...


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Besides Herman Cain now also the Oklahoma governor tested positive, both possibly contaminated at the Tulsa rally.


The Trump campaign was very lucky with 'bad weather in new Hampshire', or there would have been more. 

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