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Govt condemned for putting people’s lives at risk for comfort of ‘privileged’ foreigners


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14 hours ago, robblok said:

Its the same the world over do you really think the UK royal family would have to go through the same stuff you would ? Same goes for the Dutch royals and Trump ect. 

Agreed. Prince Charles was allowed to self isolate in Balmoral and the Prime Minister's most senior advisor was allowed to self-isolate on his family's property miles from London while the Prime Minister's father took a circuitous, isolation-busting route to Greece all because they can.

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15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Once again, you can not and never could get away with anything at a high level unless you were a hiso, had money or were sponsored as a diplomatic envoy.  It goes without saying that people should be passed. Double stadards

Or Current President that wears hiso bronzer....sad!  Must..Build...Teleport..Quicker...Time..is ..Of..essence....

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Maybe all the other countries should ban and thai officials from entry into their countries also! Thailand is lying about their testing and results, so who wants to trust Thailand either!  No testes no results! The door swings both ways!  Just like the Philippines few test, no results! Can't trust anyone, especially China!

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1 hour ago, LomSak27 said:

The Egyptian Flight was a shuttle to Chengdu China  :whistling:


Note to powers that be, lets keep that inconvenient fact as far out of the news as possible?! Thanks.


Actually it came from Chengdu when they tested.



The flight, carrying the Egyptian military officers, arrived on 2 separate military flights at U-Tapao airport in Rayong at 7pm on Wednesday, July 8. They reached the hotel in Rayong, at 11pm. The next day they departed from U-Tapao airport at 5.30am bound for Chengdu in China. They returned to U-Tapao airport again at 11.30pm on the same day. They then headed back to the same Rayong hotel 2am on July 10,

At 11am on July 10, 27 of the 31 visitors walked to Laem Tong shopping centre and stayed there until 3pm. 4 others caught taxis to the Central Plaza Rayong and stayed there from 2pm for 4 hours.


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I live for the day  I can get my wife  to Australia  and out of  and  away from this country  you call THAILAND 


Each day I read  about  what is happening  and it is truely  heart breaking

Seems  1  rule for the rich and wealthy  and powerful   and 1 rule  for the  poor  lovely Thai  people



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I live in a tourist resort where people from New York, Dallas, LA and all over the world visit.  So far, no Coronavirus deaths.


Anyway, saw a local who parked their truck at a popular tourist viewpoint with some signs that say:




Good grief!  Nothing has changed since day one, except doctors have a little more experience treating victims.


Stay home, stay safe. ????

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thai social media on Tuesday (July 14) was filled with messages slamming the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA), the Army and the government for allowing Covid-19 patients to enter the country just because they are privileged.

Another shot in the foot, even Thais are growing tired of the lame leaders.

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goverment have totally wrong and stupid if think western peoples have this big risk and sharevirus lot, thsi is totally stupid think and wrong, asian peoples and all chinese have big risk and need banned out all world, chinese not can take in at borden newer again, thats have world highest risk all viruses and many other criminal problem. western not have problem., thai not understand whit out western thai live again in jugle and dont can do anythink metal,wood,elektric,eaerythink normal human work, thai not can but if western teach and looking how make then thai can do all normal human work . monkey not newer can do all what human can do. thats has seen how thai build house, elektric,water system, all have big fail and than idiot has build all.

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Two cases among foreigners this week has led to the self-isolation of more than 400 people and fears on social media. A 43-year-old crewman of an Egyptian military plane in eastern Rayong province and a 9-year-old girl and family member of a Sudanese diplomat in Bangkok were exempt from the mandatory 14-day state-supervised quarantine required for returnees.


400 hundred people are now self-isolated? Where? Did any of the 400 travel outside Bangkok and Rayong? Did they come in contact with others family and friends? How do you know it only 400, when you just publish last week that people are not signing in at the Mall, and other places? 


The question is why were these people not tested if you decide not to quarantine them? Who made that decision? They test the US leader that came here and the Thai were upset because he was not quarantine. They did test him. So why wasn’t these people tested? 


Apologizing, is too late, if the country has to go into lockdown again. So make a sound decision and place the country in lockdown before the 400 + unknown continue to spread it.  Then what will be your excuse........


See what now the people of this country has to deal with from their government...Thailand is gone to weep what it sow.

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2 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Same here in Thai education. Up to 3/4ths of the class often just refuses to do the work. They're repeatedly told to it, they nod and give a thumbs up. They still don't do it. They continue this behavior knowing full well that when the term ends, they'll still be passed.


Which bar did you here that story in?

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3 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

a lot of huff and puff by the xenophobes and cud chewers,privilege and a feudal society ,you are it exactly and now you complain.the army does as it wishes and so do the hi so and the connected the rest of u do as your told and sit there in your bovine coccoon.the testing and operation were completely unqualified.whats new about that.?your leaders come and go and live in complete luxury at their whim.a short  time a go a plane of hi so landed refused quarantine and were let thru!!the over reaction is too much,we should not be penalised. sack the people responsible but no we go in the opposite direction as always.schools closed ,get a grip.sack the senior army commanders .the people responsible for this cosy tie up with the egyptians but no they are super people who are never wrong. can never ever be told they screwedup and are being held responsible for their mistakes.instead throw the peons out of a job at the mall.its pathetic.general bimbong phuk a wittapong will jump and down and stamp his little feet go red in the face threaten and wet himself if hes made responsible,get on with it children we grow tired of your pathetic protestations

them be a lot of big words there.  We be naught but humble pirates.

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17 hours ago, samsensam said:


haha indeed, i remember a plane load of thais arriving back in the early days of the virus and refusing to quarantine, for some reason or other, and the authorities at the airport being so impotent that they just let them all go...

Finish the story, all the people involved reported and were locked down and the General who let them slide was relieved of duty. If you are going to tell a story tell the whole story

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18 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Yeap! It's the hi-so that cause most of the problems here in Thailand. Even the foreign ones. 

They are not hi-so, it's an airforce crew member and a diplomat's child, both groups are on exception list from state-quarantine due to international relations. If you wrote VIP it would have made more sense...????

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14 minutes ago, khunPer said:

They are not hi-so, it's an airforce crew member and a diplomat's child, both groups are on exception list from state-quarantine due to international relations. If you wrote VIP it would have made more sense...????

The word 'hiso' or 'hi-so' is a Thai word that is derived from the English phrase 'high society'.


And in Thailand, people with the right material items or official-looking attire or IDs would be considered 'hi-so'. This Egyptian air-force crew would have been considered as 'hi-so' and that's why they waltzed around so freely. 







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If the government actions/inactions cause an outbreak of coronavirus, I would hope they would take the financial responsibility to compensate businesses and schools that their actions caused to lose money. Although I think this is highly unlikely they will be financially responsible for their errors. 


If the soldiers did get tested, and the results are reported truthfully, I have to question the accuracy of the testing. What percent of the tests give false positive? What percent of the tests give false negative. How long after exposure is a test at least 80% reliable? The test must be very flawed, otherwise there would be no need for quarantine.

if diplomats or soldiers or other people must fly to Thailand for short visits, the contact with people should be severely limited. Only contact with people related to the business. Then contact tracing will be easy. No contact with the general public should be allowed.


If the soldiers did have a legitimate virus check before coming to Thailand, then the Egyptian government did nothing wrong

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6 hours ago, findlay13 said:

In Australia Billionaire Kerry Stokes and Missus also Danni Minoque were allowed to self isolate at home no "off to the hotel " for them

Then flew to Canberra in his private aircraft for some Anzac Day function no quarantine there either.

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43 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

The word 'hiso' or 'hi-so' is a Thai word that is derived from the English phrase 'high society'.


And in Thailand, people with the right material items or official-looking attire or IDs would be considered 'hi-so'. This Egyptian air-force crew would have been considered as 'hi-so' and that's why they waltzed around so freely. 

Kindly disagree – and I know what hi-so derive from – they are considered VIP, hi-so people, including "high society"people, are to my knowledge above that status-level in view of a Thai.

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3 hours ago, TERMINATOR3AB said:

I live for the day  I can get my wife  to Australia  and out of  and  away from this country  you call THAILAND 


Each day I read  about  what is happening  and it is truely  heart breaking

Seems  1  rule for the rich and wealthy  and powerful   and 1 rule  for the  poor  lovely Thai  people



You think it’s any different there, read the post about Kerry Stokes and his ability to avoid quarantine there were article were in the Australia media just after Anzac Day.

Meanwhile a couple of days ago some people were fined five or six thousand dollars for breaching travel provisions.

NSW has introduced jail sentences of up to six months for breaches.

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3 minutes ago, khunPer said:

Kindly disagree – and I know what hi-so derive from – they are considered VIP, hi-so people, including "high society"people, are to my knowledge above that status-level in view of a Thai.

Kindly disagree. Any chump here can be perceived as being 'hi-so' if they give it the biggens. Genuine wealth and status or not. 





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My experience with delegates, diplomats, VIPs and military when I was working in Thailand in public relations has been that most of them ask about the beautiful Thai girls and want to meet some, especially those from countries that have strict laws against such available entertainment.

I would guess that some of the Egyptian army availed themselves very discreetly of female company. The infected soldiers probably did so and would not report this kind of contact  because he might have a wife back home. A girl if involved might be scared to report that she had been in contact with the infected soldier.

So she could easily get infected if they had intimate relations and pass it on to others who then sped it undetected. This could cause a big cluster of infection.

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19 hours ago, samsensam said:


haha indeed, i remember a plane load of thais arriving back in the early days of the virus and refusing to quarantine, for some reason or other, and the authorities at the airport being so impotent that they just let them all go...

Then they were all rounded up & self isolation imposed on them I believe......................but what happened to the Officer who let them disperse I wonder.

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19 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Yeap! It's the hi-so that cause most of the problems here in Thailand. Even the foreign ones. 

You don't know the meaning of Hi-So so why do you use it ? It means people who pretend to be high-class when they are not . Everyone dislikes them.  It is a big insult to be called hi-so.

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5 minutes ago, gamini said:

You don't know the meaning of Hi-So so why do you use it ? It means people who pretend to be high-class when they are not . Everyone dislikes them.  It is a big insult to be called hi-so.

It's a slang word meaning 'high society'.


You do know how important status and wealth is in some places (especially in Asia)? 



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3 hours ago, khunPer said:

They are not hi-so, it's an airforce crew member and a diplomat's child, both groups are on exception list from state-quarantine due to international relations. If you wrote VIP it would have made more sense...????


Most sensible response yet.


This was a diplomat accompanied by his family and sharing the privileges of being a diplomat, like they do in every other country in the world.


If they wish to call them hi so or VIPs, so be it, but they carry special status. This is conveniently omitted in sensationalist anti foreigner reports in silly newspapers. They cannot order a diplomat to enter 14 day quarantine, but they can request it. They also have ' fast track ' methods of testing for such people.


The other, an Egyptian military crew member came, as you rightly pointed out, under the special exemptions list.


These stupid knee jerk reactions are poor reporting by the press, and do nothing to help and are, or should be embarrassing for the Thai government.


If they are going to make such a song and dance regarding incidents like this, the country is doomed.


Even Neighbouring Cambodia admits that they cannot carry this international blockade of airports and visitors for much longer, as their economy will not stand it.





Edited by Scouse123
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