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Panel grills ‘Boss’ case investigators, ex-senator asks Parliament to probe NLA


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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

First laugh of the day.... Panel grills case investigators.????

Come on chaps, lets be knowing how BIG your cut was, and wheres ours.????

Give me as much as I want and I will keep my mouth shut..Noallegiance to nobody

what poor  uneducated people understand?......MONEY MONEY MONEY MAKE THE WORKD GO ROUND...LIZA MINNELI watch the video 


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26 minutes ago, pookondee said:

It might be, as far as the establishment goes.

But, IMO Thai society will keep copping this, and the pressure cooker will keep boiling away, until they all collectively blow there stacks.


In short time, when the effects of the lockdowns, the vandalism of jobs, businesses and the failing Thai economy REALLY take a stranglehold,

the poor hungry folks will have NOTHING to lose..


And thats when it gets scary.

They will start getting real sensitive about these sorts of issues and being suppressed for so long.


Look at the BLM issue.

For sure it was an inevitable issue, but would it have gone completely off the rails like this..if we hadn't had the buildup of stress due to lockdowns and economic vandalism?


Those in power worldwide can keep making these sหit decisions that effect us a lot more than them,

but sooner or later they will have to pay the piper.

So in essence you see this as a the probable occurrence of what would be called an "Asian Spring", much like the "Arab Spring" which was a wave of pro-democracy protests and uprisings that took place in the Middle East and North Africa beginning in 2010 and 2011.  The populace challenged some of the region’s entrenched authoritarian regimes with the demonstrators expressing political and economic grievances, but they faced violent crackdowns by their countries’ security forces.  Do you see the equivalent of the same things happening here because of the inequities in prosecutions, dropping of cases against HiSo's and the like?

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2 hours ago, Hayduke said:


Okay....with 7 years to think up an excuse…the best story Thailand's finest legal team can come up with is....


-His dentist gave him a few lines of coke while he wasn't looking…

-Driving slowly and carefully on his way home a police office committed suicide by  

 driving his motorcycle underneath his car....

-And when he got home, he got drunk to ease the terrible psychic pain of seeing the

 car he had worked so hard to buy, vandalized.


And this story no doubt arrived with an astronomical stack of legal bills.


Amazing Thailand.




If I may be so bold as to add one more to your list


- Then, his servant, seeing how contrite his master was due to these terrible events, threw himself at his masters feet and said please let me take the blame for you, I know what I can do, I'll say I was driving.

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Suddenly this guy fell of his motorbike, no traffic anywhere  to be seen. Please, stop insulting

people's intelligence. Here comes the New Movie "RedBull 007".


"Never interrupt an enemy who is about to make a mistake".   Napoleon

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2 hours ago, TTSIssues said:

The video of the accident certainly looks as if he was shot by a motorcyclist heading in the opposite direction .... I wonder how his death can be ruled an accident quite so quickly?

The video of the accident certainly looks as if he swerved in behind a slower-moving motorbike and clipped it before face-planting himself while propelling the other bike into the median.

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Public distrust over a lack of transparency and widespread concern of corruption in the case were affecting Thailand’s image, she added.

Thailand's image was damaged back in 2014 this it just the straw that broke the camel's back

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29 minutes ago, raccos21 said:

The deeper they dig into this case, the more problems are gonna occur. These people have money — no matter how much they twist the case they always can get out. “Money talks bull<deleted>s walk.” ????????????

And very likely they don't care if they get severely criticized by the public.


Their wealth sets them up to do totally as they please, to fell entitled, and to have no concern whatever about obeying/respecting the law. And seems to encourage to behave outside of the law and any basic respect, to impress their hi-co compatriots and to behave with no respect for others, as they feel is suitable for their special hi-so status. 


Seen this before, many incidents with rich Thai uni students, they are brought up to feel entitled to do whatever they want. 


Just one incident: suddenly in the classroom 6 or so students pull their chairs into a circle and they're all watching a video and laughing and talking loudly. I ask them to stop, return the chairs to the right positions and listen. Their response: 'what for 'this is funny, professor you just keep talking we can still hear the sound on the video'.


Another; new boy starts uni day one, comes in his big BMW with his personal driver. They can't find a car park inside the campus. Rich boy sees an empty spot with a big sign 'Reserved for the Dean'.


Boy opens the window and tells the guards to move the rolling barrier to the parking spot. Guards refuse and explain it's reserved for a VVIP. Boy tells his driver to get out of the car and move the barrier then get back into the car and drive it into the parking spot.


Guards had already called the police on campus and they tell the boy and driver that they cannot use this spot. Cop in charge realizes who the boy is / his family, senior cop tells a junior cop to remove the cop duty car from it's parking spot at the police office and guide the driver into this spot.


Senior cop also quickly organizes a golf cart to take the boy to his faculty building and orders 2 junior cops to remain all day, every day on duty on the floor where the boy's classroom is located.


The mother hears about all of this and tells her staff find the phone number of the senior cop. She tells the cop to get his men to wash and clean her son's car during the day and make sure there's a golf cart waiting every day to take him back to his car, a 5 minute trip. 


This is at one of the two so called highly prestigious Bkk unis, incidents like this are totally normal. 

Edited by scorecard
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This is what happens in the UK courts...

A former Member of Parliament, Charlie Elphicke, is accused of sexual assault by two different women. He is charged, brought to court and, after a fair and open trial, is convicted of the offences. The women's testimony is sound and stands up in court as the truth. Thailand, please note...this is how a good judicial system works.

No favouritism of any kind, no matter who they are. Get your act together! 

Edited by Trevor Collins
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I think the red bull  family didn't like their poor "boss baby"  suffering so much .  so they opened up a few  more billion USD.   Shouldn't there be charges of aiding and abetting?  And surely bull baby gets no time off for his 8 years on the lamb.  


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3 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

When do our beloved Embassies start with a total travel ban on any Thai officials (level 10 up), MP's  senators and officers (police, army, navy, airforce, immigration) above the rank of Captain. It will make the world a better place.

Quite possibly because they realise that the day after such a ban is imposed there will be a knock on the door of those of us who live here and we will. if lucky, be given 15 minutes to pack a bag and say goodbye to our wives and families prior to being taken to a "facility" from which our deportation will be processed. If we are held in said facility for some time, so be it, they will have our bank accounts to pay for it.


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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

So in essence you see this as a the probable occurrence of what would be called an "Asian Spring", much like the "Arab Spring" which was a wave of pro-democracy protests and uprisings that took place in the Middle East and North Africa beginning in 2010 and 2011.  The populace challenged some of the region’s entrenched authoritarian regimes with the demonstrators expressing political and economic grievances, but they faced violent crackdowns by their countries’ security forces.  Do you see the equivalent of the same things happening here because of the inequities in prosecutions, dropping of cases against HiSo's and the like?

The difference may lie in the (real) capacity and abilities of the security forces, 100,000 + half trained and unmotivated conscripts will be of little use. The Reserve Territorial (school cadets) will bring with them all the capabilities of a chocolate teapot. The police are scared of the dark.

Edited by herfiehandbag
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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Meanwhile, former senator Rosana Tositrakul has asked Parliament president Chuan Leekpai to allow disclosure of information from a previous probe of the case the committee related to National Legislative Assembly.

Fat chance of that ever happening!

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5 hours ago, nahkit said:

If I may be so bold as to add one more to your list


- Then, his servant, seeing how contrite his master was due to these terrible events, threw himself at his masters feet and said please let me take the blame for you, I know what I can do, I'll say I was driving.

And thats the tragedy that the only people who have ever been held accountable by law were the poor flunkies.


Remember the only person who has ever been charged, and found guilty was that same poor Isaan servant for making a false police statement!


Amazing Thailand, you couldn't make this up!

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10 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

So in essence you see this as a the probable occurrence of what would be called an "Asian Spring", much like the "Arab Spring" which was a wave of pro-democracy protests and uprisings that took place in the Middle East and North Africa beginning in 2010 and 2011.  The populace challenged some of the region’s entrenched authoritarian regimes with the demonstrators expressing political and economic grievances, but they faced violent crackdowns by their countries’ security forces.  Do you see the equivalent of the same things happening here because of the inequities in prosecutions, dropping of cases against HiSo's and the like?

I dont see it as a result of just dropping the cases against HiSo's. 

IMO, a mix or buildup of everything. 


There are probably 20-30 issues in the recent past where you could understand the Thai public being disenfranchised with the government.


Luxury watches,

minister with drug conviction past...yet they find a petty way to oust the Future forward leader.

extra taxes on everything,

stalled elections while new charter was being stitched up.


..no more vendors allowed to sell on sidewalks.

Bumping up traffic offences and upping fines.

Even stuff like axing the free red buses in BKK, Thais dont easily forget.


Then there was the lockdowns and the long alcohol bans.

There must be so many more.


หell, every day they are passing laws that restrict freedoms and mess with working class Thais food bowls.

You'd think somethings gotta give sooner or later.


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