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So i've GIVEN UP on returning

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I’m flying in This Friday and ALL passengers are getting tested, I’m in UAE


I believe ALL passengers must be tested elsewhere, so don’t spread miss information.

ALL passengers get tested !!! Stop feeding the Trolls 

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2 hours ago, PatrickC said:

Bottom line - you can get here if you want. It is a bit of work, sure, but it is not soul destroying as some posters have claimed. Having to fill out some extra paperwork and get covid tests to move to another country is very much a first world problem.


For Americans, depending on where they live, it can be very difficult to impossible to get a COVID test 72 hours before flying...


Because, lots of places won't provide testing unless you're sick or have symptoms, because there's such a shortage of testing capacity in the U.S., and significant delays in even getting test results back if you are tested.  Higher priority people/cases are first in line, and no-symptom intl travelers don't have priority.


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54 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


For Americans, depending on where they live, it can be very difficult to impossible to get a COVID test 72 hours before flying...


Because, lots of places won't provide testing unless you're sick or have symptoms, because there's such a shortage of testing capacity in the U.S., and significant delays in even getting test results back if you are tested.  Higher priority people/cases are first in line, and no-symptom intl travelers don't have priority.


I just read about a testing blitz for everyone..results in about 24 hours, where I used to live in Arizona.  https://www.nogalesinternational.com/news/coronavirus/covid-19-testing-blitz-coming-to-santa-cruz-county/article_e6240f36-caee-11ea-9167-b3914747731c.html

but getting that info onto the proper form might be a different matter.  But the test is free, all are invited.

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2 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


The precise requirement is that your COVID negative medical certificate needs to be issued 72 hours before flying. The test itself can take place before.


As for no symptoms - then lie and fake a cough if you need to, in order to get the test. If you want to get back to TH find the way. 

I think you have to be tested 72 hours before departure. 

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5 hours ago, bolt said:

I’m flying in This Friday and ALL passengers are getting tested, I’m in UAE


I believe ALL passengers must be tested elsewhere, so don’t spread miss information.

ALL passengers get tested !!! Stop feeding the Trolls 

I flew from Amsterdam last friday, and only foreigners all had to present a negative covid certificate, thais only needed a fit to fly certificate without a requirement for covid test. Some did test, some not. This information is available to anyone on all thai embassies websites and on thai government website. A friend here confirmed me his thai girlfriend was rappatriated 2 weeks ago and did not get tested before taking the plane.

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5 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


The Thai authorities / airline just check that you have a medical certificate showing a covid negative result. The test date does not need to be mentioned on there. They just check the issue date. I've been through the process and am in ASQ now. They made just a fairly cursory check that the medical certificate was issued on an appropriate date, that is it. 

In my case they checked at the airport the date and time of covid test (not result), and they did the same in thailand, the girl couldn't find where the date and time of test was mentionned, so I showed her, and she counted and said it was ok. I wouldn't take any risk.

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1 minute ago, SnipTheCat said:

I flew from Amsterdam last friday, and only foreigners all had to present a negative covid certificate, thais only needed a fit to fly certificate without a requirement for covid test. Some did test, some not. This information is available to anyone on all thai embassies websites and on thai government website. A friend here confirmed me his thai girlfriend was rappatriated 2 weeks ago and did not get tested before taking the plane.

That makes sense since almost daily it's reported X-amount of returning Thais have COVID symptoms (i.e., high temp, trouble breathing, etc) when being checked by authorities when arriving Thailand.  Those symptoms do not just magically appear during a flight...they must have had the symptoms when getting on the plane also.

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Feel sorry for you, but I understand why you or anyone else doesn't need the stress of it all.


I know a few people in the UK that have said the same thing as you, they also have just given up. Very sad really but making it so difficult is crazy. Thailand can't stay Covid free for ever.

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5 minutes ago, lee b said:

Feel sorry for you, but I understand why you or anyone else doesn't need the stress of it all.


I know a few people in the UK that have said the same thing as you, they also have just given up. Very sad really but making it so difficult is crazy. Thailand can't stay Covid free for ever.

But it's looking more and more like Thailand is going to continue to make it very hard to get back in Thailand until a vaccine becomes available which is probably going to be around very late 2020/early 2021.   Then switch to requiring paperwork you received the vaccine in order to enter Thailand.  I think the govt has just written off international tourism for about another year.

Edited by Pib
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8 hours ago, hotandsticky said:

I have no intention of traveling to my home country (or the rest of Europe) for the next 12 months.


My METV is expired now. Borders are still closed. I have no other choice at this point so I'm trying to accept my fate.

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5 hours ago, bolt said:

I’m flying in This Friday and ALL passengers are getting tested, I’m in UAE


I believe ALL passengers must be tested elsewhere, so don’t spread miss information.

ALL passengers get tested !!! Stop feeding the Trolls 

There's another thread on this subject - Information from Thai Wives who’ve been repatriated is that they didn’t need to do a Pre-flight Covid-19 test. 


So.. Don’t make statements you can’t back up.

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I’m in ASQ so its definitely doable....  I didn’t expect the the Embassy to reply to each individual question but found them extremely helpful once I had all my documents in place. 


Giving up on getting back to my family is certainly something I didn’t want to give up on no matter what hoops I had to jump through. When applying one month ago we were not even sure it was possible to get back at all, those of us who have got back from the UK are due out of ASQ tomorrow and another batch next week. 


There are two processes for the Op: Visa and CoE


CoE application: to [email protected]

1) E-mail Statement of reason to return and ask the Embassy to apply for Certificate of Entry

- State in the E-mail that you will also obtain the following once its known that the CoE will be approved

- Non-Immigrant Type O Visa to be applied for once you knows which flight you've been cleared to take

- Flight ticket to be purchased once Embassy has identified which flight to take

- ASQ Booking to be made once flight ticket and Dates are confirmed by Embassy

- Covid-19 PCR test taken 3 days before flight

- Fit to Fly Certificate to be obtained 3 days before flight

2) Attach a copy of Thai Birth Certificate of his Sons (with Ops name on Birth Cert)

3) Attach a copy of Passport 

4) Attach a copy of Certificate of Insurance (US$100,000 Covid-19 Cover)

5) Attach a copy Declaration form (of Parent of Thai national) - (attached below)




Visa Application online www.thaievisa.go.th (after notification that the CoE will be approved and the applicant has been allocated a flight)Non-Immigrant Type O [visiting or staying with applicant's family in Thailand] - Single Entry 90 days, can be extended in country.

1) Flight Ticket

2) Passport Copy

3) Birth Certificate of Sons

4) Proof of accommodation (ASQ booking is ok)

5) Proof of funds (Bank Statement from online banking)

6) Visa application declaration form (on the application site)




Its a ball ache, it's a hassle, its certainly not made easy... but it is what it is. For those who have just ‘got their head down and got on with it’ results were achieved. 


Of course, the worst part is the uncertainty.


I don’t think Flight bookings and the ASQ booking or the Visa are necessary at the time of application for the Certificate of Entry - the Embassy Staff have been taking a common sense approach and recognise the requirements on the list issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is somewhat counter intuitive.


The list above, should be enough (it has been so far) - All you can do is send what is listed above and wait. 


Handle what is within your control and what’s not outside of your control. 







CoE Declaration.pdf

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54 minutes ago, PatrickC said:
1 hour ago, Max69xl said:

I think you have to be tested 72 hours before departure. 


The Thai authorities / airline just check that you have a medical certificate showing a covid negative result. The test date does not need to be mentioned on there. They just check the issue date. I've been through the process and am in ASQ now. They made just a fairly cursory check that the medical certificate was issued on an appropriate date, that is it. 


I don’t think we get to decide ‘what dates’ go on the certificate.;


Other medical facilities will present their certificate with the Test Date and the Certificate issue date. 

See below. 


I flew on the 19th, with a Certificate issued on the 18th, with a test date clearly marked on the 16th. 

Had I taken the test on the 15th and had the Certificate issued on the 17th I’d be taking a huge gamble as to whether or not I would be permitted boarding at Check-in. All it takes is one ‘officious check in staff’ to recognise the Certificate issue date is different and we could be ‘bumped’ from a flight we’ve just paid a lot of money for and a process we do not wish to have to go through again.

The best option is to get it 100% right the first time with no room for any ambiguity. 








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58 minutes ago, genericptr said:

My METV is expired now. Borders are still closed. I have no other choice at this point so I'm trying to accept my fate.


Theoretically you have visa amnesty up to the 26th September. 


Are you staying in Thailand because you can’t get a flight or because you want to stay in Thailand?


If you are unable to find a flight to your home country before then it's possible to apply for an extension due to mitigating circumstances. 

But, if there are flights travelling to your home country its unlikely you can get an extension as you don’t have grounds.


Other options may involve getting an agent to help you out (guys have mentioned this option in other threads - it costs)


The risk you face after 26th Sept is getting caught on an overstay and getting kicked out and a ban.

OR if you overstay by more than 12 months and volunteer yourself (i.e. at immigration at the airport with a flight out) you will receive a 1 year ban (apparently). 


That said, you may get away with a 3 month over stay etc, but you’d still get hit with a 20k baht overstay charge at the airport when you fly out - The Agent option may be the better option for you. 



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On 8/2/2020 at 6:57 PM, swerve said:

Sorry to hear of your problems.  I understand your latest decision.  This has been helpful information for anyone who is abroad or who is considering leaving Thailand.


       I was planning to return home to UK. September , for a family get together .

       Know it appears that returning to Thailand , is not an easy option ..



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24 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Theoretically you have visa amnesty up to the 26th September. 


Are you staying in Thailand because you can’t get a flight or because you want to stay in Thailand?

I was waiting for borders to reopen and get some tourist visas until things settle down in the US but clearly that's not going to happen. My plan was to go back to the US in July and find work but this is the absolute worst time to do that. I'd happily stay in Thailand and wait things out but that's not an option anymore.

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9 minutes ago, elliss said:

I was planning to return home to UK. September , for a family get together .

I wouldn't do that unless you're prepared to get stuck there for many, many months.  EDIT: you probably have a proper visa though, so never mind.

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17 minutes ago, genericptr said:

I wouldn't do that unless you're prepared to get stuck there for many, many months.  EDIT: you probably have a proper visa though, so never mind.


 Yes , i do have a proper visa . If that makes any difference ..

    However that said , re-entry will still be a problem ..

    UK . winters are ideal for, Covid-19 transmissions' . ??. 

     Thailand's climate seems to be a safer option ..


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59 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


I don’t think we get to decide ‘what dates’ go on the certificate.;


Other medical facilities will present their certificate with the Test Date and the Certificate issue date. 

See below. 


I flew on the 19th, with a Certificate issued on the 18th, with a test date clearly marked on the 16th. 

Had I taken the test on the 15th and had the Certificate issued on the 17th I’d be taking a huge gamble as to whether or not I would be permitted boarding at Check-in. All it takes is one ‘officious check in staff’ to recognise the Certificate issue date is different and we could be ‘bumped’ from a flight we’ve just paid a lot of money for and a process we do not wish to have to go through again.

The best option is to get it 100% right the first time with no room for any ambiguity. 








The name is spelled differently at the bottom left; Dr Rupa and Dr Krupa.

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Why the hostility at Thailand?

The country has to do what is best  for the nation as a whole and the Thai position is not  much different than many other countries who  are making a valiant effort of keeping the infection in check.

Thailand's first obligation is to its nationals overseas. It is not as if other countries are rolling out the red carpet for Thais stuck outside the country is it? Foreign nationals  are the obligation of their respective foreign countries not Thailand. yes, it is  heartbreaking and  stressful that some families are  split up, but in the overall scheme of things, these people are a small in number.  Accept the fact that this is the new normal for the next 6-12 months and get on with  life.



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23 minutes ago, stubuzz said:

The name is spelled differently at the bottom left; Dr Rupa and Dr Krupa.

And that is the kind of thing that gives the IOs a lot more satisfaction than a bombshell young lady in their queue.

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On 8/2/2020 at 6:12 AM, Arjy2000k said:

At the moment life there seems pretty good, but i saw the reaction to that Egyption incident, and it was alarming.

Not as alarming as what is happening right now in Australia.  In some places they have lost the plot. 

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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


For Americans, depending on where they live, it can be very difficult to impossible to get a COVID test 72 hours before flying...


Because, lots of places won't provide testing unless you're sick or have symptoms, because there's such a shortage of testing capacity in the U.S., and significant delays in even getting test results back if you are tested.  Higher priority people/cases are first in line, and no-symptom intl travelers don't have priority.


You are so right about the testing problem in USA but this brings up a question. I think some people will have to take a flight in order to connect to the Repatriation Flight. Does the test have to be done 72 hours before first flight or repatriation flight ? 

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22 hours ago, Guderian said:

I wouldn't let the possibility of another lockdown put you off, as long as you've got a decent stock of booze to tide you over it's not a problem. In fact, here in Pattaya, the lockdown was a rather pleasant time, with only local traffic and local people around. No traffic jams at all, it was lovely driving here, the first time in 16 years I've thought that.

Well the long queues of the locals looking for food handouts was a slight detraction. 

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