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What are my rights if wife tries to get me out of the house


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30 minutes ago, rumak said:

Thailand .   Number 1 again !  (how long can a woman last before her true self emerges)


The thing with relationships is :  the percentage that exist which have a formula ( 2 personalities,

2 hearts,  2 sexual appetites and preferences,  character i.e honesty and ethics ,  lifestyle preferences, etc etc etc).......... well, the percentage that will remain compatible and happy to stay in an exclusive

partnership for YEARS is  IMO   much lower than even the so-called 50% divorce rate.   

How many of you reading this are at this moment questioning just what the heck you got yourself into?

If your "partner" is not nearby...... raise your hand      ????




It is hard to find the right one that is sure. However if you don't pay your woman and she has no financial gain to be with you then she does not have to hide her true self. But this does not only go for woman. Guys too pretend to be nicer and different at first. I am sure we all do it at first we are on our best behavior and later less so. 


I find it strange how guys on here always seem to think its the woman's fault while it usually comes from two sides. I guess its hard to admit fault at one self. I know I have my bad habits and i also know that over time things usually change. But that goes for both parties so to always blame the woman is bit crazy.


Thankfully I have only once had a woman that most guys describe here. Money grabbing woman who was dangerous. But it seems most guys don't seem to learn from an experience like that.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

It is hard to find the right one that is sure. However if you don't pay your woman and she has no financial gain to be with you then she does not have to hide her true self. But this does not only go for woman. Guys too pretend to be nicer and different at first. I am sure we all do it at first we are on our best behavior and later less so. 


I find it strange how guys on here always seem to think its the woman's fault while it usually comes from two sides. I guess its hard to admit fault at one self. I know I have my bad habits and i also know that over time things usually change. But that goes for both parties so to always blame the woman is bit crazy.

Definitely agree that people's "true selves"  come out later,  man or woman !   


guess it comes down to whose true self is the worst     ????   .      have to say though, that many

mixed couples that I see walking around certainly do not seem like a "match" .   

everyone seems to love ms rumak ...... so probably its me that's the crazy one

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16 hours ago, blackcab said:

Do you have a usufruct, a lease or any other real or contractual right to be in the property? Did you build the house before or after you married?

who in their mind thinks about that when everything is rosy and new ?


ex lawyer at court : do you have proof on paper, bank transferts, that you gave money, monthly to your wife ... yeah right

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2 minutes ago, rumak said:

Definitely agree that people's "true selves"  come out later,  man or woman !   


guess it comes down to whose true self is the worst     ????   .      have to say though, that many

mixed couples that I see walking around certainly do not seem like a "match" .   

everyone seems to love ms rumak ...... so probably its me that's the crazy one

Having a good match is hard to get I have been lucky that i had some good matches. At least when it all ended there were no hard feelings or fights. (except with the first one born in the pits of hell ????)


I actually look far more at character then the package (took some mindset change) though i like nice packages that always changes but character and likes and stuff stays forever. 


I must say i learned from my mistakes.

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Going to take a guess here?  It is a personal choice but when I purchased everything for my wife and son I put in all in their name. It is tough to be married anywhere here I was basically taking them from rags to riches so I purchased what I felt if it didn't work I wasn't going to send them back to the the farm if they didn't want to. I pretty much signed out on everything at the land office although every baht came from overseas. Even in the toughest of times I have never regretted that decision today some how we are still together.


So how much do you really need to have this so call house it is just a house!  The bright side your daughter wants to be with you. Most likely she just wants the house to sell later it is all about the money especially if she has gone to live at the mother. Renting isn't that bad you have the two of you.


I would assume you have all the financials get a lawyer ( if you need English speaking Bangkok I have one ) but I seriously doubt she has the finance to fight you in court that is your plus at worse you have to split the house like I said it is just a house!  Your daughter is 12 soon every Thai kid is going to try to spread her legs personally if you can get the hell out of the country if you can and don't look back!


Good luck!

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15 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

What you think is often not what happens.

You are asking on a general forum about specific legal rights. The only person qualified to respond is someone who has experience in Thai family law. Every case is different. Different circumstances, different judge interpretation of the law and facts and different  participants.


Your having a salary is more likely to result in your shouldering support costs.

Young girls at their age often detest their mothers. It is normal. It's part of growing up as  kids find themselves and question authority.  The emotion you see as hate is most likely not. Barring  serious abuse and neglect, children do not  "hate" their parents at that age.  All this is to say, is that you need to put your emotional perspective aside and consider only the facts.


Save yourself some headaches and do the following;

1. Retain legal counsel.

2. Don't get emotional. As hard as it is, just deal with he facts. Getting upset will only make you sick and will achieve nothing.

3. Don't fight with the ex. Smile and back away. That is not giving in, but conflict will only make it worse.

4. Document everything. Every call, every meeting every  bill paid. look for the original purchase documents. They are vital.


Don't cut corners. lawyer up now before you get into a pickle.



you speak like you never dealt with a psycho ex and kids involved


I have dealt with it such ex.


My child HATES the so called "mother", too selfish and narcissistic, spending tons of money on herself and nothing for others


Lawyers:  in this country, you will be LUCKY if your lawyer does not make a deal with your EX and F. you in the back .... lost a house for a fake deal on paper with ex... both side lawyers knew my ex-wife would not be punish-able by law or COURT for not respecting divorce agreement...


Clerk at court made it clear, only material things can be enforced, so promise to give me signed copy of tabien baan + id card of ex + house owner papers, not even 5 lawsuits can force my ex-wife to give those papers, for my immigration / visa !


My ex-wife has abused verbally & physically, my child, for years, behind my back and child was too afraid to say anything or would have suffered more consequences of PhSYCO mother !


ex-family in law, only interested in money and themselves, nobody can talk sense in crazy ex !  even for the sake of their grandchild !!!!!!!


you have been f.  by your soon to be ex.


What out you don't get f. again by your own lawyer.


Watch out for SHARKS on TVF hunting for farangs in trouble !!!

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7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'd just take my kid (house book, birth cert, marriage cert, copy of wife's ID card) and move somewhere else, no forwarding address.

pretty sure ex will take HER house book and her ID card


my ex took house book, child's original birth cert (guess what immigration wants to see), original marriage cert , ex own ID card (off course) +  child's ID card, child's PASSPORT




- immigration could not care less that child wanted to live with me

- wife (not divorced yet , that time) did not want to help with visa

- child did not want to live with mother, 

- could not reach "mother"

- child might end up all alone if I could not obtain extension, as "mother" was gone, not interested

- etc


id cards also expire, if you have a copy


the deck is stack against the farang, in case of a divorce, non being 50, not working...


basic human rights (to be with family) is a no no in Thailand


I had the  400k for 10+ years on an account I never touched (more eye frowning why I never touched that 400k, than the case I had it to never go under the 400k)...



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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

What nonsense, police wont touch domestics, utter rubbish.

ex went to police many times, for things she started, they never came


on day, my ex came with 5 police, her lawyer bribed, to threaten me with arrest, if I did not let my child , against her will, go with psycho ex for the day


my lawyer was "busy" that time for an hour when they were here



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16 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

What you think is often not what happens.

You are asking on a general forum about specific legal rights. The only person qualified to respond is someone who has experience in Thai family law. Every case is different. Different circumstances, different judge interpretation of the law and facts and different  participants.


Your having a salary is more likely to result in your shouldering support costs.

Young girls at their age often detest their mothers. It is normal. It's part of growing up as  kids find themselves and question authority.  The emotion you see as hate is most likely not. Barring  serious abuse and neglect, children do not  "hate" their parents at that age.  All this is to say, is that you need to put your emotional perspective aside and consider only the facts.


Save yourself some headaches and do the following;

1. Retain legal counsel.

2. Don't get emotional. As hard as it is, just deal with he facts. Getting upset will only make you sick and will achieve nothing.

3. Don't fight with the ex. Smile and back away. That is not giving in, but conflict will only make it worse.

4. Document everything. Every call, every meeting every  bill paid. look for the original purchase documents. They are vital.


Don't cut corners. lawyer up now before you get into a pickle.


Very good advice. Follow it up. All the best. Esp emotionally and with your daughter. God knows why people want to <deleted> in their own nest! 

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6 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

The police can only get involved when there is a threat of violence. A civil standby. They have no power to tell you to leave the house. The court makes the final decision. If you are being harassed, contact your embassy, and have them make note of everything that is happening, including making police reports on any threats. You said you're speaking of personal experience. What happened?

embassy is the most WORTHLESS people around here, only good for a passport


I went to my embassy, my ex also got -for free- my home nationality, they told ME  if I took my daughter "home" than I would face charges for kidnapping .... they helped me 0 in my case !

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7 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

That's why you retain a lawyer that's familiar with the local courts and has a good success rate.

euh, it is not that there is an online website can give STARS with names of lawyers


in their head, they all have "good" success rates and their hourly rate, up to 15.000 baht / hour is also "fair" in their little heads

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2 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

who in their mind thinks about that when everything is rosy and new ?


ex lawyer at court : do you have proof on paper, bank transferts, that you gave money, monthly to your wife ... yeah right

All the money I have spent in the last 8 years of living here is probably about 6 million. Transferred from my UK account to my Thai account

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From what iv lived, seen, heard, most of the time the woman is in favorite position.

No matter what. Many men dont see their child anymore, despite judge rulements.

Only when woman wants to get rid of the kid(s) then it is ok for a man to step in. Or proven she is really bad in raising which takes lots of efforts.

There are groups "Crazy Fathers" , fathers who never see their kids anymore, thanks to ex wife. 

Or for that matter even later in live, when they are "adults" by "own" decision.


Most possessions you will loose. If you ever get married, you better think first of divorce. Put those pink glasses off !

But hey i was 22 getting married and you dont think about divorce. Then 10 years later, she surprised me.

I was thinking we were doing fine with 2 kids, but nope seemed not. Turned into a vixen real fast for i dont know what reason.


In the beginning the relation starts all nice, but then it changes. It's almost a fact. Women get "bored?" or "listen to the devil" and they dont know how to act anymore, but divorce. No matter how good you are or with the kids, you loose. I sometimes envy people who can make it work somehow till death do us part.

With everything prior to that relation you should think, what happens with it on a divorce. If you dont , you will be surprised at the divorce.

Your mate turns into a vixen and you see a total different person.

Mostly already some visible in the run to it, from which you first think, it is menstruation day, only it takes longer.

But no its not. When you are married and didnt think about the divorce, you will loose. 

Not that im religious, but first story in the bible is about Eve listening to the devil and Adam (mankind) was screwed. Bizar story, isnt it?

At that time it costed already the man a rib out of his body, to create woman, amazing. the first rib ever.

Someone writing that story long time ago already had that experience and made it as a warning?


Marriage, its fake, it doesnt mean a thing but a paper and status, to tell you, you wil loose at the end.

Im old enough and experienced by the years, to see its fake. My second marriage was with a prenup. Still was foolish then to get married , but

luckily with the prenup. Like all men in relations know, first its nice then it goes down hill.

Yes im in a relation now, but already alarms had gone off and now even thinking, should i pursue? It is a last time attempt, but ....?

First it is nice and then it runs down hill. Already put of my pink glasses and think oh no, not again. 

I thought she would have good times in any way, but nope their are already cracks.

Yup, she is Thai, nope she is not real young, as im not. Menopause? Guess al women are in menopause then all their lives.


The Op cant do anything more then fight, it is all that is left. Maybe contact the Danish guy who won some of his money back with having a relation with a Thai, not even being married ! It was in TVF some time ago.


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I had a friend that built a house for his gf. Then she wanted to kick him out. He bought all family members a ticket for some nice vacation. He stayed home. Unfortunately he's house got on fire and burned down. It wasn't insured.  Otging happened to him. If it was an accident or on purpose it doesn't matter. You can't get jailed if you choose to burn down your house. Only if it's insured and you try to get money from insurance. Just saying 

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19 hours ago, nicelee808 said:

Yeah it's nuts. Thought we were fine for years. But then started showing her true self

There could be a number of reasons for this, have you thought about it.


Could be she fell out of love.

You might have changed.

She might have started taking drugs.

New friend in the picture, being a bad influence.

Your too controlling.

Not controlling enough.

She has a boyfriend.


I mean how long is a piece of string, perhaps you should try and sit down as mature adults, if it's at all possible and talk about it, without getting upset, easier said than done, but for the kids sake, you'll soon enough find out if she still loves you, but sounds like too much water has gone under the bridge.


Marriages when they are on the out become hostile, especially from the woman's side as their emotions get all f'd up, but at least you can say you tried, as for the house, it's a pieces of materials stuck together worth nothing, if you can have your daughter and move on, i.e. if you are in a financial position to do so, go down that avenue, but get it all documented by the courts.


Put it down to one of life's experiences, don't be bitter, not worth holding onto it, or you and you alone will own it, not something you want to hold, as for your daughter, that is something else, you can't put a value on her, you can be that positive light in her life and her yours until she leaves the nest as mine did.


Best of luck.


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You both own half of the house and you are paperless otherwise. Buying her out is not helping as you then still have it in her name.
Best chance to sell after court ruling or taking a loss. You gonna be kicked out tho.

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22 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Do you have a "yellow book"?

If so its harder for her to kick you out of the home but it depends on whatever lies she is prepared to tell the local police, immigration and village headman.

You are basically in a very exposed position. 

Sorry mate. Its the way thing work over here. I do hope things work out OK for you.

Immigration has nothing to do with his problem. 

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Too many possible scenarios for anyone who doesn't know the full story/details. I suggest you see a good lawyer. One thing that will help is your daughter - the Thai courts often get slagged off but they always put the welfare of the child first in these situations. That doesn't mean you automatically get to stay in the house but it may help.

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11 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

No, I live here, and here, as in all countries that have laws on the book, they have to abide by those laws. A "good" lawyer is hired to fight for you, to know the laws of the country he is living in, and to make sure the court abides by them. Again, you can't go by what happened to you and a few others personally, because we don't know you're particular situation. Maybe you cheated, abused or hurt the wife in some way, and that was held against you when you went to court. Not appearing in court makes you look like you don't care of the outcome, and they will judge accordingly.  A court makes their decision based on facts, not assumptions. If you look at their own laws, as I posted, you will see that this is something that is on their books, and something they are legally bound to. If the court makes a stupid decision, you can appeal it, and expose them for wrongdoing, just as in other countries. Don't assume what happened to you will happen to anyone else. Your circle might include a few others that have told you what happened to them in court. Most people won't tell you the full truth because they don't want to be embarrassed. The laws here state what I posted. Anything you had before marriage is yours. Same for her. Anything you accrue after the divorce is community property, and subject to a 50/50 split. If you paid for everything in the house and can prove it by bills, statements and money coming in, that's your house also, and if the court decides that you have to sell it, which could take years or forever, you can stay in it She can also. If there are kids involved, that's when you need to fight, because the stability of the kids is most important in their eyes. If they see you as the provider, who paid for everything, while the wife sits back and does nothing but complain, she is entitled to half anyway, but you can stay in the house if they believe you are the more stable of the two, and the kids need a place to live, and bouncing around from one place to another isn't stability. Taking the kids out of their home, schools, and a source of income isn't in their best interests. getting a mediator first, which is what courts do here, is a way to work out an arrangement that works for everyone involved. If you can't agree, you take it to court and let them decide, which isn't always what you want but again, what the kids need. A judge can't break the countries own laws. I would like to see where a foreigner that was good to his wife and provided everything lost everything. I don't think it will happen unless there were underlying issues. If a house was paid for by the wife, or half, she can get the house, and the rest of the accrued property will be divided accordingly That's the case most everywhere else. A father (legal) will always get visitation, or custody, unless he hurt the children in some way. The woman usually gets primary custody here because they haven't understood that it's in the best interests of the children to find out where the best place is, and not a gender thing. I got custody of all four of my children in America because I was the only stable parent they had, and my wife tried to lie, which they didn't buy because they're way past that kind of nonsense there. I bought the house a week before we were legally married, and she tried to get it. No dice. All she got was 1/2 of what we accrued during our marriage. The same happens here. If you have a good lawyer, he's hired to win for you, not go through the motions. If you don't pressure him to do his job, he might just go along and get paid. He has to do what you ask him, as long as it abides by the laws here. the judge also has to abide by the laws, or he can be removed. Make a deal with your wife. They like money, and a lot don't care for the responsibility of their kids past age 5. If she'll agree ,then you'll both be happy. If not, hire a lawyer, a good one.

sure the laws are always followed in Thailand.... Can you tell me how the laws were followed with "Boss", you know the kid the ran over a cop.  How about the cops that have committed crimes and are moved to inactive positions. Are the laws being followed, no arrests just moved?  Please enlighten me as I'm confused. 

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O was in this exact situation a few months back. When I returned from a  trip my wife had stents my expensive watch. I called the police, they said prove it. Who are they going ho believe you or a thwoman. We then got into am argument  about the watch, bad mistake on my part. She called the police and I was told if I did not leave the house I would be committed.  I retained a lawyer but since the virus the courts have been closed. I think you better off writing the whole thing off as a bad experience and move on


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There is a case that a Danish man managed to recover items from his ex via the Thai courts I have attached a youtube link.

thai court danish mans wins devorce settlement


The Provincial Court in Buriram forced a deal between a Danish man and his ex Thai partner who had denied him any return of the 5 million baht, he had paid for a house they had built together and a car, they had bought in her name. The court ruled that the Thai woman should transfer the car, bought for 1.7 million Baht, to the Danish man. The woman had initially claimed that the car was a gift of affection and so was the house and since it was all in her name and they were not married, he had no right to the house or the car or any cash in the bank.



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6 hours ago, ericthai said:

sure the laws are always followed in Thailand.... Can you tell me how the laws were followed with "Boss", you know the kid the ran over a cop.  How about the cops that have committed crimes and are moved to inactive positions. Are the laws being followed, no arrests just moved?  Please enlighten me as I'm confused. 

Money can get you most anything, especially here. After all, OJ got off

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Whatever you do, don't allow your emotions to take over. You now know what your wife is like. Be outwardly friendly, while quietly seeking the best legal advice you can obtain. I'm very sorry for your situation and, as with all here on Thaivisa, I wish you the very best of luck.

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Just now, colinneil said:

Yes they must!!!!! again you just show that you are living in a dream world.

I've never shown I am living in a dream world. A judge has to abide by the laws set by the government or he can be brought up on charges. They aren't immune, here or anywhere else. Some might let them get away with misconduct. Your situation must have been one where you did something wrong, like not appearing in court?

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11 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I've never shown I am living in a dream world. A judge has to abide by the laws set by the government or he can be brought up on charges. They aren't immune, here or anywhere else. Some might let them get away with misconduct. Your situation must have been one where you did something wrong, like not appearing in court?

You are living in a dream world, prattling on, but not reading first.

I have clearly stated, i was not in the country but in the UK, and i said i only found out about the court case 9 months later.

Please keep up.

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