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Trump must give his tax returns to NY prosecutor, judge rules


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Tax returns don't disclose very much although they do disclose income and turnover. Look at published accounts of limited companies they just give totals of various types of income and expenses. Unless you can get hold of the books and records behind the tax accounts you can only roughly determine how much money he has "declared" as income. His actual income could be vastly different. Taxable income differs from expendable income.

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12 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


i don't doubt that he's a fraud, but there's a flaw in your reasoning.  the irs has all of trump's tax returns and would have audited him, probably annually....especially under the obama regime with his weaponized irs.  if there's anything illegal there, the irs would surely have caught it.  if not enough to prosecute, it certainly would have been leaked.


i'm sure he's NOT paying taxes, as he had nearly a billion bucks of losses from his latest casino bankruptcy to carry forward and apply to future profits.  the fact that someone pays no tax has little relation to their richiness.  the wealthy can afford excellent lawyers and accountants, they have friends in congress, and lobbyists to sow green envelopes and reap delicious tax breaks for the privileged few.  only the little people pay taxes, right google?

IRS checks if taxes are being paid as required. If he is undervaluing property for tax purposes and overvaluing those properties for finance purposes the IRS would be interested, but they would not know about that. from his taxes.

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4 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

The IRS does not do criminal investigations.


the irs disagrees.


The Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division conducts criminal investigations regarding alleged violations of the Internal Revenue Code, the Bank Secrecy Act and various money laundering statutes. The findings of these investigations are referred to the Department of Justice for recommended prosecution. 




so, yeah.  if he done illegal stuff, he'da been caught.  he'll be using all the tax breaks and grey-area stuff his very well-paid lawyers and accountants to ensure he pays as little as possible, likely zero.

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