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Trump must give his tax returns to NY prosecutor, judge rules


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I love the way Trump talks about this being the worst witch-hunt ever. Apart from the actual witch-hunts back several hundred years ago, just looking for a person's tax returns was the least of it when it came to the McCarthy era when the FBI and other agencies teamed up with congressional committees to hunt down everyone who was even friends with someone who might have signed a petition or a membership card back when they were a student. Destroyed the lives and careers of many people. And one of the people who was leading the charge was a lawyer called Roy Cohn who was later to legally represent someone called Donald Trump. Hmmmmm.

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 I thought Trump promised like five years ago after the audit was over he would shut all his taxes I guess that was a big lie I wonder why Trump doesn’t wanna show his taxes returns maybe it’s because all roads lead to Russia Trump has been the worst president for America in the history every time he says something he lies this time it’s cost hundreds of thousands of lives and he’s wrecked economy in another country thinks America has gone downhill all because of Trump 

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3 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


i don't doubt that he's a fraud, but there's a flaw in your reasoning.  the irs has all of trump's tax returns and would have audited him, probably annually....especially under the obama regime with his weaponized irs.  if there's anything illegal there, the irs would surely have caught it.  if not enough to prosecute, it certainly would have been leaked.


i'm sure he's NOT paying taxes, as he had nearly a billion bucks of losses from his latest casino bankruptcy to carry forward and apply to future profits.  the fact that someone pays no tax has little relation to their richiness.  the wealthy can afford excellent lawyers and accountants, they have friends in congress, and lobbyists to sow green envelopes and reap delicious tax breaks for the privileged few.  only the little people pay taxes, right google?

Fraud is where they will get him..  undervaluing properties and income to reduce tax... overvaluing to get loans.. a no no.. Money laundering for Russian oligarchs.. and laundering through Deutsche Bank which has already handed over details of dealings with Trump.. The Trump empire is a different monster to Trump the President.. Once they have access to his business records they can proceed to dismantle his empire with fines and appropriation of properties..  These are seasoned prosecutors who take down organized crime...'mafia' if you like.. they will destroy Trump whether he looses the election or not.. 

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump quickly appealed the decision and filed an emergency motion to delay turning over his tax returns, saying enforcing the subpoena would cause him irreparable harm by disclosing his "private, confidential information."

Why’s that trump?


Other presidents have done this without suffering. 

Or do you have something to hide...

Edited by Bluespunk
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9 hours ago, Tug said:

Good enough bs fork them over nothing to hide nothing to fear humm........

This is a poison pill farmed out by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller to the highly competent NYSD prosecutors ...who are state prosecutors (i.e. not federal)

it is all suspected to be about the laundering of Russian money by Deutsche Bank to buy Trump real estate 



To illustrate how scared Donald Trump is ....

- He fired Preet Bharara the previous US Attorney for the NYSD and replaced him with GOP supporter Geoffrey Berman after interviewing him first....but Berman did not want to bend the law to protect Trump

- This triggered the intervention of Trump crony Attorney General Bill Bar and then also Berman was fired last month


This means Trump has to win the November election or he might end up in jail 



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12 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Why’s that trump?


Other presidents have done this without suffering. 

Or do you have something to hide...

I think he is right, it will cause him irreparable harm.

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I doubt the court is going to try to 2nd guess the IRS on the issue of taxes owed.   I don't even think the IRS cares whether income is legal or not, as long as you pay your taxes on it.   They are revenue collecting agency, not a law enforcement agency.   

The taxes, however, may show less-than-savory dealings and that is what the court would be interested in.   I think they have a lot of the Trump Organization records already.  I think they also have the CFO's agreement to cooperate.   

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The IRS has Trumps' records going back decades.

For some reason he desperately does not want the public to see them,

we never will. Just more proof Trump is a fraud, a compulsive liar and 

unpleasant excuse for a human being  Why should Trump care ? His followers won't. 


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1 hour ago, Paul Henry said:

Trump cannot hand over tax documents because the are still under audit. The good news is he has promised to show them to America when the audit is finished. So why don't we all just wait for Donald to carry out his promise.

Because the law doesnt stop him showing his records while under audit. All he has to do is say the word.

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4 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

Trump cannot hand over tax documents because the are still under audit.


Of course he can hand over his returns while they are under audit.


I think that rudy g., among others, have revealed that the audits are complete, save for 2019.


Deducting the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, via subtrefuge (funneled to cohen) probably wasn't a wise move?





Edited by mtls2005
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