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"The bodies keep mounting up on Thailand's roads" - damning report airing on UK TV


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Heaven for bid they really post the real numbers of people who die because of traffic accidents I don’t mean the ones that are right on the road but I’m talking about the ones die on the way to the hospital in the hospital I wonder what that number would look like the TIT

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7 hours ago, meechai said:

If I were in charge I think the simplest fix is a Mechanical governor on all motor vehicles that limits speeds to 10mph/16kph

Because truthfully that is the absolute fastest a Thai should be traveling while operating any motor vehicle

They'd get all pi**y get off and kill each other, it still wouldn't work.

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5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:



And Thailand is NOT 9th. That is a pure fabrication. Most studies put them at #2. Behind Libya. And without the IUD's. 

Do you really  mean IUD = intra uterine device?


or could you mean IED = improvised explosive device.


Not same, but nearly!

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

it would mean police patrols to catch those who drive as if they are playing a video game.

I think playing video games with racing cars is the way your Thai kids learn to drive. We see it all the time in shopping malls and bur terminals etc.

They think that when you have an accident you just press the re-start button

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5 hours ago, Toscano said:

I believe I would be correct to say that a large proportion of accidents and deaths are motorcyclists , many of whom show no knowledge or respect for the law or rules of the road . I taught my wife to drive a car , because there are no driving schools , my wife drives very well , but when I see the examination course I feel it is not enough . Many drivers have little or no training , drive defective vehicles without a licence or insurance . The police only seem to concern themselves with road tax and drivers licence , no concern for drunk driving , cars and motorcycles with non functioning lights at night . People are quick to say , one law for the rich another for the poor , a smart car is more likely to be pulled over on a dual carriageway than a beat up pickup . In the event of an accident where a motorcyclist is 100% to blame , a smart car driver may be indicted and made to pay the costs of the offending driver just because he likely has money to do so .

Not news.. we all know this and much more.......

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Not really very informative. They could have shown  people on m/c's like the often seen couple with no helmet  holding a toddler beween them as they merrily speed along, or outside the local school with 10 yr old kids coming out on a m/c with a couple of mates behind , all with no crash helmets and the duty policeman holding up the taffic to wave them through.  Utterly stupid.

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7 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Hats off to the volunteer paramedics. The real unsung heroes of Thailand's appalling road statistics.   


The police should hang their heads in shame. 

The problem starts at the top, and there, there is no shame.

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7 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Hats off to the volunteer paramedics. The real unsung heroes of Thailand's appalling road statistics.   


The police should hang their heads in shame. 

the only thing the cops hang is their hands out for tea money. Tell me where anywhere else on this planet if you get pulled up on your bike and you have no licence they fine you and let you ride the bike home The fine is about 200 Baht cash on the spot

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4 hours ago, Tidybeard said:

I once asked a Thai friend why it was that in Thailand I never saw a police car pull over and stop a dangerous driver. Why I never saw a dangerous overloaded truck stopped, or any form of "on road" controls as witnessed in all other countries of the World.

The reply was that the senior police do not allow this kind of control, as they know that bribes will be taken, but it is impossible for them to know how much and to collect their share. So only official road blocks doing standard checks are allowed. These can be manned by senior officers who can ensure their cut.

Here in Samui - the police must be hurting, as there are no tourists to fine, and the Thais all know the times and places of the road blocks..... tea must be very scarce in the office. 

Anyone know if this is true ?

If it is - then there is no hope.  

What is not true is the first sentence, you may not have seen it but over the years many a time I have seen police cars and motorbikes pull vehicles over for a variety of reasons, and been in the vehicle myself on several occasions although fortunately not when driving.

I was coming down from Korat one time with a fellow Brit and we were pulled over by a car for no apparent reason, probably sat there a bit bored. The policeman came over and my friend wound down the window, he had a good look at us and my friend started to reach for his wallet and then the policeman saw my friend's wife and baby in the back, big smile and waved us on.

A few months back my wife was caught in a mobile speed trap, policeman in the bushes with gun type camera and a checkpoint about a 100 yards down the road. Policeman just showed her the image and wrote out a ticket, fine came through the post. 

Change is coming but certainly not before time and nowhere near fast enough.

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3 hours ago, robert888d said:

Thailand cannot lose face.

There will be an official claiming it is fake news and saying the figures are false in a few days. Mark my words.

How can the Thai Authorities claim any of this to be " False News / untrue "

The Government openly admit to the Death figure as being in the range of approximately 20,00 Souls.

An admission of guilt, made many Months ago, even before the program was aired in the UK


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8 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

I actually don't see many accidents driving around Pattaya, I would experience a lot more driving around San Francisco Bay Area but car on car accidents often don't produce serious injuries or death.

My experience completely the opposite. I see accidents daily when driving to work in Chonburi.


Just last night there was a fatality around the corner from our moo baan in Banglamung involving a pick-up and a small motorcycle.


Recently I have witnessed a fatality at an intersection and a hit and run on the main sukhumvit road where a vios knocked off a motorcyclist, paused for a minute then left the scene. The motorcyclist was badly injured.

Edited by Mr Meeseeks
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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a priceless comment.... A policeman that does not accept bribes, he must be the only 1 in the whole country.

Notice his name is not mentioned.

His name is on screen.



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10 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

So how is it a 'largely inaccurate report', apart from the Police quote?

Where does it say that it is largely inaccurate? I read "largely accurate" but maybe I can't read English.

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Great  world news  will  maybe shock Thailand  into  do ing something  

Like with  Boss  red  bull ...............MM  or is that over   all  payed  up and forgotten?

More  stories  like this great  for  tourism too  ...lol

Wonder who  is dehind that story  anyway

My bet is  a  Brit  from Thailand  ...good on you mate  !!!

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I’ve travelled all over thailand and never once seen a driving instructor advertising driving lessons !  I’m sure they exist,yet I’ve never seen one,. Small example car insurance around 750 baht per year ? This entitles you upto 30,000 baht cover if you die 35,000 baht .... my car insurance alone costs 40,000 baht that’s without tax another 6,000 baht. Before your passed your test in the u.k you’ve got to do x amount lessons then  a full test as well as having to complete hazard awareness courses ! Thailand seems to allow anybody to drive a car ‘ let’s face it how many people do you see on a daily basis not wearing a helmet when riding a motorbike ? 4/5 people riding a bike ... it’s got to stop nobody likes receiving news that your partner or loved one died today ..I’ve driven all round the world and can safely say thailand scares the <deleted> out of me - police should be stopping cars checking if roadworthy and if not confiscated and destroyed ... sorry but lives matter 

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