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You can now be arrested ( Australian)


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Whilst this post relates mostly to Australians I'm presuming some other countries have the same Law to a degree.

I am was quite surprised to see the news this morning of a Australian man holidaying in Pattaya alleging he was assaulted by another Aussie..bar owner apparently


It appears he has complained to Australian Federal Police in Australia ( Perth) who arrested the alleged offender ( bar owner) last night in Thailand


This is a new Law so commit any offences in Thailand whether that be against a Australian citizen or any other citizen and they make a complaint to Australian Federal police then you could be charged !



Does that mean if I have a bad fight with a citizen of another country I can call the AFP...have the laws changed because of the Aussie murdered several years ago in the Pattaya bar ?

Obviously it would have to be bad assault or offence ..I doubt they will come out because Fred from Manchester spat at you ..it will have to be serious I guess just like this one .

Will you be deported to Australia to face the court ?



Edited by georgegeorgia
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3 minutes ago, Crossy said:

@georgegeorgia do you have a link to the original story?


It seems odd that the Aussie plod would come to Thailand for a common-assault case even in pre-covid times unless there's a back story.

Fed police are stationed at  os embassies anyway but certainly not for this level of incident

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Apparently the Australian Federal Police are also based in Thailand...I had no idea..they are not coming from Australia.

It appears they now have a Pattaya branch and Bangkok?

And were investigating outlaw motorcycle clubs as well


Can anyone know about this ?

I see the news this morning and on radio these are the first person to be arrested for a overseas offence under the new law ..a bar owner in Pattaya .. apparently he was painting his bar and alleged to knuckle duster the other guy who was a Australian citizen but now 



Edited by georgegeorgia
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OP ;  You are incorrect, he was arrested in Perth Australia, not Thailand.    It happened some 18 months ago in Pattaya at a bar owned by the brother. 

The victim ( the other brother )  logged a complaint with the AFP in October last year ..... some 8 months after the incident.  AFP arrested the brother on his return to Perth on Wednesday.

He faces up to 20 years behind bars if convicted of intentionally causing serious harm to an Australian citizen or resident outside Australia. 

AFP do work out of the Australian embassy in Bangkok Thailand. They don't have an office in Pattaya. 



Edited by steven100
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Pretty gross and gutless for any human being to use such a weapon, especially on a person or family member who didn't threaten him physically, it just goes to show the level of mentality in the accusers mind and the type of animal he is to even contemplate using such a weapon, which is readily available anywhere openly here in Thailand.


Glad to see the victim (his older brother) had the sense to not let it go and reported the matter to the AFP so as to get his younger brother arrested as soon as he stepped foot on Australian soil once again, som nam na. 


Why his younger brother wasn't arrested here in Thailand leads me to two assumptions.


1) He paid the cops off here, otherwise why did his brother have to report it to the AFP back in Australia.


2) He fled Thailand after the fact and ended up in some other country until his funds ran out, later returning to Australia and being surprisingly arrested.


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One mystery remains now that the misinformation aspect of this case has been relieved.


A serious assault took place in Pattaya some 18 months ago which resulted in life threatening injuries and hospitalization.


How come the assailant was not arrested at the time by the RTP. Were they not aware of this incident or, did the RTP chose not to act because both parties were foreigners?


I'm pretty sure that if the situation had been reversed, i.e.  Thai on Thai in Australia, the police there would not have hesitated in making an arrest.

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1 hour ago, georgegeorgia said:

Apparently the Australian Federal Police are also based in Thailand


More than one country has federal police stationed at their embassy, but they have no legal power outside the embassy grounds.


As another poster stated already, the guy was arrested once he set foot back on Australian soil

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20 years ago I used to have lunch at Oz embassy... they had this awesome "canteen" and before 9/11 didn't mind outsiders to go there. At that time there was definitely Australian police stationed at the Embassy. I know of a couple of cases where they arrested Australians in Thailand and sent them back to Australia. I don't know if they are still there, but would imagine they would be.

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17 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

...Why his younger brother wasn't arrested here in Thailand leads me to two assumptions.


1) He paid the cops off here, otherwise why did his brother have to report it to the AFP back in Australia.


2) He fled Thailand after the fact and ended up in some other country until his funds ran out, later returning to Australia and being surprisingly arrested.

I see no indication in the cited news report that the attacked man filed a report with the police in Thailand.

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18 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

...This is a new Law so commit any offences in Thailand whether that be against a Australian citizen or any other citizen and they make a complaint to Australian Federal police then you could be charged !...

According to the news story, the law under which the attacker was arrested and prosecuted in Australia exists since 1995, hence it is not a new law.


Edited by Puccini
Corrected a typo
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1 hour ago, daveAustin said:

It is 'Ozzies' we're talking about, mind. ????

Yes, I'm one of them, I don't drink, I remain civil and I don't have much to worry about! :thumbsup:

Oh!.........and I find NO NEED to own a gun!



Edited by PatOngo
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6 hours ago, Puccini said:

I see no indication in the cited news report that the attacked man filed a report with the police in Thailand.

That is why I said the below.


To add: There was no indication in the cited news because of either 1 or 2, and if you know anyone who owns a bar in Phuket or Pattaya, they all have to know the police, how else do the police get their monthly tea money, and if he couldn't pay them off, then he would have had to exit the country quickly, so we are left to assume a number of possibilities as opposed to assume nothing at all. 


On 8/28/2020 at 11:42 AM, 4MyEgo said:

leads me to two assumptions.


1) He paid the cops off here, otherwise why did his brother have to report it to the AFP back in Australia.


2) He fled Thailand after the fact and ended up in some other country until his funds ran out, later returning to Australia and being surprisingly arrested.

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On 8/28/2020 at 10:48 AM, georgegeorgia said:

Apparently the Australian Federal Police are also based in Thailand...I had no idea..they are not coming from Australia.

It appears they now have a Pattaya branch and Bangkok?

And were investigating outlaw motorcycle clubs as well


Can anyone know about this ?

I see the news this morning and on radio these are the first person to be arrested for a overseas offence under the new law ..a bar owner in Pattaya .. apparently he was painting his bar and alleged to knuckle duster the other guy who was a Australian citizen but now 



"I see the news this morning "    What news?

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7 hours ago, Puccini said:

According to the news story, the law under which the attacker was arrested and prosecuted in Australia exists since 1995, hence it is not a new law.


Correct, this has been in force for many years and was enacted originally to catch pedophiles,

2 true events:


A friend who used to drink in a long standing Aussie bar in Walking Street and was a very frequent visitor to Thailand was arrested upon arrival at Perth airport, where he was presented with photographic evidence of him walking hand in hand with a young girl on what was then the new pier at was also then the Siren bar complex, which was infamous for young girls.

He explained to the arresting officers that this young girl was in fact his daughter, he was in custody for close to 2 days before they confirmed it was indeed his daughter.


Second one involved myself (British), from the period of 1994 to 2001 I spent a lot of time working offshore Australia and flying in and out every 6 weeks, normally never an issue at immigration / customs until one day flying in to Perth and I was pulled over for a customs search, nothing totally surprising in that, until the search, the customers officer went through everything with a fine comb, including speaking of a strip search, eventually and begrudgingly he let me go out after finding nothing, OK I thought, just a one off, wrong........ 12 weeks later we entered Australia via Darwin airport, again I am pulled over and given the thorough search treatment, this time another guy who lived in Pattaya was also pulled and searched, with loads of questions referring to me..................... upon arrival back to Thailand for a break, myself and Roundy (ex. owner of Jan / Roo Bar) contacted a mutual friend Bob who was the Attache at the Aussie Embassy in BKK, turns out there was a marker on my name to be checked, when I asked why, I was told that the most likely thing was that I had been observed in the company of a known drug dealer or smuggler and was marked for check because of that (edit, I will add observed in Thailand) the marker had been removed after two clean searches.

Moral of these two is that you never know who is watching you, or who you are talking to..............

Edited by Mattd
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