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Thailand's entire tourism industry will collapse if foreign tourists are not allowed back, industry leader


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5 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

I've had 3 flights in the last 8 days, perfectly fine, everyone had a mask on. London to Athens to Dortmund to London, I didn't think about the virus once, I was drinking beer and looking at the lovely ladies, plus sightseeing and taking photos. The reality is the world is no more dangerous out there, the risks of getting covid are the same as getting flu.

No 14 days quarantine, lucky you, part of my point was, what tourists would fly to Phuket to be quarantined for 14 days ?


Would you ?

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6 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

No way would I pay to be quarantined for 14 days. After a long flight the last thing you want is to be stuck in a hotel, I like to go out and explore, fresh air, some bars, well, whatever I want to do. This plan just sucks big time.

That is my point, anyone who wants a holiday and needs to get away, won't want to be stuck in a quarantined hotel for 14 days, so I cannot see this working, hence the reason I said I wish them all the luck in the world sincerely. 

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You reap what you sew ~ using Phuket as a test dummy when you’ve shown contempt for foreign visitors  is rather bizarre. It’s like going into a top class restaurant and being refused simply because of the colour of your skin  .... why would you want to return ? Let’s not forget the outbursts ! Farang are dirty maybe we can test this theory by putting Indians and Chinese tourists on Phuket 

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They are worried that their tourism industry would collapse — but little did they know that many tourists are unable to travel ???? because they have lost their jobs and are struggling to survive. So, Thailand should move on to think about alternative solutions  for citizens who lost their jobs too rather than coming up with some lame tourism policy ????. Just shut down the industry and restart after 2021. I heard that there are too many COVID 19-waves on their way! ???? ????. Keep those tourists and the foreigners who are stranded here for little while so they still can contribute a little, rather than chasing them away!

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7 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Finally someone with the *alls and vision to say it as it is. This means that if this is true then the PM and TAT have been lying all the time

Surely not, I mean, one is an Officer and a Gentleman, and the other a highly respected Government Agency!

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All of us who have been responding to these informational posts say the same

thing....  this current government has no concept of what they must do to give

the Thai people, in their entirety, a chance of having a life in their own country.

No fault of their own, they simply do not have the intelligence and commonality

to understand this principle.

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7 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

Care to explain how - in the current situation - millions who are working in tourism or in fields, profitting from tourism, should "reposition" themselves?

Learn how to fish and catch field rats then cook them on your homemade charcoal like they do in the poorer parts of Isan, no tourists where I am and nobody seems to miss them.

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30 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

That is my point, anyone who wants a holiday and needs to get away, won't want to be stuck in a quarantined hotel for 14 days, so I cannot see this working, hence the reason I said I wish them all the luck in the world sincerely. 

It is now a dead prospect, shot down for all intensive purposes as it had to many unattainable movig parts needing to be hammered out. 

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19 minutes ago, raccos21 said:

Keep those tourists and the foreigners who are stranded here for little while so they still can contribute a little, rather than chasing them away!

the thai really think about tourists and foreigners only in terms of money and power.

they are thinking: those who are allready here are here because they are too poor to

get back to their countries, or do not have much to go back to.

but the new tourists that will come will have to afford an expensive 14 day quarantine, so

they surely will have more spending power.

it is as simple as that.

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7 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

No it won't totally collapse, same as airlines, the planes will be just bought by companies that know how to run a business.


Some will benefit from this "cleanup". Time to reposition yourself if you work in tourism. 

No totally?  Only 95% will collapse ?
If they need planes, but why buying planes if you have no customers

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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Learn how to fish and catch field rats then cook them on your homemade charcoal like they do in the poorer parts of Isan, no tourists where I am and nobody seems to miss them.

Yup, and the hordes of Chinese in those white buses have never ventured to Isaan, happy to say...

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More ports of entry needed.  More ASQ facilities.  Using BKK as only way in is causing huge backlog and is just way too slow.  

Other airports and land borders could be set up to funnel in arrivals and send to new ASQ facilities.  It is merely expanding on an already successful model.  Plus lowering costs of ASQ needed.  Phuket model will be for wealthier expats, who would represent a small percent of the total retirees.  

Retirees and other expats bring in hundreds of millions of Baht from foreign accounts all year round.  ASQ is a cash cow for hotels and government.  The health insurance is also a huge cash cow with near zero claims being made on policies. 

They need to let us back ASAP to help make up the shortfall of tourism in the meantime and stop leaving so many thousands of stranded expats in limbo.  

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7 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

So what, nothing lasts forever

The problem is the tourist industry was already in decline pre Covid, despite what the authorities say. The decline was already putting strain on the industry and entire economy but Covid has created a rapid decline like we have never seen before globally. Thailand is so reliant on foreigners for money the impact is devastating. 4 million out of work is already a crisis, 10 million will be close to economic collapse in a country of 70 million people. The problems will lead to social unrest,, burglaries, muggings, violence, deprevation all follow. This is not an exaggeration, Covid has destroyed the tourist industry worldwide and countries like Thailand that rely on it so heavily will feel the full weight of this global problem. I thankfully only work with Thailand from afar, I no longer have to live there but if I did I would be getting my family out as soon as.

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1 hour ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

truth is that there are many infected and sick thai people.

truth is that the only way to live with this virus is the swedish way: to keep

all open, suffer some casualties and build herd immunity.

truth is that many more thai people will die from poverty and starvation, if the

country will remain closed.

truth is that there are many infected and sick thai people.

are there? where? not here in hua hin thats for sure. we work with staff from all the major hospitals here so trust me we'd hear, just as we heard back in march


truth is that the only way to live with this virus is the swedish way: to keep

all open, suffer some casualties and build herd immunity

but if as you say there are already many sick thai people here why the need to open?


truth is that many more thai people will die from poverty and starvation, if the

country will remain closed.

highly unlikely. outside of tourist ghettos thailand is business as usual, least it is where i live and have visited recently. markets are busy, restaurants are busy. thai centered business is doing well.


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21 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

i would. definately. as i am not a tourist and want to stay in thailand long time.

If your not a tourist, how would you get back in, do you have an appropriate visa/extension to get back in, I mean I know they are only allowing people with certain types of visas/extensions. I think those with marriage and Elite type visas/extensions, however have been excluding those with retirement extensions and others up to date, unless things have changed since I last heard.

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6 hours ago, Mavideol said:

but before they kept saying that tourism was not an important source of income for Thailand, what made them change their view

They don't know nothing soon the tee broke.l will never go back. I have plenty of money and wouldn't give that army 1 baht

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8 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

It has already collapsed, and it started long before covid19. 

Yes it did, best post of the day! Thai smugness, artificially high baht,, dread of ferangs saw places like Hua Hin, Phuket & Pattaya shrink since Charlie Chan and army cronies stole power.


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3 hours ago, AndresSP said:

A bit of a conspiracy theory but yeah, sometimes I wonder whether this mayhem is also about redistribution of wealth – bankrupt the weak, consolidate the infrastructure in a few hands. I am talking big businesses of course – hotel, restaurant chains and such.

I don't think it is a conspiracy in the sense that it was planned in advance, but I think that the problems caused by the reaction measures to Covid have presented great opportunities to those with deep pockets (and of course influence) which is why the measures seem to be enthusiastically guy nocontinuously extended.


Allied of course to the unresistable temptation of those of authoritarian bent, also well represented, to extend Government control over just about everything; and perhaps this is a bit more needy of a tin foil hat, but I am coming to think not, a fairly long standing desire in certain circles to re order society and the economy along what might be described as "new feudal" lines!

Edited by herfiehandbag
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Yes sure it will collapse. They do not listen anyone and provide kind of blackmail solution who is definitely not a winner practice, all over the world. And that is a concern for every country who has a kind of coward attitude in front of a not so strong killer pandemic situation.


Keep calm and start to count all.... look at the numbers, not only on this COVID target.


Tourism at pandemic time has a price, this price is to be courageous and sure, impose some restriction:

as mask to be an obligation in close rooms areas, shop, and reduce some high risk meeting in close place, ask for an assurance to be an obligation, maybe some more test, but not only for farang then... can this government will be able to paid also for there own citizen tests campaign ? because not only farang can be contaminated... it is sure that no test = no infected count, do not lie to yourself please, no one is stupid there... do you think we are ? Let's test also our IQ to check who said what... it should also be important to mesure the ideas of each in charge now.


Also, by the time, it is not like an Ebola pandemic where 80% of the contaminated people will, sure, die... sure not, we are talking about, at first start, between 1 to 3% of the most low powered people to die (and weak because of poor health self situation and most of them, very old and with already many problems), and right now, the power of this mutated virus is going down to kill at least maximum of 0.05 % of the contaminated people... as an other one flu can be !


Who is in charge of the humanity future ? Of the country ? The weak people with health problem now ? Are you sure ? Ar maybe the coward's people who are afraid of a flu and unable to count all in this story time ? The people who are more able to think about there own engagement to defend there own position than the economy of there own country in charge with ? What is that mean ? Is it a kind of new crazy world who will never win this way ? There is a end time for all the bad story.


It looks like, now a kind of panic situation who need more psychiatric attention on health care than other skills. and at the very top level of the organization, right now (again) and from already some month ago.


Leaders are generally asked to be exemplary and intelligent, courageous, and measured in a democracy, this is how most of the time in the world things move forward when there are issues to be resolved and with which they are will have to live with it.


Also, can you ask yourself how many people will die and kill themselves because of no money and no more dignity in a country whre we can start to read some people who express haters and low dignity attitude to poor people ?

The economic problem will be bigger in a country where all is coming from not only tourism, but importation and border fees on that, because who is importing things ? Who buy ? Who ask for strong house building there ? Try to count that fact... farang, i think, are the first one to increase not only the tourism economy, but the local economy and by this way, the infrastructure's quality to come with standard as a normal task every where around the world. It is not something the brain can imagine, just look at world wide facts on that.


Wake up baby... be courageous, we will win together and be more strong. Let's start to rich the winner attitude skills required.


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