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Pilot launch of new 'Phuket Model' to let tourists in likely next month


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My BEST guess is that NOBODY (healthy people with a brain screwed on) will travel to Phuket to be locked-up for X-number of days - not allowed to travel etc...  It is a nobrainer isn't it? (Except for government officials that is...) 

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20 hours ago, Moon6966 said:

If you want to travel outside phoket 21 days querntine? 

Are you sirous who will do that 


This soldier "PM" Cha cha should keep his ideas for the parade ground, maybe even do a wee dance with the rest of his soldiers and liven things up a bit.

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4 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

This soldier "PM" Cha cha should keep his ideas for the parade ground, maybe even do a wee dance with the rest of his soldiers and liven things up a bit.

Sadly i think the 'Wee" dance is on its way, in the form of a "Lead cleansing" of any democratic thoughts within the unwashed..........   As sure as God makes little apples it's on its way.......

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19 hours ago, VBF said:

Agree...... But that's basically the difference between health insurance and travel insurance. Unless you resident in a particular country, you don't really qualify to buy TI in that  country. IE, I live in UK, have an annual travel policy that includes Covid, however, it only covers trips out of UK of up to 60 days (or 90 with endorsement)

So i can travel to Thailand for 3 months, but couldn't live there on that particular policy.

General Cha cha and the Crazies, stupid rules just for the sake of making them.

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18 hours ago, geisha said:

If anything has put me off coming back to Thailand this winter ( or ever) it’s listening to this constant drivel and stupidity, with their ideas and plans changing daily. This government is a farce. Thailand is headed for disaster with such people running it.,

The "Government" is too busy playing at being the soldiers that they are, giving out orders one day and changing them the next.

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17 hours ago, terryofcrete said:

Despite all the jokes about this little exercise , I actually think it is a holding exercise to show they are trying to get tourism started again ... Of course , unfortunately, it IS a joke and will, hopefully, demonstrate that the only way to revive International tourism is to take the risks and test , track, and trace .. Someone mentioned Greece earlier ...very good system in place for tourists ... I was very impressed when I visited last week .. barcode issued to you the day before arrival and presented on arrival As all you Details of accomodation have been submitted in advance. I was tested on arrival and it appears they cme and get you if it’s positive ..Flawed ..of course what system isnt ..
The big difference is that the Greek Government will PAY for any treatment , or isolation that may be required during your stay ... Can you see the Thai Authorities buying that ! 

"Can you see the Thai Authorities buying that !"  No! They are more interested in buying submarines. and highly inflated prices for ASQ, insurance etc. 

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On 8/30/2020 at 5:54 AM, 473geo said:

It's a start, Best hope this initiative is a success in protecting the Thai people, and, can be expanded


Only after they(the worst blockhead in govt office)  are forced to recognized it is total failure as everyone else predicted in advance?

And after all the overseas tourists have come to rule  out Thailand as the travel destination?

If you are a prospective foreign tourist, are you willing to come to such a place?

So many hurdles to clear before you commence your whole journey.

Manddatory: Coronavirus free paper no older than 72 hours. Travel insurance with more than $100K medical coverage.  14-day on-arrival detention at overpriced hotels all at own costs.  PLus  further

lock-up before  your outside province trip.

If you happen to be a prospective foreign tourist, are you quite willing to overcome all these obstacles for your fun trip?


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Phuket mode as the pilot scheme to let the tourists in next month?

To the people with ordinary sense,  it sounds like a declaration of  no-foreign-tourists for indefinite period instead.

Simply the repetition of sheer unworkable non-sense announced in the past week.

Not even worth any further comments.



Edited by chiangmaixpat
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24 minutes ago, chiangmaixpat said:

Only after they(the worst blockhead in govt office)  are forced to recognized it is total failure as everyone else predicted in advance?

And after all the overseas tourists have come to rule  out Thailand as the travel destination?

If you are a prospective foreign tourist, are you willing to come to such a place?

So many hurdles to clear before you commence your whole journey.

Manddatory: Coronavirus free paper no older than 72 hours. Travel insurance with more than $100K medical coverage.  14-day on-arrival detention at overpriced hotels all at own costs.  PLus  further

lock-up before  your outside province trip.

If you happen to be a prospective foreign tourist, are you quite willing to overcome all these obstacles for your fun trip?


Already there is talk of a possible nine month 'visa' so the initial idea may well morph into something worth while - hence my comment it is a start  - acceptance that some way to allow tourists into Thailand is acceptable


But hey you guys with a fear of a bit of paperwork, couple of weeks of quarantine, and costs, can sit back and accept any 'costs and restrictions' are just not worth the effort - others at least have opportunity


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6 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Already there is talk of a possible nine month 'visa' so the initial idea may well morph into something worth while - hence my comment it is a start  - acceptance that some way to allow tourists into Thailand is acceptable


But hey you guys with a fear of a bit of paperwork, couple of weeks of quarantine, and costs, can sit back and accept any 'costs and restrictions' are just not worth the effort - others at least have oppoertunity



Is 9-month visa  really that appealing?

It is only for the people who can afford 9 months leave from own countries.

Most of the tourists(not retirees) to Thailand are often in working age.

If they are  currently employed/working in own countries, they cannot come & stay here for months.

Therefore all these hurdles  certainly serve hindrances  to turn away Ordinary Travelers who can otherwise stay  here for  1-4 weeks.

And 9-month stay permit is not concrete yet.

While all those  hurdles are already in place since late March this year.

See what happens 28 DAYS or 28 WEEKS LATER  after so-called Phuket Model trial launched.


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On 8/30/2020 at 6:13 AM, ezzra said:

Like tirelessly trying to force a square peg into a round hole and all that time the proponents of such scheme sure that tourists will line up in their thousand to take part in this shereade,,,

Hello, ezzra,


I presume there is a untold  reason behind their stubborn refusal to re-open the Thai borders.

They simply don't want to let foreign journalists into Thailand.

If they started to allow the tourists  in, foreign newsman will follow as well.

This is what the current government fear worst.

At this moment, all the journalisms are under state control.

But the foreign media coverage breaks their peace of mind among the draconian rulers.



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10 minutes ago, chiangmaixpat said:


Is 9-month visa  really that appealing?

It is only for the people who can afford 9 months leave from own countries.

Most of the tourists(not retirees) to Thailand are often in working age.

If they are  currently employed/working in own countries, they cannot come & stay here for months.

Therefore all these hurdles  certainly serve hindrances  to turn away Ordinary Travelers who can otherwise stay  here for  1-4 weeks.

And 9-month stay permit is not concrete yet.

While all those  hurdles are already in place since late March this year.

See what happens 28 DAYS or 28 WEEKS LATER  after so-called Phuket Model trial launched.


The set up is clearly for snowbirds an attempt to initiate a steady flow of longer term visitors


Thailand is not yet looking to provide access to covid ridden two week sex vacationers and batchelor party crowd!!


You really didn't anticipate the doors being thrown open did you - have you just come out of  six months of hibernation?

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3 minutes ago, 473geo said:

The set up is clearly for snowbirds an attempt to initiate a steady flow of longer term visitors


Thailand is not yet looking to provide access to covid ridden two week sex vacationers and batchelor party crowd!!


You really didn't anticipate the doors being thrown open did you - have you just come out of  six months of hibernation?

I really don't have to worry about my stay in Thailand.

Since I have been here  as an expat with long-term stay permit.


Apart from my personal circumstances, 

there is something interesting to know about.

Average  tourists'  length of stay period in Thailand: 9.5days.



To these people who can stay here for 2 weeks or less,  9-month visa is certainly not an huge attraction.

And there is one ugly fact you may not want to know about.

So many people in Thai inbound tourism sectors have always been nourished by  the " two week sex vacationers and bachelor  party crowd" you despise.  

It is not only about Pattaya.

The first & worst casualties of this Coronavirus scare are often prostitutes & bar girls with little education.  They  can do nothing but rely on their only trade to earn money to support their family members.

When they are city-born, things are lot harder.  They have no place to home for self-sufficient farming with their  family.

Local tour operators, tourist-oriented diners and gift shops keepers  are not the only ones suffering in today's tourism shutdown.




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20 minutes ago, black tabby said:

I really don't have to worry about my stay in Thailand.

Since I have been here  as an expat with long-term stay permit.


Apart from my personal circumstances, 

there is something interesting to know about.

Average  tourists'  length of stay period in Thailand: 9.5days.



To these people who can stay here for 2 weeks or less,  9-month visa is certainly not an huge attraction.

And there is one ugly fact you may not want to know about.

So many people in Thai inbound tourism sectors have always been nourished by  the " two week sex vacationers and bachelor  party crowd" you despise.  

It is not only about Pattaya.

The first & worst casualties of this Coronavirus scare are often prostitutes & bar girls with little education.  They  can do nothing but rely on their only trade to earn money to support their family members.

When they are city-born, things are lot harder.  They have no place to home for self-sufficient farming with their  family.

Local tour operators, tourist-oriented diners and gift shops keepers  are not the only ones suffering in today's tourism shutdown.




Hey at least I am supporting efforts to get the tourist flow started however miniscule the introduction. Suppose this works in Phuket, a few thousand long stay tourists arrive, then is trialed in Chiang Mai and is successful there? then Samui? Flights become more regular other options are explored.


You think I 'despise' the 'party crowd' because I mention the current set up is clearly not appropriate for them? Would love to know how you came to that conclusion?


Also If you know Thai people, their ways, and traditions, then you will know the majority of the population would take a little suffering rather than place their parents at risk!! You will also know, along with self sufficiency, many are generous to others less fortunate.


These are exceptional times and we should be tolerant of governments 'flying by the seat of their pants' while trying to accommodate caution.





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Listen to all the drivvle on here about jumping through more hoops just to stay in Thailand, if more people just told em to shove it where the sun doesn't shine and just tried hanging out somewhere more welcoming for a change, they'd eventually throw the borders open and welcome you back without a visa....... I can remember years ago when you could come in and out of Thailand with basically a wave of your hand....... The more people jumping through the hoops, the more they'll make up, just like any pratt with a bar girl mentality....    Let em starve for a while, do em good.......... and us........ 


If you want to see what's on the cards for Thailand, just watch this.......


Edited by SupermarineS6B
Tried to get rid of the attachment, wanted the place the URL...
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3 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Hey at least i am supporting efforts to get the tourist flow started however miniscule the introduction. Suppose this works in Phuket, a few thousand long stay tourists arrive, then is trialed in Chiang Mai and is successful there? then Samui? Flights become more regular other options are explored.


You think I 'despise' the 'party crowd' because I mention the current set up is clearly not appropriate for them? Would love to know how you came to that conclusion?


Also If you know Thai people, their ways, and traditions, then you will know the majority of the population would take a little suffering rather than place their parents at risk!! You will also know, along with self sufficiency, many are generous to others less fortunate.


These are exceptional times and we should be tolerant of governments 'flying by the seat of their pants' while trying to accommodate caution.





I thought Mother Teresa was dead ?..........  

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On 8/30/2020 at 10:32 AM, Jurg said:

To my latest understanding, Australians are not allowed to leave their country, unless they have a very special exemption given by their Government to go overseas.


That exemption you would not get as a holydays tourist to Thailand.


I stand corrected if I am wrong,????

You are correct, Australians have to apply for permission to leave the country and I cannot see  a holiday in Thailand being approved as a reason.

The government are also restricting the number of flight arrivals which has resulted in many Australians still being stranded overseas.

To top it off if you got permission to leave and managed to return, after enjoying your 14 day quarantine in Thailand, you face another 14 day compulsory quarantine in Australia for which you would pay $A3000.00 for one person.

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On 8/30/2020 at 12:48 PM, FalangJaiDee said:

I understand the 21 days, because some people have been asymptomatic for 14+ days and then test positive on the 3rd week. It’s rare, but missing such individuals would be catastrophic, especially for Thailand. If they’re seriously insinuating that only countries that have been Covid-free for 30 days can enter, they’re possibly going to be waiting for years to get tourists back. This sounds like flinging random s**t at the wall and hoping something sticks. 

Do you also understand why returning Thai people are not subjected to these 21 days? 

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41 minutes ago, anchadian said:

According to the BP, the reopening of Phuket has been delayed due to the first local infection.


I wonder how many people have already purchased tickets?



Dont expect thailand to open this year...


The west coast will soon be totally empty from Patong to Chalong

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