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France's Le Drian blames Britain's 'attitude' for Brexit talks impasse


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1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

Tell me, does a French minister do anything without "being alongside" a German?

Well, they learn from the best...French and German presidents 

Except when going to Lebanon ????

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4 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The EU are welcome to propose their restrictive terms, and the UK are free to reject them (and will reject them). I'm not whining about freedom of contract. I'm simply explaining why the terms are unacceptable. 

Unacceptable, maybe. Unexpected, surely not!

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8 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Investment in Wales came from EU coffers, to which the UK were one of the biggest contributors. So they were just spending our money for us. How gracious of them...

The money for infrastructure projects in Wales indeed came from EU coffers to which the biggest contributor of course is the German taxpayer.


But that's fine, we'll get our haddock elsewhere, now Germans are no longer wanted and you have your infrastructure projects already built...

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15 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

That is definitely a good summary.

If the little UK wants to play with the big EU then better accept the rules.

And lets not forget that the EU really tries to be nice to the UK. Any trade deal with the USA and China will be more difficult.

It probably helps to claim "let's take back control" to win an election. But that part is done and now it's time for realpolitik. Boris are you ready?

We're so lucky to get the real news from our TV insiders.

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14 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Let's look how you and all the other people in Great Britain feel when the s$% hits the fan and the economy goes down, DOWN. Don't say nobody warned you.


What a fearful thing to say!

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh boo hoo. If the EU wasn't such a disaster Britain wouldn't want to leave it. Monsieur Le Drian should look closer to home.


Didn't the EU and US just complete a trade deal? 

But of course the UK has nothing with either countries as yet with both the EU and US now with even stronger trade positions towards the UK. UK will not be the mouse that roared.

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8 hours ago, RayC said:

What strings in particular? If you are referring to state aid, then that comes under 'Competition Policy', a substantial section in most trade agreements. As a minimum, parties are usually asked to define what are their policies re state aid. The UK refuses to do so.


Personally, I think that this refusal is simply because Johnson don't yet know himself. It is just another example of the incompetence of the UK government during the whole Brexit process.

Maybe he doesn't know yet. But a reason for that may be that we weren't allowed to even talk to anyone else about FTAs before this year. Another EU demand that should have been given the finger.

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2 hours ago, mrfill said:

Well, its gone down the pan with the marvellous covid response so the effect of brexit can be shifted to 'the virus' and everything will be fine... its always good to have a surprise scapegoat when you have a useless government.

SO it were us wot dunnit after all then?

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