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For how much longer do we have to wear masks in supermarkets for?

Keyser Soze666

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16 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Your logic is the reason why Europe has seen a rebound of cases. The infections dropped and too many people assumed they did not have to be prudent.


Your argument is played out daily with the mentally ill, particularly those  with depression, schizophrenia and other mood disorders. Their symptoms go away, they feel better and then they stop taking their meds.  Know what happens then? Tbhey go back to their mental illness manifestations.


Widespread infections  are not evident in thailand because  the locals have some basic prevention measures in place. Because some misguided arrogant foriegners demand these measures be abandoned does not mean the measures are improper.



Public health  has provided guidance that mask wearing will continue until there is minimal likelihood of transmission. The masks are helping to suppress the infection rate.  Influenza season will start in November. Mask use will be recommended until the end of that season in April. Expect 6 month minimum.



No one is advocating a "continued lockdown". Intelligent people who understand human behavior, and the basics of infectious disease  support continued enhanced hygiene measures, social distancing and other low cost/low tech methods that have significant positive impact. Wearing a mask in a public place is not an onerous imposition despite the hysterical and emotional claims to the contrary.

Doubtful. It's covid-19 and covid-19 only that will dictate recommendations for mask use.


Forget about influenza. It's never been hyped up, and most certainly not in Thailand where it's hot year-round save for some cooler nights in the north between November and February, hardly much to worry about. Nor has anyone ever advocated masks to be worn for those suffering from the flu. Flu patients should be staying home until they get better. 


The funding that comes from international bodies is for covid fighting not influenza.


Therefore, whenever things start winding down on the covid front, masks will no longer be required or even recommended. 

Edited by TheFreqFlyer
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2 hours ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

You're still banging on?? Worse than a parrot!

It's also ironic that he goes on about foreigners telling Thais what to do, when it was foreigners (officials from international banks and globalist institutions like the WHO, WEF and World Bank) that recommended, and later coerced countries like Thailand to impose mask mandates in the first place! In fact, Thai officials have repeatedly stated they're only following WHO advice. in other words, the advice of foreigners (farang). 

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4 hours ago, AAArdvark said:

"Hot weather" has been debunked ages ago.  Just ask the people in Florida, Texas, Indonesia or the Philippines.  In some places in the Philippines, like where I live, we have to wear face masks and face shields inside of public places, outside walking and inside transportation.  In the case of a motorcycle, the requirement is a mask, a shield, a helmet and if there are two riders there needs to be a shield between them.  In my city alone, there have been well over 500 arrests for violations.  The penalty is ~ $21 for the first offense and by the time you get to the 3rd offense it is ~ $100 plus jail time.  The Gestapo even enters private property to enforce the rules.  Then, of course, we have nightly curfews too with arrest and detention for violators. 

Indeed the rules in countries like the Philippines are much more stringent than Thailand ever was. 


I'm not making a big deal about things in Thailand anymore because masks are really only required as a sort of "face" measure when entering inside certain public spaces like malls, government buildings etc. but are not needed elsewhere. And once away from the entrance you can take the mask off or put it below your chin. 


At the beginning, back in April, like in many other countries, officials were making some noise about wanting people to wear them whenever leaving the house but that couldn't really be enforced and if it was in places, then only back around April and May (same as in Vietnam).


Since May, things have definitely started loosening up, whereas in many other countries, mask mandates have only intensified - in countries like Australia (Victoria only, but "highly recommended" in NSW), New Zealand (for public transport and domestic flights), many parts of Europe (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK even), USA (many states, and many shops and businesses as well as public transportation), Canada (ditto - various provinces and types of businesses), Malaysia, Myanmar etc. 

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On 9/2/2020 at 12:25 PM, spidermike007 said:

I get it, in Europe and the US. I do. But here? No new cases in 90 days and people are still buying into the apocalypse? What is the point of masks, at this stage? What is there to spread? Any remaining cases were gone long ago. Sanity and rationale, please. 

I guess you guys have not seen the news how cases are rising in Mynamar, Cambodia and other nearby borders with many people trying to illegally cross the borders. If enough get thru you could be dining or served food by one of these covid carriers.

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6 hours ago, grobec said:

Wearing a mask is a small price to pay to protect our society and freedoms. I get that we are fortunate to be in a less affected country but the virus is still out there. Like wearing a seatbelt, we get used to it and in most cases appreciate the added safety “ in case”.

the next 12 months here in Thailand will be dangerous as we open up To the rest of the world and god forbid we fall into the disgusting situation that is ongoing in USA ( as an example). 
let us all help by setting a good example and that we have respect For this country and our neighbors.
the lives we save may include our own


Not sure you know the meaning of "freedom". Being forced to do something against your will is the exact opposite of freedom. 


Perhaps you meant "security". But as one great American once said: "those who are looking for liberty and security will get neither". 


Anyway how do you explain Laos and Cambodia? Neither has any significant number of cases and no one wears masks there. Are they "disrespecting" us, or themselves, or the rest of the world by not religiously wearing their masks? Or could it be that their governments didn't accept money from the international bankers to impose mask mandates? Or they took the money for themselves and thus don't have the resources to enforce it? 

Edited by TheFreqFlyer
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5 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

There is no scientific proof at all that hot or cold weather has any effect on the virus. And cold is relative, isn't it? Cold in Thailand is still very warm for many countries. Thais start huddling round fires at 20 degrees. What some northern countries are worried about is the winter flu season combining with the totally separate covid-19 and overwhelming the health care system.

But to address the question from the OP, an increasing number of people are not wearing a mask anymore. My wife went to a temple gathering yesterday, and there was no social distancing and only three in the photos I saw out of over 100 there were wearing a mask. Even the girl checking my temperature as I enter Tesco doesn't even bother looking at her device anymore.


With no cases recorded for months outside of a few quarantined arrivals, the chance of anyone transmitting the virus has to be zero. It is no surprise then that mask fatigue has very much set in, although the big stores will continue to go through the pantomime until Big Brother in parliament tells them to stop. As their desire is control of the people in as many ways as possible, that might be some time away.

Fantastic, very well articulated answer. 

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1 hour ago, herwin1234 said:

we are learning a lot from this new virus. i agree with you. it seems healthy people with a normal healthy immune system seldom die. it are the people basically with modern day diseases basically bc of eating unhealthy and unhealthy lifestyle, that have to pay the price. Even than people will not admit it but only blame covid.

We can fight this virus by a vaccine OR maybe the fat people should go eat more healthy. Basically covid is like the flue.

Correct. And one of the most astonishing aspects of the dialogue, is that so few are discussing this. Why are Americans and Latin nations so vulnerable? And why are Thais seemingly far more immune? Well, the first thing that comes to mind for me, is the ridiculously unhealthy diets. And the levels of diabetes and heart disease. 


Of course, in this ultra PC world it is not permissible to point out that obese people are far more vulnerable. Nor, can we discuss the especially horrendous diet of alot of black and Hispanic Americans. Nobody wants to inconvenience themselves with a change of diet. And the authorities barely even make mention of it. It is as if Wonder bread, twinkies, Nathan's hot dogs, pop tarts and the Lays Co. own the nation. 

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2 hours ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

Utter nonsense.

Right, you do what you feel is right and make sense to you.
It seems you can not see the damage that Covid has done. Many Thai people suffering and will not survive a second wave.

I know, it is "non sense" to you . Ok . ????????

Edited by The Theory
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42 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Why are Americans and Latin nations so vulnerable?

Nobody is immune widely.
The law is different in the US. In Thailand people require themselves to follow the new rules quickly. In the US people still not  believeIng in wearing mask. It's a mess and anyone does what he/she feels is right and believe that by law they have rights.

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I'm not against wearing a mask, I've worn one in the UK since I returned from Thailand in March. However, for me, one of the things that casts doubt on the figures Thailand presents for Covid 19 infections and deaths is that the requirement to wear a mask is still in place. If there haven't been any local new infections for over 100 days, what's the benefit of wearing a mask?

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3 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I'm not against wearing a mask, I've worn one in the UK since I returned from Thailand in March. However, for me, one of the things that casts doubt on the figures Thailand presents for Covid 19 infections and deaths is that the requirement to wear a mask is still in place. If there haven't been any local new infections for over 100 days, what's the benefit of wearing a mask?

Dubious figures.

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3 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I'm not against wearing a mask, I've worn one in the UK since I returned from Thailand in March. However, for me, one of the things that casts doubt on the figures Thailand presents for Covid 19 infections and deaths is that the requirement to wear a mask is still in place. If there haven't been any local new infections for over 100 days, what's the benefit of wearing a mask?

There are no benefits of wearing a mask in a virtually covid-free environment like Thailand.

But despite all the evidence that it is actually counter-productive to wear masks when the risk of infection is close to ZERO, rational arguments don't work for those that believe in the Hidden Spreader Army of this 'killer' Virus. 

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On 9/2/2020 at 12:43 PM, Thaiwrath said:

I go to a local mall for a cup of tea once a week, to meet a couple of friends. I am not permitted to enter the mall without a mask, but having walked probably 60 yards to where we sit, which is not partitioned off from the rest of the mall, I am then allowed to sit there mask free for the duration of my stay !

A bit contradictory to the necessity to wear a mask. 

Think there is a difference between walking around and potentially interacting with many  strangers, and sitting at a table with friends and family

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4 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

That is to enable them to perform the basic function of eating. Sushi is too large to pass easily through the material of face masks????

As you are, by your screen handle, a continual eater I understand your concerns. ????

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On 9/2/2020 at 12:02 PM, Oldie said:

Honestly - I am happy that the Thais do not behave like people for instance in Germany that demonstrate against masks and other measures that help to prevent the spread of the virus. And I hope that will not change. There they call such demonstrating people "covidiots". 

I recently had the juristic person at my condo accompany me to have my temperature taken at both building entrances and the 7-Eleven that's in our complex. All three temperature readings were different with a wide range. They didn't think that the inaccuracy and non consistency was a problem. well if anyone calibrates these little handheld devices that they take our temperatures with? You can also fool these devices I taking Tylenol to reduce a fever if you have one. I honestly don't see the point in any of this.

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2 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

I recently had the juristic person at my condo accompany me to have my temperature taken at both building entrances and the 7-Eleven that's in our complex. All three temperature readings were different with a wide range. They didn't think that the inaccuracy and non consistency was a problem. well if anyone calibrates these little handheld devices that they take our temperatures with? You can also fool these devices I taking Tylenol to reduce a fever if you have one. I honestly don't see the point in any of this.sh

I think many of these devices are completely useless. I let at our gate check them my plastic shopping bag and it had fever. Gladly I was allowed to take my shopping items with me despite of this. But in the meantime I see at least here in Pattaya where I live that most people don't care about anything anymore. Why should they? There are no laws enforced. And if I remember correctly there was a very big meeting point in Soi Buakhao in front of the Tree Town area every night even when laws should have been enforced. And this went on for a very long time. And I never forget when a Farang picked up a prostitute in this law free area and killed her. A very sad story that shouldn't have been possible if... 

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2 hours ago, Sumarianson said:

Are you still wearing the same condom 100 days after you finished? Protection when needed if needed and only if needed. It is not needed now and does more harm than good.

There is no Thai smile to come to Bangkok for anymore and tourists are not going to pay thousands of baht for insurance against something that we are told does not exist in Thailand.

If you want to come to Thailand you have to accept the laws here. If you don't want to do this then better don't come. I think there will be enough people accepting them. They don't want to have too many tourists anyway at the beginning. 

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If you don't wear a mask in the supermarket and my fragile grandmother contracts C19 from you in passing then she'll infect her aged friends at the weekly Whist night, which is complete nonsense and shows what a mess has been made of this so-called global lockdown.   


But now the UK government U-turn, flip flop and pile pressure on us to return to the office when there's absolutely no need. We've been WFH since mid-March and I don't detect any rush from any of my colleagues to return to the office. I'm also not here to save fashionable eateries from bankruptcy as I prefer to save on my outgoings which includes an annual train season ticket costing £kkkk. 


Ridiculous, isn't it.



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Wear your mask a few more months like it was insurance against getting Covid.  Maintain social distancing as well.  A small price to pay to help keep Thailand safe.  If you don't care about yourself then care about others that you could spread the disease to.  Just think, Thailand could have had a leader who, as some thought, said it was just another flu.  That leader failed to lead by example and look at the mess his country is in.  At least in Thailand most of the leadership took immediate and effective actions.

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