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Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters - Reuters/Ipsos poll


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On 9/11/2020 at 1:34 PM, J Town said:

We'll see soon enough, and I bet my bottom dollar it WON'T be 4 November.

Two months ago I put £1000 for President Trump to be re-elected at 6/4, so easy cash for me


FYI: The odds are now 1/1

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On 9/20/2020 at 7:33 PM, candide said:

Lol! You conveniently picked up the only polling organisation which systematically gives higher scores to Trump than other organisations.




No particular improvement for Trump in all other polls. 


Only poll worth a <deleted> is the election.

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53 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

We'll see what happens in November, won't we?


No need to.


If you'd bother reading before posting you'd realize the the context wasn't Biden lead in the polls, but Biden being "miles ahead" of Trump with regard to setting an example for keeping Covid-19 regulations, and communicating this issue to the public.

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Don't Biden supporters realize they are voting for Kamala Harris to be president, if Biden wins the election? The powers that be will use the 25th Amendment on him within a month of the inauguration. The man is obviously demented. I have been an MD since 1976, and I know demented when I see it.

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30 minutes ago, farangkinok said:

Don't Biden supporters realize they are voting for Kamala Harris to be president, if Biden wins the election? The powers that be will use the 25th Amendment on him within a month of the inauguration. The man is obviously demented. I have been an MD since 1976, and I know demented when I see it.


Oh look, a self proclaimed MD offering long distance TV based diagnosis. Guess you see no issues with Trump's health and 'herd mentality'?

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On 9/10/2020 at 11:51 AM, crobe said:

Yes, he will be taking over OAN - and in a dog-fight with Murdoch for the right wing cable viewers - but social media is the future - and neither Trump nor Murdoch (who bought Myspace - remember that - probably not) - have any capabilities there

Trump wants to hand over the Republican party to his kids in a dynastic succession - but according to the conservative law professor John Eastman - lauded by Trump himself - they should not be eligible to run for president as their mother, Melania, was not a US citizen at the time of their birth.

Only Barron's mother is Melania. Ivana (ZelníčkováTrump is the mother of Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka.

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39 minutes ago, farangkinok said:

Don't Biden supporters realize they are voting for Kamala Harris to be president, if Biden wins the election? The powers that be will use the 25th Amendment on him within a month of the inauguration. The man is obviously demented. I have been an MD since 1976, and I know demented when I see it.

Biden is slightly healthier, study says, but both presidential candidates may be ‘super-agers’

The presidential candidates and their supporters will likely keep belittling the other guy as a doddering old fool, but a group of geriatric experts say in a new paper that both President Trump and challenger Joe Biden appear to have the physical and cognitive tools to make it through four years in the White House.

In fact, the two candidates’ relative good health and other advantages — parental longevity, access to top-notch healthcare and abstinence from smoking and drinking — suggest both men are likely to become long-living “super-agers,” who thrive well into their 80s, or beyond, according to a draft report written by three medical doctors and four researchers with expertise in public health, survival analysis and statistics.

Three of the authors of the paper — Stuart Jay Olshansky, a public health professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago; Dr. Bradley Willcox, director of research in the Department of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Hawaii’s medical school; and UCLA Professor Hiram Beltran-Sanchez, an authority on the demographics of aging — wrote previously about how presidents tend to outlive average Americans.


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56 minutes ago, farangkinok said:

Don't Biden supporters realize they are voting for Kamala Harris to be president, if Biden wins the election? The powers that be will use the 25th Amendment on him within a month of the inauguration. The man is obviously demented. I have been an MD since 1976, and I know demented when I see it.

So you're making such a serious diagnosis without seeing the patient? Quack quack quack. Most democrats would prefer Harris to Biden anyway, so your mean spirited specious prediction is not exactly a problem for a very large portion of the people that will be majority voting for Biden. 

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32 minutes ago, Morch said:


Oh look, a self proclaimed MD offering long distance TV based diagnosis. Guess you see no issues with Trump's health and 'herd mentality'?

Yes, and Biden has stuttered and gaffed since his youth.

45 on the other hand has clearly greatly declined. His vocabulary is much less robust than before and he frequently slurs his words as if he is a stroke victim. 

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On 9/11/2020 at 7:57 AM, J Town said:

That was a major faux pax, and a glimpse into the real Biden. Polls show (as far as we are accepting polls here) the majority of people voting Dem also admit they are not voting FOR Joe, they are voting AGAINST 45. I will vote Joe, but I will be holding my nose as I do. Once again, a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich.



I have always found it strange the way Biden, Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, and others take on this strange folksy kind of accent when they speak to a room full of Black Americans. Trump does not do that. He always sounds like Trump.


Even Barack Obama took on this accent over time. He was not raised in the Southern United States or in a Black community, and he clearly had no such accent when he first burst on the National scene. But the older he gets the more he sounds like a cross between Morgan Freeman and some black preacher in a small Baptist Church in Mississippi somewhere.

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Yes, and Biden has stuttered and gaffed since his youth.

45 on the other hand has clearly greatly declined. His vocabulary is much less robust than before and he frequently slurs his words as if he is a stroke victim. 


I doubt either of them is in his prime. The difference, IMO, is that Biden acknowledges his gaffs etc. and admits mistakes. Trump? Goes to war on any correction, any hint that he wasn't on top of his game, made a mistake or lied. One is able to deal with feedback, the other can't.

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4 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

And folks wonder why Trump has so many supporters. They aren't voting for Trump they're voting against the democrats. The amazing thing is that liberals just don't get it.


And in the same way, voters are not necessarily in love with Biden, just vote for anyone who isn't Trump. Same thing as previous elections.

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