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Cabinet to consider special tourist visa next week: TAT


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7 hours ago, AlfHuy said:

and after 9 months, do a border run and come back for another 9 months.

No health insurance, no 800k in bank, no nothing.

Just enjoy and as a sweetener, you can buy land and build your dream home.


     Sure, Foreigner , can buy land , and build house , in paradise with lady , younger .

    Does the foreigner own , the land or house .?



Edited by elliss
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14 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

The latest is that AstraZeneca has placed the vaccine trials and production on hold due to the issue of side effects.


One patient with slight after effects, but the latest is possible roll out this year.


"AstraZeneca has struck a number of manufacturing partnerships around the world and believes it will be able to manufacture about 3bn doses." Kerching £££$$$€€€





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11 minutes ago, champers said:

Retirees have not taken a financial hit, quite the opposite, they have money to spare and want to spend it. If the Thai Government can get their plan right they could really reap the benefit and give a welcome boost to tourism and their own coffers.

Did I mention retirees when I said, people have taken a financial hit?


Any idea what percentage of yearly visitors to Thailand are retirees, and any idea how much a tourist spend in 2 weeks, compared to a retiree?

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8 hours ago, Mavideol said:

and the "great ideas" keep coming, as I said before, they should revise/restart/reset ALL their visa requirements and then we talk

This has reset visa requirements in many ways and is an excellent idea.

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17 minutes ago, johnray said:

Is it the one where you lose my documents and I have to pay again?  That one is very special.  Or the one where I'm sent to the wrong queue, wait 8 hours and then told come back tomorrow?

Oh the entitled victimhood! Poor you...!

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26 minutes ago, Susco said:

Did I mention retirees when I said, people have taken a financial hit?


Any idea what percentage of yearly visitors to Thailand are retirees, and any idea how much a tourist spend in 2 weeks, compared to a retiree?

No, I did, as a counterbalance to your thinking. TAT may need to re-focus their marketing to those with more money rather than those with less because of Covid.

Retirees can stay for months rather than weeks; no annual leave to worry about, no job to get back to.

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21 hours ago, Sheryl said:

And the retireeswith homes here who ate  still  stranded abroad. Rather silly to require them to get a new special toyrist visa in order to return if they already hold a valud re-entry permit.


Talking about the cowards who left Thailand in fear of the virus and are now crying like little girls to come back ?

Right punishment for all these idiots who were thinking that their  (profanity removed by Moderator) countries would handle the virus better than Thailand !




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That's excellent news in principle, but based on past performance, I'm worried about the fine print.


What I find delicious is how this proposal flies in the face of what those rogue immigration officers who attempted to impose a "180 days per year" limit on tourists were up to. Suddenly long-stay tourism is the only tourism still viable when you have to quarantine and what not!


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11 minutes ago, scoupeo said:


Talking about the cowards who left Thailand in fear of the virus and are now crying like little girls to come back ?

Right punishment for all these idiots who were thinking that their $hithomecountries would handle the virus better than Thailand !




wow... do you really thinking that the foreigners married with Thai wife and also by the link, there own big Thai family (because the family of my wife is my family, they know that) ? Do you consider that when they go to search money in the world (or sometimes at home) to help all there family (when they are seek and have t paid hospital for something better, and when paid for school or for food, and so many other things) they are coward because they have to, sometime, go to search money ? Do you know how is it difficult to obtain visa, even if there is many years to live in Thailand without a problem (never have one problem there only good report) ?

I love Thailand, i have only friends and family there, everybody happy with me and i also learn Buddhism way of life there, also many Mong friends around.

I do only good things in Thailand, never drink alcohol, never play money (and when i saved a old woman grandma from die also, has the earth stop and i do make it run again when no one moved an cry around... every body was happy and come to tell me thank you two weeks long, i was also very happy to be recognize as good as i am, same the authority, policemen that i know all of them, Obotor, Kapnan, every body...) and every body around where i live know that.

I go to help them in the field for rice or for rubber cut also in night time (not every day, but when need to help my sister in law and family), i start to speak Thai as well (and it is very difficult for us European people), i offer some work at very good day rate payment to build my family home myself and share my knowledge with that to, i do help many people very poor also and... wait, wait... what are you thinking so badly ? are you a Buddhist ? I think not, but still... do you love Thailand ?

So if you love Thailand you should love people who love Thailand and have a very clean life there and can be an example for human been life (if they can come back, for sure, it is 9 month now i'm locked out alone and far from my family).

I'm also commercial and cave diver and because of the French cave diving safety rescue team i know well and was in contact with was not engaged do to diplomatic problem as they didn't communicate so good, i was not able to go help, but if they were gone, i will be there to help and will risk my life to save Thai child with our English good friends there who did a very good job (as always), and has many farang did and as you can see, happy Thailand to have so many good farang friends around the world who, in this case, was the only one able to save people so far (even in front off the army divers from Thailand and from USA). And do you know why some very humble and good farang love Thailand ? Because of Buddhism influential culture (the initial and non commercial one from Terravada) and very nice mind thinking people with big hearth and one of the most beautiful one around the world.


Please, do not think so badly and put everybody in the same bucket, there is definitely many kind of "tourists" profiles in Thailand, but looks like actually Thailand see only business VIP one and real tourist in some 2% area of well known place in Thailand who is, i consider it, to be non demonstrative about what is Thailand culture.


I know many farang who are very proud to love and help Thailand and much more the poor people around (there is a lot, do you know that ?).

Sure, you will not meet me in tourist area, when i come back home, out of the international airport, i go by air-train to bus station where i wait 6 hour to have the bus to Loei (phom pai Loei krap... Muang Loei), then next i rich my final destination with our salenk... i have a life with real beautiful Thai culture people there.


Also you are talking about coward comportment of people (and first farang), but what is the profile of people who let them be afraid about a virus who kill at first start: 3% of infected people, and actually 0.5% (and the very old and bad condition one), so that can be compared with a season flu virus ? Me, i was engage at 18 for my first job in french para-trouper and under the fire shot or in unfriendly deep Africa dangerous part of the world, i was there engage and still proud and strong, never haters or bad comportment also. You absolutely don't know the people you are talking about. I don't know which people you meet, but consider to change your dating, maybe. We don't meet the same farang people (but i not go in bars, that is maybe why...).


Looks like it smell propaganda and there is something more to know about in the back office... right ?

Be courageous, look at the real fact and don't deny how many good farang out of Thailand there is. Every body appreciate to be considerate for the real facts they did and  about who they really are (i said many time that: "we are what we did and what we do by the fact").


About virus management, well... who really know ? Do you love numbers and statistic ? I think not. Because actually Thailand do not test a lot and are unable to be sure about the number they provide (it would be very pretentious to be sure also when you have lower tested population and low experience with the virus contact), and you have some 3000 up more death than last year at the same period... why ? From where ? they are not farang...

I know some friends (and i feel sad to not be there when they was burn in the Wat) who had a lot of symptoms who can be in relation with this virus (difficulty to breath, low power, no taste when eat), but still not tested and because of very poor, not to much choice then... it is a fact. We can not make a competition about who did the best or not in a kind of viral fear about a virus who can be compared to a strong season flu who propagate himself so quick and easy (i'm not sure, as scientist said, that the mask is a good protection against the virus also...).

I did understood the initial panic probably (much more about old people), but now i don't understand because we have a lot of experience from countries who did test a lot (more than 300 000 by week in French country, and they are going to test 1 million by week ! you did test 300 000 fro the begin point) and had a lot of people saved (and they did saved a lot, do you know that ?). We have 99 % of asymptomatic tested cases right now (much more cases, but still no death curves up, do you know that to ?)... and about the one who have symptoms, we save more than 99% right now (but, depend of how old, how deep contaminated by huge viral attack and the body health initial situation, sure, it is difficult to save a old one with very bad health condition already before this virus... it is logic, isn't it ?).

Look at facts again, go to look Congo country (Republic Democratic of Congo and Republic of Congo the both) and some other Africa countries who did not test a lot, same Thailand... and you will see that they are a very good management if you just consider how much cases referenced and how much death... are you now sure they do something more ? Go to have a look and ask yourself the good questions about numbers and statistics at the very first step with: "how to collect and analyze numbers".


So... definitely, you should calm down a bit my friend, and be more humble with all of that virus management and also farang "tourists" (as many are not tourists by the word definition to be) in Thailand.

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32 minutes ago, Caldera said:

That's excellent news in principle, but based on past performance, I'm worried about the fine print.


What I find delicious is how this proposal flies in the face of what those rogue immigration officers who attempted to impose a "180 days per year" limit on tourists were up to. Suddenly long-stay tourism is the only tourism still viable when you have to quarantine and what not!


Soon this will make no more sense because the COVID pandemic is finish.

It is no more, by the definition, a pandemic situation and health care big problem (if we consider a season flu to not be a problem when has to be compared with the death on the road or the Malaria or Polio or Deng, or also with 80% of death case with Ebola and so many more in the so long list of virus around the world to be much more dangerous than COVID is right now). The first step to push the panic to grow was the fact this virus WAS very new and propagate himself quickly and easy, so that it would have to be difficult to organize and manage safety places to treat the cases (as we could see in some places because they didn't open the private clinics also).


Let them go back down a bit, it is difficult for humans (and much more when you have an authority and need to not loose a credibility statement) to go back to the reality after a panic choc in a full free market business monopoly world (and everybody know that now).


Just wait and see... they hold a position with border because, now, of a politic situation around the world, no more because of the virus (that i think, i'm not God, but i can read the statistics...).

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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

House - yes.  Land - no, but can get an 'ufstruct' on it, so it is safe until you pass.  At that point, no problem if your lady or your kids get it, right? 


I've seen the harm done by allowing foreigners to buy up land in other countries, and fully support Thailand not allowing it.  Even in a wealthier country like the USA, it does harm - drives up overhead-costs for citizens.

Ho yes sure, my wife is 4 years younger than me... and we just bought a land there. We were married 2 years after meeting, and half of the time together. I trust my wife and by the law, if we do separate, we will have to share everything (so i will not loose all, but she is my wife, i'm her husband, we have now the same family, it is the idea to be married, you don't know that ?). I have a lot of ladies around the world who like my movie star face... i'm very lucky my mum give me this face (thank you mum). And yes, my wife has a poor family, and i feel very proud to be able to help them when they need. to be able to share what we have the luck to win is a luck in the life. I not afraid to loose something i decide to share. But what is your point of view ? Do you consider the humans relations to be business ? And the money to be your first target in mind ? sure not... so why do you think everybody are like that ? Where did you found these people ? there is some, sure, but i don't see them too much where i live. 


But if i did choose a country depend of the politic situation to be easy to me to come there and not for love, then i would choose Uruguay country (and there is lady to love everywhere around the world at any time as long as someone can love you, that depend also of YOU). For me in Uruguay for example, it is no visa for 3 month to stay, then cheaper price everywhere (same for food by the time) and i will have the nationality in 3 years and very easily. That's correct. I follow you with that.

Also if i want to make business in Uruguay, it will be so easy (no need 100 000 € to invest at first, and no need to give 51% of the business to national one also, who is by far the most dangerous point at first step).


So definitely it is not Thailand the first country the most easy to access in the world and farang in Thailand who have a life are very courageous and quiet.


But well, do you think if Thailand open his business and property on the floor this country will have a future ? I think not. They don't have a high level of study for the big majority of the population, and also for the school level. Infrastructures are not so cheap, but still electric cut at each rain, and piles fall under windy days. They are going up, but the retard is huge. Army want a submarine, but well... it is not a geographic land were a submarine can rich an strategic interest. They just know that if there is a war, they would have to find good and strong friends.

I can understand that they would prefer to have the guarantee of always being sovereign over the long term (and here in Europe we know what that means at this time to be no longer, so with Europe). But well... sovereignty is a politic task requirement who can be enforced by a strong country population linked together as they are what ever the government push them in pain as you can see. I recognize this country for that as it is not easy to maintain in this competitive world, they can be very proud about that. I hope it will not change.


So, in the same time, happy they are to find many farang who are living a good life in Thailand. And do you know some farang who are living Thailand because of the money win by Thai people ? how many ? i don't know one. Do you understand their fragility situation then ?

The best has always been to make good alliances and find a balance, which has always been the case, I hope that will not change. They have to restrict the land access, it is logic to survive. Understand it as it is.


By the time, it is difficult to judge there, because there is also cultural design to be not the same. First, Thailand is a Kingdom. So if you don't know what is a Kingdom and don't like that, don't come please.

As in all Kingdom around the world, the idea is that the land is to the Lord, as noble families and specific cultural education (well... it should be and that is the idea and the history also, to maintain a morality).

So the politic idea of Thailand Kingdom on this point is good because it is the only one way to protect themselves against the predators (almost the one from outside, and as you can see, they are exposed already., even if there is no natural resources to stole, that is maybe why also).


So, for a farang, as long as you can be trust and as long as you can trust Thailand, it will go fine (the way this morality contract is broken, i think Thailand will start to go down as North Korea did)... it is for them the absolute guarantee to not be stolen by foreigners. and actually, i priest to go ahead to trust Thailand to understand that they are winner to hold there own good farang friends.


The danger, for a foreigner, would probably start if you become too big (sure, you will become dangerous for the stability of the country... but why would you like to be so big ? i feel this idea to be silly) and look at the human history... it is not so simple. Look at the USA history maybe and their own bank and population relationship, their social non existing laws, you were talking about USA (interesting).

Look at England history, who is a Kingdom... and compare ! the morality there is not the same (i like morality as it make the difference between Human been and Monkey been).


Well, i prefer England one actually, i observe there is more Human law in England than in USA, even if you are poor (and in the same terrify predator world). But i get your point there, our own situation is not the same as a country situation in the world. That's it.


And a Kingdom can be a democracy (again, England, Belgium...).

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3 hours ago, jerolamo said:

wow... do you really thinking that the foreigners married with Thai wife and also by the link, there own big Thai family (because the family of my wife is my family, they know that) ? Do you consider that when they go to search money in the world (or sometimes at home) to help all there family (when they are seek and have t paid hospital for something better, and when paid for school or for food, and so many other things) they are coward because they have to, sometime, go to search money ? Do you know how is it difficult to obtain visa, even if there is many years to live in Thailand without a problem (never have one problem there only good report) ?

I love Thailand, i have only friends and family there, everybody happy with me and i also learn Buddhism way of life there, also many Mong friends around.

I do only good things in Thailand, never drink alcohol, never play money (and when i saved a old woman grandma from die also, has the earth stop and i do make it run again when no one moved an cry around... every body was happy and come to tell me thank you two weeks long, i was also very happy to be recognize as good as i am, same the authority, policemen that i know all of them, Obotor, Kapnan, every body...) and every body around where i live know that.

I go to help them in the field for rice or for rubber cut also in night time (not every day, but when need to help my sister in law and family), i start to speak Thai as well (and it is very difficult for us European people), i offer some work at very good day rate payment to build my family home myself and share my knowledge with that to, i do help many people very poor also and... wait, wait... what are you thinking so badly ? are you a Buddhist ? I think not, but still... do you love Thailand ?

So if you love Thailand you should love people who love Thailand and have a very clean life there and can be an example for human been life (if they can come back, for sure, it is 9 month now i'm locked out alone and far from my family).

I'm also commercial and cave diver and because of the French cave diving safety rescue team i know well and was in contact with was not engaged do to diplomatic problem as they didn't communicate so good, i was not able to go help, but if they were gone, i will be there to help and will risk my life to save Thai child with our English good friends there who did a very good job (as always), and has many farang did and as you can see, happy Thailand to have so many good farang friends around the world who, in this case, was the only one able to save people so far (even in front off the army divers from Thailand and from USA). And do you know why some very humble and good farang love Thailand ? Because of Buddhism influential culture (the initial and non commercial one from Terravada) and very nice mind thinking people with big hearth and one of the most beautiful one around the world.


Please, do not think so badly and put everybody in the same bucket, there is definitely many kind of "tourists" profiles in Thailand, but looks like actually Thailand see only business VIP one and real tourist in some 2% area of well known place in Thailand who is, i consider it, to be non demonstrative about what is Thailand culture.


I know many farang who are very proud to love and help Thailand and much more the poor people around (there is a lot, do you know that ?).

Sure, you will not meet me in tourist area, when i come back home, out of the international airport, i go by air-train to bus station where i wait 6 hour to have the bus to Loei (phom pai Loei krap... Muang Loei), then next i rich my final destination with our salenk... i have a life with real beautiful Thai culture people there.


Also you are talking about coward comportment of people (and first farang), but what is the profile of people who let them be afraid about a virus who kill at first start: 3% of infected people, and actually 0.5% (and the very old and bad condition one), so that can be compared with a season flu virus ? Me, i was engage at 18 for my first job in french para-trouper and under the fire shot or in unfriendly deep Africa dangerous part of the world, i was there engage and still proud and strong, never haters or bad comportment also. You absolutely don't know the people you are talking about. I don't know which people you meet, but consider to change your dating, maybe. We don't meet the same farang people (but i not go in bars, that is maybe why...).


Looks like it smell propaganda and there is something more to know about in the back office... right ?

Be courageous, look at the real fact and don't deny how many good farang out of Thailand there is. Every body appreciate to be considerate for the real facts they did and  about who they really are (i said many time that: "we are what we did and what we do by the fact").


About virus management, well... who really know ? Do you love numbers and statistic ? I think not. Because actually Thailand do not test a lot and are unable to be sure about the number they provide (it would be very pretentious to be sure also when you have lower tested population and low experience with the virus contact), and you have some 3000 up more death than last year at the same period... why ? From where ? they are not farang...

I know some friends (and i feel sad to not be there when they was burn in the Wat) who had a lot of symptoms who can be in relation with this virus (difficulty to breath, low power, no taste when eat), but still not tested and because of very poor, not to much choice then... it is a fact. We can not make a competition about who did the best or not in a kind of viral fear about a virus who can be compared to a strong season flu who propagate himself so quick and easy (i'm not sure, as scientist said, that the mask is a good protection against the virus also...).

I did understood the initial panic probably (much more about old people), but now i don't understand because we have a lot of experience from countries who did test a lot (more than 300 000 by week in French country, and they are going to test 1 million by week ! you did test 300 000 fro the begin point) and had a lot of people saved (and they did saved a lot, do you know that ?). We have 99 % of asymptomatic tested cases right now (much more cases, but still no death curves up, do you know that to ?)... and about the one who have symptoms, we save more than 99% right now (but, depend of how old, how deep contaminated by huge viral attack and the body health initial situation, sure, it is difficult to save a old one with very bad health condition already before this virus... it is logic, isn't it ?).

Look at facts again, go to look Congo country (Republic Democratic of Congo and Republic of Congo the both) and some other Africa countries who did not test a lot, same Thailand... and you will see that they are a very good management if you just consider how much cases referenced and how much death... are you now sure they do something more ? Go to have a look and ask yourself the good questions about numbers and statistics at the very first step with: "how to collect and analyze numbers".


So... definitely, you should calm down a bit my friend, and be more humble with all of that virus management and also farang "tourists" (as many are not tourists by the word definition to be) in Thailand.

merci beaucoup ..........   

he was just trolling ,  monsieur

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15 hours ago, Sheryl said:

And the retireeswith homes here who ate  still  stranded abroad. Rather silly to require them to get a new special toyrist visa in order to return if they already hold a valud re-entry permit.

They will need to change the laws but that's ok, it's the governments job to pass laws that are applicable to current needs, and there sure is a need for change right now.


They're going to hate doing this after spending years discouraging and deterring everyone and everyone from coming and going as they please.


Nothing but a full reset and all the nonsense border runs will need to be scrapped completely if they have any hope of getting people to come to Thailand and staying.


I've always been convinced that these rules were only ever introduced long ago to stimulate the airline industry for regional travel within SEA but once a law is passed it's very hard to change it without good reason.


Now it needs changing and there's a very good reason...

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13 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:

Just let anyone staying here already get 90 days extension at immigration for 2000baht.  Tourists, married, retired, anyone.  No bank account requirements, no fannying around, just a 90 day stamp for 2 grand.  Keep it simple...

I'd pay 6k for that easy for that simplicity.

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16 hours ago, hotchilli said:

As if there are not enough types of visa already.. lets create another monster.

Thai Visa, the most insanely negative place in the world.

Government announces an idea to make it very easy for a tourist to stay in Thailand for nine months - and all we get is page after page of negative comments.  Don't think I've seen one single sensible comment yet.  And yours that they've created a "monster" visa is one of the most ridiculous ones yet.

Has anyone mentioned road deaths, Chinese buffets, or the Red Bull guy yet?  I am sure they must be in here too.

And to think people on this very forum have been complaining for a long time that now you can't easily stay for long periods, in the old days it was better as you could do border runs...........and now they float an idea to make it easy to stay for a long time (without border runs) and people complain.  Just page after page of nonsense and bitterness.  Madness.

Edited by josephbloggs
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19 hours ago, webfact said:

TAT expects a rebound in tourist numbers from Northeast Asia and Asean in the near term. It hopes to attract approximately 16.7 million visitors from the Asia-Pacific region and 3.8 million visitors from Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa.

TAT should also run the Thai lottery .... they are good at plucking numbers out of nowhere   !

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