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TAT Governor urges industry patience and solidarity to overcome the COVID-19 crisis


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3 hours ago, webfact said:

He said TAT would lead the country’s largest foreign exchange earner and job-creating industry into a new future that would see creative and innovative solutions being applied to building a more sustainable and resilient industry.

It will re-start exactly the same, no changes, no sustainability... same old tack !

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When the rich people who are the leaders and top government, and the Rich also in TAT

and other companies that have not gone bankrupt, should understand that not all Thais

are as rich as they are.  Take off your blinders and look around TAT fools, the economy in

Thailand and the world have been affected.  I do not see where you are going to get

a lot of International travellers, with the 2 week quarantine rules etc, you will be lucky

to get a few thousand tourists.  Good luck.  I feel sorry for all the people who are

out of work and must be getting desperate for money.


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"with a customer target of people in good health"


An attitude which sounds more akin to the 1930's than now. What next, ramps at immigration manned with officials assessing arrivals? Pointing one way to entry and the other to a return flight out of the kingdom.

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1 hour ago, hoopsandyoyo said:

...initially, I was eagerly awaiting the opportunity to return to Thailand.  But, the lack of Govt officials and PM in the handling of the situation.  Their lack of support to the low income earners of it’s own people and only looking to help the rich/“cronies” 

Their ill will to the Ex-pat community - especially those that have built families and a life in Thailand and continually give them the shaft...


I’m finding it hard to want to schedule a vacation in 2021 to Thailand and help Thailand rebound economically.  The higher ups/ones in powerful positions and decision making positions “lack of any sort of structured plan in place” makes me consider another place to take my vacations....maybe somewhere that appreciates tourists/spenders vs Thailand that seems to just tolerate us ???...and feels that they’re doing us a favor by letting us visit & spend our hard earn money

not even living in Thailand and you have said it all

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If nothing change, it go's more wrong in LOS.

Unfortunately this is in Dutch but when you translate with Google you'll see more facts.


Sorry, this can only be read by members, here a PDF:

Thailand zakt dieper weg in economische crisis.pdf

Edited by Peterphuket
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"The crisis had created an opportunity to deal with old problems; such as, illegal hotels, tour operators and guides, waste problem and tourist exploitation. “I would like to see these problems disappear along with COVID-19. Let’s rebuild the industry. How can we learn to play a new game? How do we create this new future together?” "


Straight out of the Globalist , World Bank, UN playbook 

The Crisis gives opportunity, the lockdowns destroyed the local businesses, he has the audacity to not to talk about the pain suffered but to look to the future , including digitisation ( control & monitoring) , reimagine is another globalist keyword.

Covid Pandemic has provided an opportunity to Globally shutdown economies , provide the Great economic

reset & remove citizens rights, if you do not think so, let's see if your rights are repealed, I don't think so 

The advantaged ( oligarcThe crisis had created an opportunity to deal with old problems; such as, illegal hotels, tour operators and guides, waste problem and tourist exploitation. “I would like to see these problems disappear along with COVID-19. Let’s rebuild the industry. How can we learn to play a new game? How do we create this new future together?”

hs) in your Govt have played you all...

The greatest crime against humanity this century..

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I think the problem we have all learnt and are still learning from COVID19 is that we have to somehow prepare to live in a world where pandemics may quite possibly be a lot more frequent.  

China and other countries that trade in unregulated wildlife markets and an increasing population are asking for trouble.  Creatures such as bats are festering with zoonotic viral pathogens.  

Wuhan is an example of just how easy and fast a virus can spread.  Don't think that the SARS COVID19  virus is a 'one off' bad virus.  There could be hundreds or thousands of variants.  

Our future from now may well be  new pandemics every few years and overlapping others.  A situation where vaccines cannot keep up.  

What does the world do then?  How does tourism and trade survive this? Will tourism die and countries end up becoming self reliant, subsistence agrarian economies?  

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The crisis had created an opportunity to deal with old problems; such as, illegal hotels, tour operators and guides, waste problem and tourist exploitation. “I would like to see these problems disappear along with COVID-19. Let’s rebuild the industry. How can we learn to play a new game? How do we create this new future together?”

This guy is clearly a comedian and hasn't been out of his office much.

Never ever going to happen, at least in such a short time and under this government.

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37 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Quite astonishing how many are making predictions on arrivals, economic recovery, etc., when nobody has ever dealt with a complete economic shutdown, nor a total lockdown of the borders before. How do you develop reliable computer models, for something that has never happened? How can you call yourself an expert, when you are discussing something that has hardly ever happened before. As far as I know, Constantinople restricted shipping during the plague of Justinian in the 6th century. Several other times nations limited or prevented shipping, as a means of controlling a plague. But, I do not believe we have ever had a deliberate economic shutdown. It was insanity. How do you predict the aftermath of insanity? 


I encourage the authorities to be bold and courageous. Doing nothing amounts to destruction and sadism. 

Thailand situation reminds me of a weekly meeting that I had to go to years ago. Chaired by a senior Army officer, all the sections civil and military would make their reports. He had little time for niceties. One civilian was bumbling through one day and the general said brusquely, “for god’s sake man, make a f****** decision”. 

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I am working full time to make ridiculous announcements every day and now I can assure you that tourism will return to the new normal of up to half the overseas arrivals maybe by the end of 2021. Tomorrow I will make another announcement correcting this announcement because I have nothing else to do but make nonsensical announcements. 

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“...which under a best-case scenario will almost certainly be over by 2021...”


I doubt even Nostradamus would make that claim, given no reliable timeline for other countries to resolve their own covid issues. Let-alone when there will be open borders...NFH

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