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Video: Prisoner walks out of jail dressed in warder's clothes carrying a clipboard!


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First caught him "a phone signal helped to result in his capture later on Thursday."  and then this:

"...a suspicious-looking man riding on a black Honda PCX motorcycle away from the prison. Police tracked the bike down to a corn plantation near an abandoned house...."

I suppose looking like a "warder" from prison probably does look suspicious.... I thought it was relatives house, but now abandoned.

 What will tomorrow bring?

Rather stupid regarding phone, I'll give him that. "Give me social media or give me a long sentence!" to quote Hatrick O'Penalty

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7 hours ago, donnacha said:

If it is that easy to walk out of an actual prison, perhaps the 14-day quarantine requirement won't be as inconvenient as I'd imagined.



Just a short stroll to local amenities.... remember the clipboard to look important.

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8 hours ago, JeffersLos said:

First rule of management. 


Always carry a clipboard. So you can just stand there doing nothing or doodling, and still strike fear into the employees. 


The clipboard had his instructions on it, '' Hide in nearest cornfield and wait''.

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

Well, Steve McQueen he ain't... and why all thees dufuses can always be found at a relative house like always, what? no imagination where to run to and hide?...

There were some escapees from a California facility who were quickly apprehended at a local Burger King near their prison. Other than that most escapees will head for either a family member's home or a friend's ---------where the authorities will look for them. Bottom-line; the average IQ of a petty criminal is around 90.

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14 hours ago, bluesofa said:

He decided to pretend to be in a coma.
When he finally decided to drop the act he was arrested, because you aren't supposed to end a sentence with a coma.

Goood one, you made my day !

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