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EU-bound trucks from UK could face two-day delays after Brexit, Britain says


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10 minutes ago, pagan1 said:

No the EU did not demand access to Canadian / Japanese fishing grounds. Why ?? because their fishing rights were not sold to the highest bidder by their government.

The UK government sold the fishing rights for UK waters to european companies years ago to get a bit of cash and line some pockets. Imagine if I sold you my house and came back years later saying I want my house back. How would you react ??

Now you understand why the EU (mainly French & Dutch) is making such a fuss 


Perhaps you should read something other than the Daily Express / Daily Mail

You havn't a clue what I read and to suggest otherwise is plain insulting, you should learn how to conduct yourself on an open forum. On ignore.

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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

If/when the K gets a deal with the EU, it will involve the U.K. making payments to the EU.


At this moment in time "a deal" looks pretty remote, wouldn't you say, "if and when" being the operative words.

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

At this moment in time "a deal" looks pretty remote, wouldn't you say, "if and when" being the operative words.

On our terms; although with this govt I still might not like the end result as they're pretty hopeless at everything they touch despite their overwhelming majority.

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1 hour ago, cleopatra2 said:

This is comical

The UK has already agreed a more stringent state aid regime than the EU when it signed the recent UK Japan FTA.

If it were just a question of state aid then you might have had a point.

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4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Before the Brexit vote took place and while the Brexit supporters were promising easy deals, the EU stated categorically that the best deal is membership, no deal will match it.


It’s not what the ‘EU wants’ it’s what the EU have already stated.

The leave vote had little to do with any kind of trade deals. But remainers always ignore that. Always. 

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18 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Self harming is a characteristic of Brexit.

The only people that are kicking up a stink are the Euros, all the insults and snide remarks are only pointing in one direction, at the UK. Which would indicate that the worries are on the opposite side of the English Channel (Le Manche). Brexit is a reminder to us all of how democracy should, and has worked, it is not an opportunity for people who do not wish to respect that decision that was voted on 4 years ago to still be moaning about it.

I am sorry that the UKs decision to leave the EU does not fit into many of the Euros on here, but that was the UKs decision and people should respect that decision or at least own up to the real reason they are unhappy with it. Whatever the outcome our negotiators finish up with it will affect both parties and not just the UK as many on here are trying to make out. 

The EU for the last four years have tried very hard to trick the UK into becoming a colony of theirs and I have no doubt that if Mrs May still held the reins that outcome would have become a reality. And just for the record it has all been secretly filmed with Verhofstadt and Barnier having this conversation and quite a few more deadly deeds they wished to inflict on the UK. Seriously who would want to be associated with these mafia maestros.

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7 minutes ago, nauseus said:

The leave vote had little to do with any kind of trade deals. But remainers always ignore that. Always. 


The remain side of the argument were stressing that a vote to leave risked access to the single market. Something Brexiteers dismissed as project fear and continued to spout the "Easiest trade deal in history" nonsense. 

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1 hour ago, pagan1 said:

No the EU did not demand access to Canadian / Japanese fishing grounds. Why ?? because their fishing rights were not sold to the highest bidder by their government.

The UK government sold the fishing rights for UK waters to european companies years ago to get a bit of cash and line some pockets. Imagine if I sold you my house and came back years later saying I want my house back. How would you react ??

Now you understand why the EU (mainly French & Dutch) is making such a fuss 


Perhaps you should read something other than the Daily Express / Daily Mail

More confusion with rights, quotas and licensing. The EU CFP quotas will no longer apply to British (EEZ) waters - the EU has to work something else out or risk not fishing them at all!

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11 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


The remain side of the argument were stressing that a vote to leave risked access to the single market. Something Brexiteers dismissed as project fear and continued to spout the "Easiest trade deal in history" nonsense. 

No. The single market had zip to do with the leave vote either. You guys!

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

I’m not sure on what basis you claim to know what motivated over 17 million individuals to vote leave, but it is a matter of record that the Brexit Campaign promised ‘the easiest deal ever’ and that the U.K. could have any of a range of easy trade deals with the EU.


The gap between the Brexit promises and Brexit reality is growing by the day.

As a leaver then I think I am more likely to know than you are, Chomper. Forget the promises and trade deal stuff.

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18 minutes ago, vogie said:

The only people that are kicking up a stink are the Euros, all the insults and snide remarks are only pointing in one direction, at the UK. Which would indicate that the worries are on the opposite side of the English Channel (Le Manche). Brexit is a reminder to us all of how democracy should, and has worked, it is not an opportunity for people who do not wish to respect that decision that was voted on 4 years ago to still be moaning about it.

I am sorry that the UKs decision to leave the EU does not fit into many of the Euros on here, but that was the UKs decision and people should respect that decision or at least own up to the real reason they are unhappy with it. Whatever the outcome our negotiators finish up with it will affect both parties and not just the UK as many on here are trying to make out. 

The EU for the last four years have tried very hard to trick the UK into becoming a colony of theirs and I have no doubt that if Mrs May still held the reins that outcome would have become a reality. And just for the record it has all been secretly filmed with Verhofstadt and Barnier having this conversation and quite a few more deadly deeds they wished to inflict on the UK. Seriously who would want to be associated with these mafia maestros.

This is bordering on paranoia.



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Just now, Rookiescot said:

So Farage claiming on a daily basis that we would be just like Norway and Switzerland was a lie then?

I think the "daily basis" bit is the lie. You continue to overdo the significance of what some individuals said.  

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I’m not posting ‘they’re out to trick us’ stuff.


So, erm no.

Look at the history of EU actions and reactions w.r.t. to the UK referendum over the last 5 years. Vogie is correct. The EU has tried any and every way to confound the result of a democratic vote. This shows the true nature of the beast and it makes me even more glad were are out.  

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24 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

So Farage claiming on a daily basis that we would be just like Norway and Switzerland was a lie then?

And what authority did Farage have to say this, that's correct, nobodies. But nice to see you are hanging on to Farages every word all of a sudden.


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17 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I think the "daily basis" bit is the lie. You continue to overdo the significance of what some individuals said.  

You once again fail to answer the question.

Was Farage lying when he said we would be just like Switzerland and Norway?

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