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Thai PM wants all tourists to wear wristbands - we're not opening the floodgates


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1 hour ago, webfact said:

That means all foreign tourists allowed in under the special tourist visa must wear GPS wristbands so that their movements can be closely tracked.

I missed that the first time, but I'd expect that it was successfully put into practice long stay visitors would also be banded. Visitors includes expats, married and retirees.

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2 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

Such a 'Watch Out I Am a Recently Arrived and Possibly Dangerous Farang' device, will stigmatize the bearer and undoubtedly create fear and resentment towards them with lower-educated Thais grateful that PM is imposing measures to protect them from the Dirty Farangs.



Interesting approach.


But so far everything is speculations.


However I wonder what the majority of us will do, if effectively it will become reality.


Based on 20 years experience here, my opinion is that after winning and being outraged, the majority will once again abide.


I hope this will stay a the state of proposal ( like the many others ), and will be forgotten in a while.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Everyone on the STV plan must agree to comply with the conditions set out by the Thai government. 

does that include the group of (7) seven Chinese millionaires arriving in private jets ? NO, that's what I thought 555

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51 minutes ago, AbeNormal said:

you are correct, these devices will need a sim card to constantly upload data, they will need to be charged like a smartwatch or phone, GPS requires quite a lot of battery, add to that the GSM data connection and you are looking at something the size of a house to make it through one day, this is all total nonsense, not to mention it would need to be waterproof

Yes, but it's Thai nonsense.

Hence A-nut-in here's comment about dirty ferangs not showering, 'cos the waterproof version wasn't a success.

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Let's take a deep breath. We have one source which may have misinterpreted what was said. Also, even if he did say that he wants foreigners to wear a wristband with GPS, it may not be more than a wish.

Should it be mandatory, count me out. I am willing to stay 15 days in quarantine. I am willing to pay extra for flight, hotel, and insurance. I am willing to install an app on my mobile (don't they still want that in malls?). However, a wristband; no way.

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2 hours ago, tonray said:

How would they know who the tourists who are supposed to wear bands are vs the expats who are already here ? I could make a band out of Chang poptops is that would help.

Be prepared to carry your passport or a copy everywhere. 

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57 minutes ago, KhunKenAP said:

Best to carry a copy of your passport, visa and arrival card. Anyone looking like a foreigner, will be stopped if not wrist band. Police State!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right so after a visa amnesty for however many tens of thousand stranded foreigners, the arrival of plane load of wristband wearing chinese is going to cause all police to check foreigners for wristbands. Honestly???

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48 minutes ago, Flying Saucage said:

There are other people in the rich elite who are tired of losing billions of Baht of revenue due to the isolation of the country. But it s Prayut and Prawit who do not want tourists in the country now. They are the ones who create the hassles and keep to borders closed as much as possible. Because it is for their own financial benefit.


These current schemes of "reopening the country" are only made to appease the other side, to make them believe that the government cares of the tourism industry, while the real plan is to ruin the industry. There is a hidden agenda going on between Prayut, Prawit and their Chinese friends. And it's really easy to understand.


China uses the Covid crisis as part of their road and belt initiative. They pay currupt governments in the region to ruin their country, to make it a bargain for Chinese investors. Now in Thailand, they do not want foreign tourists here, because this would be against their plan to destroy the tourist industry here. And also, they want to keep the number of foreign observers as low as possible while they do it.


It's so cheap for China to buy a whole country, when they have the right friends in power there. It costs only a few million dollar and a handful of luxuary watches.


The wristbands are only one more hassle to reduce the number applicants for these toursts schemes. But you can bet that these Chinese investers who will be the first coming with their own private jet, will not have to wear the wristbands.


Highly unlikely. You're giving these clowns way too much credit. When it comes to opening up for tourism they don't have an overarching goal or a secret agenda or some nefarious scheme together with Chinese Yellow Peril overlords. Thailand's leaders are simply driven by fear.

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