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American marrying Thai in Thailand. After marriage paperwork, any yearly or monthly government obligations?

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I'm American. A year ago, while working in Thailand. I met my thai girlfriend. I'm planning to get married to her in Thailand and stay in Thailand. 


After I get all the paperwork process to get married to her officially in Thailand, I'm wondering if there are any additional paperwork I need to do to stay married to her in Thailand (1 year, 3 years, 10 year period). I heard that you still need to do a 90 day report to the government. 


I heard from another foreigner (UK) married to a thai. He has to do some type of yearly check-in/report at Chaengwattana immigration.  


After marriage paperwork gets processed and I'm official married in Thailand, are there any yearly or monthly government obligations? 





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What is your age?

How do you intend supporting yourself and your lady in Thailand?


Basically, if under 50 :-

  • You have to report your address every 90 days, easy enough as it can be don online.
  • You have to renew your permission to stay every year, this involves visting immigration and financial requirements (400k Baht in the bank or an income of 40k Baht per month).

Others will be able to fill in the details once we know more about you.


I'll move this to the visas forum for more directed responses.


EDITED to correct the numbers and avoid heart attacks.

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15 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

For marriage it is 400k baht in a Thai bank for 2 months or proof of 40k baht income.

I nearly had a heart attack! When I saw that 600k and 60K per month, I thought there was a change in the rules and I started putting 40K in the bank for the last 2 months and my marriage visa is up for renewal in March. I was on a work permit until September 1st. I hope immigration will accept my work income from March to September and then my wire transfers for 40k from September to March!

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2 minutes ago, thaisail said:

I hope immigration will accept my work income from March to September and then my wire transfers for 40k from September to March!

The should since the rules only state 12 months of income. 

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2 hours ago, thaisail said:

I nearly had a heart attack! When I saw that 600k and 60K per month, I thought there was a change in the rules and I started putting 40K in the bank for the last 2 months and my marriage visa is up for renewal in March. I was on a work permit until September 1st. I hope immigration will accept my work income from March to September and then my wire transfers for 40k from September to March!

I also had a mild panic

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5 hours ago, timendres said:

I would recommend a Massey prenup. Also, when I was married to a Thai national, I did not use that as my means of staying in Thailand - I stayed on a retirement extension. That may not be an option for you, but removing that (your extension of stay based on the marriage) from the equation is highly recommended.

What is a Massey prenup?


i understand “prenup” of course

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When you apply for 12 month extension being married,you tell that proof of 40,000 baht per monrh is required (2 month).....my question is:
I use Transferwise is that allowed,because i read post before that the income must come from abroad and TW
is apparently a local transfer???
secondly if TW is NOT allowed...how you transfer money to my own Thai Bank (Krungsri)
i assume i must transfer international (which is far more expensive)

So  shortly: IS TRANSFERWISE ALLOWED for proof of 40.000 baht income
sorry for my english

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7 hours ago, MICHAELDUTCH said:

So  shortly: IS TRANSFERWISE ALLOWED for proof of 40.000 baht income
sorry for my english

Many people do use Transferwise but mostly into Bangkok Bank, as in that case it will show up as an International  Transfer. I doubt it will  for Krungsri as it is not a Transferwise partner bank, so the money will likely appear as  domestic transfer from one of those. 

Some immigration offices will accept secondary paperwork ie, show the Transferwise paperwork, in conjunction with your Thai bank's, making it apparent both are tied. Also make it apparent in the TW 'reasons for transfer' that it is money going to Thailand.


Edited by jacko45k
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22 hours ago, Crossy said:

What is your age?

How do you intend supporting yourself and your lady in Thailand?


Basically, if under 50 :-

  • You have to report your address every 90 days, easy enough as it can be don online.
  • You have to renew your permission to stay every year, this involves visting immigration and financial requirements (400k Baht in the bank or an income of 40k Baht per month).

Others will be able to fill in the details once we know more about you.


I'll move this to the visas forum for more directed responses.


EDITED to correct the numbers and avoid heart attacks.

@Crossy Thank you. You answer my question perfectly. I'm 29. I'm an English teacher making 45,000 baht a month. My girlfriend is an accountant at a major Bangkok corporation. She is well off. I probably need to save up more for the 400k in the bank. 

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10 hours ago, MICHAELDUTCH said:

When you apply for 12 month extension being married,you tell that proof of 40,000 baht per monrh is required (2 month).....my question is:
I use Transferwise is that allowed,because i read post before that the income must come from abroad and TW
is apparently a local transfer???
secondly if TW is NOT allowed...how you transfer money to my own Thai Bank (Krungsri)
i assume i must transfer international (which is far more expensive)

So  shortly: IS TRANSFERWISE ALLOWED for proof of 40.000 baht income
sorry for my english

A Transferwise transfer to Krungsri Bank will not show as an international transfer (even when using Long Stay Thailand Visa reason in the transfer)....I know, I have personally tested it several times.


Whether Transferwise "receipts" would be accepted by your immigration office as proof of international transfer depends on your particular immigration office.  Some do, but it seems most don't.  Instead they want a Thai bank document (i.e., passbook/bank letter) that confirms the transfers were international.  More and more ThaiVisa posts are showing that immigration offices want a 12 month statement from your Thai bank with this statement showing international coding.   

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1 hour ago, tonysan said:

@Crossy Thank you. You answer my question perfectly. I'm 29. I'm an English teacher making 45,000 baht a month. My girlfriend is an accountant at a major Bangkok corporation. She is well off. I probably need to save up more for the 400k in the bank. 


If your 45k salary is regular and all tax etc. paid then you should be good to go on the income side.

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6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Many people do use Transferwise but mostly into Bangkok Bank, as in that case it will show up as an International  Transfer.


Yes, and no. When I transferred 400,000 via Transferwise it showed on my on-line account as International Transfer. But when I've transferred smaller amounts, typically 25,000, it shows as IB Transfer from account at other bank (IB=Interbank). Bizarrely, my passbook shows different, FFT for the 400,000 and TRD for the smaller transfers. I have no idea what the passbook codes mean. TRD might be Transfer Domestic?

The smaller amounts I sent as general monthly living expenses, and the 400,000 for funds for long-term stay in Thailand.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Yes, and no. When I transferred 400,000 via Transferwise it showed on my on-line account as International Transfer. But when I've transferred smaller amounts, typically 25,000, it shows as IB Transfer from account at other bank (IB=Interbank). Bizarrely, my passbook shows different, FFT for the 400,000 and TRD for the smaller transfers. I have no idea what the passbook codes mean. TRD might be Transfer Domestic?

The smaller amounts I sent as general monthly living expenses, and the 400,000 for funds for long-term stay in Thailand.

For the reason for transfer did you select the Long Stay Thailand Visa reason?   If not that's probably why you got the interbank/domestc transfer coding as Transferwise didn't use Bangkok Bank as its partner bank for that transfer which means Transferwise used K-Bank or TMB as the partner bank and then K-bank/TMB relayed the funds to your Bangkok Bank acct.   The reason probably lies in the reason for transfer you chose.

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27 minutes ago, Pib said:
1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Yes, and no. When I transferred 400,000 via Transferwise it showed on my on-line account as International Transfer. But when I've transferred smaller amounts, typically 25,000, it shows as IB Transfer from account at other bank (IB=Interbank). Bizarrely, my passbook shows different, FFT for the 400,000 and TRD for the smaller transfers. I have no idea what the passbook codes mean. TRD might be Transfer Domestic?

The smaller amounts I sent as general monthly living expenses, and the 400,000 for funds for long-term stay in Thailand.


For the reason for transfer did you select the Long Stay Thailand Visa reason?   If not that's probably why you got the interbank/domestc transfer coding as Transferwise didn't use Bangkok Bank as its partner bank for that transfer which means Transferwise used K-Bank or TMB as the partner bank and then K-bank/TMB relayed the funds to your Bangkok Bank acct.   The reason probably lies in the reason for transfer you chose.


Please read my post again. I said what I used each transfer as.

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On 10/23/2020 at 11:20 AM, tonysan said:

After I get all the paperwork process to get married to her officially in Thailand, I'm wondering if there are any additional paperwork I need to do to stay married to her in Thailand (1 year, 3 years, 10 year period). I heard that you still need to do a 90 day report to the government. 

I suggest that unless you plan to take her back to America where she can obtain a green card and get set on the path of permanent residency and citizenship, you may want to rethink marriage. 

You will be a third class, non-resident "visitor" for the entire time you are married to your Thai wife and living within Thailand.  You'll submit requests annually for permission to "temporarily" reside with your wife and family.  You'll be required to report your address every 90 days much like a felon out on parole.  There is no path to either permanent residency or citizenship base on your marriage - unlike the US and just about every other country in the world.

This is a highly nationalist and xenophobic country and as a foreigner you're not welcome nor wanted. Possibly unless you are independently wealthy.  You've been warned.

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2 minutes ago, connda said:

This is a highly nationalist and xenophobic country and as a foreigner you're not welcome nor wanted. Possibly unless you are independently wealthy.

And you're staying because you're one of the wealthy ?

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7 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Please read my post again. I said what I used each transfer as.

You did not say which reason for transfer you chose within the Transferwise reason for transfer selection.  You know, a menu that pops up with various reasons and then you select one.  Which one did you select?  

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4 hours ago, tonysan said:

@Crossy Thank you. You answer my question perfectly. I'm 29. I'm an English teacher making 45,000 baht a month. My girlfriend is an accountant at a major Bangkok corporation. She is well off. I probably need to save up more for the 400k in the bank. 

If you should ever have a break in employment and no longer can show 12 consecutive months of income over 40k, you have a serious problem as you'll be invited to leave your wife and family behind as you are unceremoniously kicked out of the country.  No break in employment and income my man.  No temporary unpaid furlow due to Covid-19.   Due to no fault of your own you could find yourself tossed out.  The Sword of Damocles will hang forever suspended by a horse hair over your head.  Like most of us.
And given the current Covid hysteria, the option of obtaining a multi-entry non-O visa based on marriage is now out of the cards,  And if borders do reopen I would not depend on that avenue.


Again.  Thailand has no compassion for the basic human-rights of a Foreigner-Thai marriage.
If you really love your girlfriend, take her back to the US and marry her there.

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35 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Please read my post again. I said what I used each transfer as.


25 minutes ago, Pib said:

You did not say which reason for transfer you chose within the Transferwise reason for transfer selection.  You know, a menu that pops up with various reasons and then you select one.  Which one did you select?  


I stand corrected....you did mention reason for transfer used....I just didn't see it. 


When using the Long Stay Visa Thailand reason and when sending to a Bangkok Bank acct that is supposed to result in international coding but Transferwise has always said they can't guarantee that as glitches can occur....or they must use another Thai partner bank to complete the transfer....and their primary goal is to complete the transfer fast vs ensuring a person gets international coding.

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9 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Many people do use Transferwise but mostly into Bangkok Bank, as in that case it will show up as an International  Transfer. I doubt it will  for Krungsri as it is not a Transferwise partner bank, so the money will likely appear as  domestic transfer from one of those. 

Some immigration offices will accept secondary paperwork ie, show the Transferwise paperwork, in conjunction with your Thai bank's, making it apparent both are tied. Also make it apparent in the TW 'reasons for transfer' that it is money going to Thailand.


i do understand....but still not sure if my 12 month extension will be ok if i use TW in my Krungsri bank
You mentioned "reason for transfer"...............i use the reason " monthly support for family"  or must i use another reason
Do you think i still can use my TW to Krungsri bank?

Or can i just sent a international transfer to my Krungsrri bank..which is expensive but its definitley an international transfer coming from abroad.Must i also give a reason when using the last option?
I am married and 60+
Thank you

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1 hour ago, Pib said:



I stand corrected....you did mention reason for transfer used....I just didn't see it. 


When using the Long Stay Visa Thailand reason and when sending to a Bangkok Bank acct that is supposed to result in international coding but Transferwise has always said they can't guarantee that as glitches can occur....or they must use another Thai partner bank to complete the transfer....and their primary goal is to complete the transfer fast vs ensuring a person gets international coding.


I got lucky then, and have kept a screen shot of my on-line account that shows it as an International Transfer. I must admit I was surprised to see that, and as that had never shown before I can only assume it was due to the reason I gave for the transfer. Or maybe, based on what you tell me, it had nothing to do with it and it was all down to chance.


I also, as backup when I apply for the one-year extension next month, have the Transferwise receipt and a screen shot of that sum being sent to Transferwise from my UK bank. And I'll have a letter from Bangkok Bank (which I'm told is simple and routine and can be done at any branch, but we'll see as few things in Thailand are simple and routine) and I'll have an updated passbook.


More than they officially need, but what they officially need might not be enough. And next week I'll pop into the immigration office when I'm passing, a pretty laid-back place, and check if they adhere to just keeping the 400,000 in the bank for two months or if they want it there as well during my consideration period. It'll be useful to know.

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I not have 400.000 baht in my Thai bankaccount...but do have 40.000+ monthly income
The first option you must show for 2 month
The second option (40000 bht monthly)....is that also for 2 month to show?

My english is very bad
If TW is no option for me........that i gave no choice to transfer international by my dutch bankaccount?

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