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U.S. vote count edges Biden closer to win as Trump mounts legal challenges


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8 hours ago, sscc said:

As soon as the full results are out within days,   reality is Trump will find many of his trustworthy comrades ( including judges )  turning his back against.    

Sorry, Mr.  that is life. 




Like it or not,   in Thanksgiving 2020 and Christmas 2020 Trump is going to take begging role to ask the judges ( former friend or no friend )  to help him continuing his job for another 4 years.  


Trump need the judges,  not the other way around. 

Sorry about that for all Trump supporters,  this sitting president will soon be down to begging it out. 


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14 hours ago, Kelsall said:

The fix is in.

Huhhhh??? I thought trump allready (fixed) it wrecking the post office solicitation of foreign interference armed thugs at the state houses and counting centers calling for and trying to suppress the vote anyway what else dide he fix?

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A candidate name calling post has been removed. Cease name calling or face suspension.


Also, if members are going to report election results in threads, you need to make it clear in your post where the information is coming from through means such as a weblink or self-evident graphic.


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22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It can't be officially called yet but I agree it's going to be President Biden. 

When will he declare victory?

Today or tomorrow US time?

Biden should then begin acting as president.

The current one won't.


but biden IS acting presidential.

he is calling for people to remain calm.

he is asking his supporters to be patient.

he is saying we need to count all the votes.

he is expressing confidence that he will eventually win.

he is stating he intends to be a president for all americans.


he gets more brownie points by NOT declaring victory.

lets the country, and the world, compare the two side by side.

he can afford to wait and let trump be trump.

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The common assumption about Biden's improved performance vis a vis Clinton is that Philiadelphia is the driving force in that. It turns out that isn't so. His vote margin most likely will differ little from Clinton's. Rather it's other parts of the state that democratic performance has improved:

Philadelphia Might Put Biden Over The Top, But It's Not Driving His Strength In Pennsylvania

All eyes are on a handful of states now, including Pennsylvania, with Philadelphia and other jurisdictions expected to report additional votes today that could put Biden into the lead. But if Biden wins Pennsylvania, it will likely be thanks to his improved performance (relative to 2016) in other parts of the state. And despite some baseless claims to the contrary, there’s absolutely no reason to question the trustworthiness of the vote count in Philly.


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57 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


but biden IS acting presidential.

he is calling for people to remain calm.

he is asking his supporters to be patient.

he is saying we need to count all the votes.

he is expressing confidence that he will eventually win.

he is stating he intends to be a president for all americans.


he gets more brownie points by NOT declaring victory.

lets the country, and the world, compare the two side by side.

he can afford to wait and let trump be trump.

He is going to need to declare victory not long after the election is  called.  Otherwise that will  be seen as a weakness and an opening by 45.


No president elect in modern history has not done that. He must refuse to be owned by 45s insanity. 


He knows going in that 45 won't concede. Thus Biden should barely mention him but instead talk to all the American people including explicitly to 45 voters. 


Edited by Jingthing
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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Its going to be really easy to get used to hearing about President Biden. Nornal. Familiar. Comforting. Uncle Joe from the youngest senator to the oldest entering president.


To be honest I could never stomach the concept of the current president being president. To.see or hear his name after the word president sounded absurd. Kind of like if it was President Howdy Doodie.


To be honest, I fear for the safety and sanity of the Union.... Trump in his four years has unleashed and fostered a very ugly, dangerous, violent, ill-informed, delusional segment of American life.


As I believe you've alluded above, we can kick Trump out of the White House, but the extremist elements who make up the core of his movement are still out there "standing by."  And I doubt they're going to go quietly into the night during the era of a Biden Administration.





QAnon promoter Marjorie Taylor Greene wins seat in Congress

the GOP coalesced behind her. Trump called her a "future Republican star." Georgia US Sen. Kelly Loeffler touted her endorsement at campaign events. And those who once opposed her, such as Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, the Republican whip, said they wanted to sit down with Greene and talk about her goals once she came to Washington.
The Democratic candidate, Kevin Van Ausdal, withdrew from the race for family and personal reasons and Greene's victory in her conservative district was overwhelming.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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2 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


i'm more concerned about how he'll react when his advisors finally get through to him that he's not winning, he's not gonna win, that he's been beaten by the worst candidate ever.  he's not one to admit defeat, or lose gracefully.


he still has 2-1/2 months to kick over the chutes-n-ladders board.

I expect his advisors will be doing their best to contain the damage that vindictive lunatic will try to inflict. Remember when he took his victory tour of the USA after his election? How he ignored that states that voted against him. He won't be ignoring them from now to Jan 20.

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2 hours ago, placeholder said:

The common assumption about Biden's improved performance vis a vis Clinton is that Philiadelphia is the driving force in that. It turns out that isn't so. His vote margin most likely will differ little from Clinton's. Rather it's other parts of the state that democratic performance has improved:

Philadelphia Might Put Biden Over The Top, But It's Not Driving His Strength In Pennsylvania

All eyes are on a handful of states now, including Pennsylvania, with Philadelphia and other jurisdictions expected to report additional votes today that could put Biden into the lead. But if Biden wins Pennsylvania, it will likely be thanks to his improved performance (relative to 2016) in other parts of the state. And despite some baseless claims to the contrary, there’s absolutely no reason to question the trustworthiness of the vote count in Philly.


Joe Biden takes lead in Pennsylvania putting him on verge of Presidency


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4 minutes ago, onthedarkside said:


It's one entity projecting what the final results will be after all the still uncounted ballots are eventually counted at some future time/date.


True. But it's not just any entity and the logic behind it makes the conclusion virtually irrefutable.

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8 minutes ago, placeholder said:

True. But it's not just any entity and the logic behind it makes the conclusion virtually irrefutable.


I wasn't saying or suggesting their prediction will end up being wrong... Just that, for the present, it's still only a prediction.


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9 minutes ago, shdmn said:

Kamala Harris makes history as not only the first woman, but the first black woman to become vice president.



Actually, the first black person to be vice president. Although given Obama's achievement, this doesn't seem so significant.

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This is a comment from one of the people who work at fivethirtyeight.com

That latest Maricopa drop consisted of 61,789 ballots: 31,768 for Trump and 28,285 for Biden. That’s a 51-46 Trump ratio; as Nate said, Trump needed to win these ballots by a lot more to be on pace to overtake Biden’s lead statewide. Now, Trump needs to win at least 60 percent of the outstanding votes to pull ahead.


From what I understand, the other county remaining is Pima and that leans blue. So maybe Fox and AP got it right after all. 

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In Nevada, Clark County, the most populous county in Nevada because it encompasses Las Vegas, is now reporting mail in ballot results. It always leans Democratic and as expected, many more votes being recorded for Biden than Trump. In the latest drop. out of a total of 30,000, 20, 000 went for Biden. Anyway, if it turns out that Biden has taken Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia, I believe that will give him a total of 306 electoral votes. That's 2 more than Trump got in 2016, I believe. 

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1 hour ago, onthedarkside said:


I wasn't saying or suggesting their prediction will end up being wrong... Just that, for the present, it's still only a prediction.


I've been watching US elections all my life  Media outlets NEVER wait for all the votes to be counted to call national winners. Sometimes they call states minutes after the polls close because they have methods to be able to tell  quickly in many cases. It's not as if media outlets are going to wait until all states certify the results weeks later. The calls happen as soon as possible. The key here is Pennsylvania. The current president has no path to win that state and if he doesn't win that state he can't be reelected. So while I acknowledge this first call is a little early it is entirely defensible. Calling winners isn't really the same thing as a prediction. It's more like a verdict.


Before someone mentions it 2000 was a historic aberration because of Florida. That came down to one state,  took 30 days to count and was decided in the Supreme Court.


Pennsylvania 2020 isn't Florida 2000.

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

This is a comment from one of the people who work at fivethirtyeight.com

That latest Maricopa drop consisted of 61,789 ballots: 31,768 for Trump and 28,285 for Biden. That’s a 51-46 Trump ratio; as Nate said, Trump needed to win these ballots by a lot more to be on pace to overtake Biden’s lead statewide. Now, Trump needs to win at least 60 percent of the outstanding votes to pull ahead.


From what I understand, the other county remaining is Pima and that leans blue. So maybe Fox and AP got it right after all. 

In any case I still think that state can't be called yet. Maricopa is unpredictable. On the other hand the national election can be called. The winner is Joe Biden.

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3 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


i'm more concerned about how he'll react when his advisors finally get through to him that he's not winning, he's not gonna win, that he's been beaten by the worst candidate ever.  he's not one to admit defeat, or lose gracefully.


he still has 2-1/2 months to kick over the chutes-n-ladders board.

You're right to worry. 





How much damage can Trump do on his way out? Expect the worst.



If President Trump ultimately loses the election, as now seems likely, the question is how much more damage he can do before he is dragged kicking and screaming — or flounces — out of the White House. Judging by his behavior on Thursday, I’m afraid we should expect the worst.


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