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U.S. vote count edges Biden closer to win as Trump mounts legal challenges


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President Donald Trump alleged fraud without providing evidence, filed lawsuits and called for recounts in a race yet to be decided more two days after polls closed.


 Typical for a man who's never really worked a day of his life.
He must live in his own Disney World.

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1 minute ago, sscc said:

As soon as the full results are out within days,   reality is Trump will find many of his trustworthy comrades ( including judges )  turning his back against.    

Sorry, Mr.  that is life.

Rick Santorum is the GOP punching bag on CNN.  He does a pretty good job defending the GOP, though a bit overboard at times.  Today?  He went after Trump and his lies, and his GOP colleagues.  For not pushing back on Trump's lies about election integrity.


The worm may turn...we'll see.  Even Faux News is staring to put up stories you would have never seen earlier. 

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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:


Big drama in Georgia!

45 has a 18.5k lead.

Only 50K votes still needed to be counted. 

Meaning Biden needs about 70 percent of those 50k.

But coming mostly from heavily democratic precincts.

But 70 percent is alot.

Not making any predictions.

Except its going to be close.





Down to 1.8k votes now with around 15k votes still to be counted (according to the BBC). Since most of the remaining votes are mail in votes from Atlanta and Savannah (both heavily favouring Biden), Biden has a good chance of winning Georgia.


If Trump ends up carrying Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina but loses Nevada and Arizona, anybody want to bet against Trump calling for recounts in Nevada and Arizona but going to the courts to try and prevent recounts in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina?

Edited by Sophon
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2 minutes ago, Sophon said:


Down to 1.8k votes now with around 15k votes still to be counted (according to the BBC). Since most of the remaining votes are mail in votes from Atlanta and Savannah (both heavily favouring Biden), Biden has a good chance of winning Georgia.


If Trump ends up carrying Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina but loses Nevada and Arizona, anybody want to bet against Trump calling for recounts in Nevada and Arizona but going to the courts to try and prevent recounts in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina?

Sure but that's not happening. Biden will win  Pennsylvania, it's callable in a normal year and now Georgia looks almost as definite as Pennsylvania for Biden.

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6 minutes ago, teacherclaire said:

A new job for Trump would be to flip hamburgers for 7.99/hour. 


He should know how his folks live and why the minimum wage is a joke I can't laugh about.



I would never eat anything that had been prepared by Trump, but I suppose his supporters would be there sucking it up.

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17 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

I'm not American, so maybe there's something about the counting that I don't understand.

Many states have been declared as Trump or Biden wins - before all the votes have been counted.


One example: Arizona declared as a win for Biden.

So far the vote count is Trump 1,400,000 and Biden 1,470,000 a lead of  just 70,000.

But, there are still almost 400,000 votes uncounted.

Surely this means that Trump could still win, theoretically.

What am I missing?


I'm taking these figures from the Guardian live update https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2020/nov/03/us-election-2020-live-results-donald-trump-joe-biden-who-won-presidential-republican-democrat

Possible? Yes. Probable on the basis of voting direction? No. Remember the calling is a "projection, not a statement of actual final count fact.

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