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Explainer: Citizen Trump will face legal woes


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18 hours ago, soalbundy said:

That's exactly what will happen, he will resign in anger because he ''was cheated out of the presidency'' and Pence will pardon him. Two birds with one stone, that will leave Pence with the unenviable job of congratulating Biden at the inauguration and he also gets off scot free from his crimes. The DOJ is avoided the embarrassing task of investigating and sentencing of an ex president, everyone is happy except the plaintiffs although his reputation is then shot to pieces, a pardon is admission of guilt. 

The State of New York can get on with prosecuting him, and his creditors can get on with getting their money back.


I wonder what Deutsche Bank will do with Mar a Lago?

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12 hours ago, Caldera said:

I can't quite decide if I think he will get arrested or bankrupted first.


I should imagine that he will be bankrupted. Many will be cautious about taking steps which will arrest a former president, but money(or lack of it) will "trump" that caution!


See what I did there?


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Lots of financial woes to face as well.


Pretty sure he owes heaps of money. To whom? Not really sure.


Apprentice II: The Comeback




Trump Will Have $900 Million Of Loans Coming Due In His Second Term If He’s Reelected





Report: Deutsche Bank ‘Eager’ To Dump $340 Million In Loans To Trump Businesses After Election



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46 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Your view is one that seems disingenuous, many people will flock to see this Past President, case in point is he had almost 71 million voters vote for him.  So unfortunately he remains popular, and Biden remains unpopular with 47% of the people.  It is a no win position to project what might or might not happen in the future. 

Conversly perhaps 50 million voted Trumnp because they did not want any Democrat? 

That does not translate necessarily to bums on seats for any speaking event, or should it be called

"The ramblings of a defeated man who has a different reality to most?"

One way to get rid of left over merch for the collectors of hysterical memorablia 


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10 hours ago, bendejo said:


At this point, anyone who thinks DT is going to do something (or not do something) because it is improper or immoral, well, don't take a sea voyage, you're liable to fall off the edge of the flat Earth.

He's reluctant to send his kids to prison, but what about Jared?  On the other hand maybe no actual time in The Big House because of the virus (like Cohen, Manafort,...).



He'll definitely more than willing to roll on others and throw them under the bus. He's done it with his own advisors and staff already, so why wouldn't he? It's going to be a long road ahead for him, hopefully he faces the stuff penalties he deserves. 

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17 hours ago, Old Croc said:

All very well calling for this narcissistic criminal to be locked up, but it should be remembered that around 70m Americans voted for, and still hero worship their cult leader.

Don't forget the most radical of them do whatever he tells them, such as beating up reporters at his rallies, storming buildings fully armed, attacking peaceful demonstrators with chemical weapons, kidnapping children of asylum seekers or even a recalcitrant state governor.

 It's yet to be seen how their anger at him losing and the belief he has fostered about being cheated will manifest itself on the streets.

It's been proven that disciples of these cult figures are not easily rehabilitated away from the toxic ideas imprinted into their impressionable minds.

It might be better for the healing process of the country to follow the Thai method of allowing self exile.

You are absolutely right. In jail let's hope that he does not have access to a cellphone. If he could not tweet, he could not incite his followers. The real villain here is Rupert Murdoch and his Fox media empire. They will not shut up.


The only countries that might accept him are in the Middle East (as long as there is not regime change over there). 

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6 hours ago, stevenl said:

We were talking federal charges. It would solve that issue completely.

Yes it would save him from federal prosecution but there would still be consequences.

He would be right up there with Nixon in terms of disgrace , he wont enjoy that very much.

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8 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Twisting the words again like you do so well time and again.  The sentence was 

So even though he is popular with just over 50% he is not entirely popular and the soon to be former President has 47% of the populace who like him.

There are certainly enough people who adore him to start a new network where he would be the star attraction. Whether located in the USA or Russia is anyone's guess.

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On 11/7/2020 at 3:47 PM, alianware said:

Stupid !! 

If trump goes to jail than biden and family, hillary-clinton's family and and all the companies behind will also go to jail. 

Dont be stupid !!! 

The theme of the week, in courts evidence is required.  This is fundamentally different from barroom blather and social media rumor mongering.

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5 hours ago, pomchop said:

Presidents cannot pardon for state crimes.  Only federal.  New York state will dig out all kinds of tax fraud from his state tax returns.  There are very good reasons why T did not want to ever release his tax returns as the values he listed for his various holdings shown on his tax returns will clearly be much lower than the values for the same holdings that he reported to banks to get max loans.  All in writing and all confirmed to be true and correct.  It's called FRAUD.

One hopes this is not the case, however should this be true then prosecute all concerned with lodging the returns including his accountants 

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6 hours ago, placeholder said:

Don't know if Pence wants to immolate his future for Trump. Of course, he could resign to and leave the decision up to Nancy Pelosi.


Pence had no political future when Trump put him on the ticket to placate the evangelicals.  He has less political future now.  He can go back to talk radio.

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7 hours ago, Peabody said:

He would probably have to resign first. Self-pardon is still an unknown 

Him resigning was mentioned already earlier. Self pardon legal or not would probably go to the SC.

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Among the legal woes of Trump and his children.  Here's the Washington Post account of the case for real estate fraud against Don Jr. and Ivanka.  Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance currently has an ongoing and widereaching criminal investigation into the activities of the Trump Organization.




For two years, the district attorney’s office in Manhattan built a felony fraud case against Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. related to those misrepresentations. District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. eventually declined to press charges — a decision made shortly after a visit from Trump’s attorney Marc Kasowitz.

Ivanka Trump’s role in promoting the property went beyond talking up its strong sales. She also starred in magazine ads promoting Trump Soho that ran repeatedly in the Russian-language magazine 100k Russia.

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Here's one possible source of legal problems for Trump and Jared Kushner in New York 

State.  Although the article references reporting to a federal crimes watchdog, the laws against money-laundering in New York State are at least as stringent as the federal laws.


Deutsche Bank staff flagged Trump, Kushner transactions for watchdog: NYTimes

By Reuters Staff


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Anti-money laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank AG recommended in 2016 and 2017 that multiple transactions involving entities controlled by U.S. President Donald Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, be reported to a federal financial-crimes watchdog, the New York Times reported on Sunday.



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2 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

8 pages of speculation.  LOL  I wish these people a lot of luck should Trump become Citizen Trump come Jan. 20, 2021.  Which itself is speculation at this point.

No speculation, those are facts.


Bit you do like a bit of it yourself with non existent voter fraud.

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