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Foreigner injured in clash with protester during pro-democracy rally at Jomtien Beach


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2 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

Thai news reporting the Russian said to the protester that it was the protests fault for loss of business in the area. IMO if you don't have a vote here, stay the hell away from the protests - it's not your affair. I can imagine the result if some Thai in Russia starting lecturing them on their civil rights lol. Lesson? Don't stick your nose in another countries politics - you might get it kissed by a forehead. And to put your child in between? What was he doing using her thinking Thais would let him be an a$$**** because he had his kid there? Nice father lol..

So if these people come to power we Farangs might have a very hard time. And in respect of the child. You blame the victim and not the violent guy. The child cried a lot and was very shocked. I hope this democracy friend gets a lesson in democracy and law from the police. But he didn't do a favor to his friends. He will get famous in a way he might not like.

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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Clearly the Russian should have not got involved. But for those implying this is not an issue for foreigners to get involved with, why are Thai’s making protests and speeches in English ????? 

Foreigners should not get involved.  Clearly Thais don't want to hear what foreigners have to say.


That being said, any appeals by Thais to the world to "help them in their fight for democracy" should also be ignored.


"You aren't Thai.  You don't understand."  You're right, so the international community should not be involved.

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7 hours ago, chuang said:

Who in his right mind would bring his 10 years old kid to a protest demonstration and argued with the demonstraters.

Foreign tourist, expats, if I remember correctly, a few years ago were warned to stay from such congregations and that applies now too, It is most definitely not a good idea to hang around because sometimes emotions can run high. Having his daughter with him, he should definitely known better. I don't condone the resulting violence but in my opinion, the Russian should have been there anyway.

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Sad, but the bottom line is that he should have steered clear of the protesters, particularly as it’s got nothing to do with him, and even more so because he had his 10 year old with him. This is “traveling in other lands” 101 I’m afraid.

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8 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

Foreign tourist, expats, if I remember correctly, a few years ago were warned to stay from such congregations and that applies now too, It is most definitely not a good idea to hang around because sometimes emotions can run high. Having his daughter with him, he should definitely known better. I don't condone the resulting violence but in my opinion, the Russian should have been there anyway.

Oops! Read '...should not have been there...'

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1 hour ago, khunpa said:

99,9% of Thais have no idea about what democracy actually means or requires.


That’s why you see constant never-ending political problems and will keep doing so for years to come.


The reaction from the Thai guy is no surprise. When you don’t have the intelligence to debate, you fight. 

On the other hand, i would say that 99.9% thais understand democracy very well and long for it


That is why you see constant never ending political problems and will keep coming till they get a true representative parliment


The physical assault was wrong, however stupid the Russian was, standing there and mocking at them. Sure much more would have happened before people started filming it.

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4 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:


Yes, thats what you see in the video, you have no idea what the russian guy did or said prior.

I think its safe to assume, the Russian guy didnt get a headbutt because he was a foreigner, because he was walking past, because he was  peacefully standing there watching, 

I think its also safe to assume the Russian got headbutt because he was heckling challenging and arguing with what was said.


What I see in the video is a Russian who looks drunk, belligerent and  passive aggressive. I see some Thais who appear to have been pushed to the level of abuse and violence by something that was said or done to them,

Yes the violence cannot be condoned but I doubt he is the innocent peaceful bystander you portray


that's why I still want to know the cause of the incident. I still want to know what happened. Unlike people like you who just assume the Russian to be in the wrong.


look at the criminal's behavior. he is said to be a red shirt leader in Pattaya. do you want people like that to hold public office? why do you take his side?

Edited by tgw
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Ok , no need for violence , but if he really wanted to make a point with his dumb smily face the whole time first bring your daughter home and then come back because some people say he kept his cool but he was clearly provoking him by keep on smiling in his face . If you stay here long enough you know something like this can happen if you do like that. I pity the young girl that she had to see this and clearly is very upset . I don't really pity him because he has nothing to seek there what was he trying to achieve ?? 

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4 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

"Why the <deleted> you live in Thailand? Go <deleted> yourself." From someone campaigning for democracy. You can have the freedom to protest, but only if you agree with me. I hope the Russian presses charges.

You have no idea if the headbutt was due to a disagreement in policy or belief.

It is possible to headbutt someone just because they are being an a-hole

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Anyone living in a country that is not their own and gets involved in politics of his host country....no matter which side of the dispute is taken...deserves to get much more than head butted.  Anyone who attends a political rally in a foreign country is unnecessarily putting himself in harm's way. It make little difference the merit or lack of merit of the rally....you simply do not belong there.....IDIOT!!!

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19 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

What I see in the video is a Russian who looks drunk, belligerent and  passive aggressive.

Looking at video again, I think you’re right

5 minutes ago, Expat Tom said:

Anyone who attends a political rally in a foreign country is unnecessarily putting himself in harm's way.



However the aggressive attitude of this Thai...look  nit noi Neantherthai

Edited by Tarteso
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7 hours ago, tgw said:

some of my research suggests Narathiwat “Ken” Khamma is a redshirt, many Thai comments described him as a "mobster".


that's exactly the type of people the current movement doesn't need in their ranks.

Was my instant thought after I watched the clip . Some spoilt guy who has never had anyone say no to him and throws his toys out of the pram when he doesn’t get his way . The way he acts , is dressed and is ushered away by those around him suggests he’s someone who has family in high places or money !

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8 minutes ago, tgw said:


that's why I still want to know the cause of the incident. I still want to know what happened. Unlike people like you who just assume the Russian to be in the wrong.


look at the criminal's behavior. he is said to be a red shirt leader in Pattaya. do you want people like that to hold public office? why do you take his side?


I am not taking anyone's side and have condoned the violence.

I am also not buying into the "innocent bystander" version of events.


Something has obviously happend prior to what we see in the video. Something that has made the Thai guy angry enough to be violent

I doubt he left home that evening with the intention of headbutting people.



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2 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

Was my instant thought after I watched the clip . Some spoilt guy who has never had anyone say no to him and throws his toys out of the pram when he doesn’t get his way . The way he acts , is dressed and is ushered away by those around him suggests he’s someone who has family in high places or money !

Maybe Boris the 'Russian' has a lot of friends to, the beach mafia type may of struck the wrong Russian and you never insult a Russians child like that woman did giving her the finger, like she did.


I can see this turning very nasty in the coming weeks or months

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