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Government liberalises sale and possession of category II narcotics


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6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

This is good news for those suffering

chronic conditions. 

Thailand slowly moving forwards into the 21st century !


6 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

This is a tad misleading... it's not really liberalised when it's only medical use.


Benefit for the government... what does this mean? Is a certain disgraced former Army Capt and current cabinet member of the government with two wives going to rekindle some Australian connections?

what else would you use it for apart from destroying yourself?

This is good as doctors can now give heavy doses of opiates to relieve pain for the terminally ill, up to now apparently they have been loathe to do so because of addiction, as if that matters to a dying person. 

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A real GDP booster for the Thai economy.


If they classify it as agriculture it should send the SET futures markets through the roof.  


Now we all know why all the recent sudden unexpected foreign investment influx into Thailand.


Someone let the cat out of the bag.  


Remember it's only a rort if you're not in on it!



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21 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

all drugs have been decriminalized in Oregon I believe in response to the epidemic of overdose deaths caused by the Chinese/Mexico supplied fentanyl. You cannot arrest your way out the negative effects of drugs like some countries still believe. The war on drugs has long been lost though dinosaurs still cling to the notion, and now law enforcement are the ones addicted to the free flowing cash (budgets and huge profits from seize and sell)  - could be societies biggest hurdle is to wean off those who make a living putting people in prison for altering their consciousness..

great, even more crackheads behind the wheel.

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for the benefit of Government.

Not the people but the government!!!!

Intersting!!!!!! I can be government agent to sell these drugs. And this is ok?!!!


When this Government is going to give relief package to business owners in Koh Samui, Phuket and Pattaya?

You promised to help us protecting our investment.

9 months in border lockdown and no relief package.


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Not sure if this means anything. I totally support legalizing drugs. Nearly all drugs. Imprisoning someone for drug possession is insane. But, what does this all mean? Sounds like for medicinal purposes only. Are there any medicinal purposes for coke? 


A better step forward would be complete legalization of ganga here. Nobody should be getting fined or serving time for that. 

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46 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

all drugs have been decriminalized in Oregon I believe in response to the epidemic of overdose deaths caused by the Chinese/Mexico supplied fentanyl. You cannot arrest your way out the negative effects of drugs like some countries still believe. The war on drugs has long been lost though dinosaurs still cling to the notion, and now law enforcement are the ones addicted to the free flowing cash (budgets and huge profits from seize and sell)  - could be societies biggest hurdle is to wean off those who make a living putting people in prison for altering their consciousness..

Check our Portugal which decriminalised all drugs back in 2001. In that time has the country gone to rack and ruin? No, it hasn't but rather than take note of its success, most countries prefer to keep to the old tried, tested and desperately unsuccessful ways of controlling.



Further reading...




Edited by mrfill
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It is obvious that the category 2 narcotics are not decriminalised for recreational use. The change in law only really allows scientists and specific people to manufacture and administer it.
This change in law has happened suddenly and out of the blue – something is fishy here. Governments only ever do anything for one of two reasons; control, money, or the control of money. 

Edited by Mung
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9 minutes ago, Migrosmarket said:

The only crack I am familiar with belongs to my girlfriend.


6 minutes ago, Sean60 said:

for the benefit of Government.

Not the people but the government!!!!

Intersting!!!!!! I can be government agent to sell these drugs. And this is ok?!!!


When this Government is going to give relief package to business owners in Koh Samui, Phuket and Pattaya?

You promised to help us protecting our investment.

9 months in border lockdown and no relief package.


I find it very difficult to recall any promise the current so called Thai government has delivered on.

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7 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

This is a tad misleading... it's not really liberalised when it's only medical use.


Benefit for the government... what does this mean? Is a certain disgraced former Army Capt and current cabinet member of the government with two wives going to rekindle some Australian connections?

Oh Please. This is not the Washington Post nor the New York times...

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For  "Benefit   of Government !!!" ....   From  the book of North  Korea 

Unbelievable   ...Pathetic .... Now even   that  new party  bashing   people looks  better  

Looks  like  the  Columbian  Drugs lords  will be the  new  source  ot  Capital  to Thailand  ...fight  with Chine  over opium 

New  tourist  too .... Drug addicts from all over the  world   ...  Great  work  Thailand  ... You just get better and better  

OH   and Boss  will be happy  one charge  dropped  

Just  find a vacine  so I can get my  wife outa  this   Insane  Country 

Good Luck   Thaliand 

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6 minutes ago, TERMINATOR3AB said:

For  "Benefit   of Government !!!" ....   From  the book of North  Korea 

Unbelievable   ...Pathetic .... Now even   that  new party  bashing   people looks  better  

Looks  like  the  Columbian  Drugs lords  will be the  new  source  ot  Capital  to Thailand  ...fight  with Chine  over opium 

New  tourist  too .... Drug addicts from all over the  world   ...  Great  work  Thailand  ... You just get better and better  

OH   and Boss  will be happy  one charge  dropped  

Just  find a vacine  so I can get my  wife outa  this   Insane  Country 

Good Luck   Thaliand 

Bye Bye, please don t come back!

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▪︎ For the benefit of the government. It's about time to to relax the laws on vaping also as in theory it save lives from those who give up smoking .  

▪︎ For the benefit of the government. it could bring in money and jobs by opening shops and tax issues. is good to see this move on class 2 drugs  mabey someone there has an open mind  

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2 minutes ago, PEE TEE said:


▪︎ For the benefit of the government. It's about time to to relax the laws on vaping also as in theory it save lives from those who give up smoking .  

▪︎ For the benefit of the government. it could bring in money and jobs by opening shops and tax issues. is good to see this move on class 2 drugs  mabey someone there has an open mind  

Vaping is a fad, those who want to quit smoking will quit, those who try to quit smoking will try vaping then go back onto the ciggies. Vaping shops open and are closed again no time, maybe online sales are higher 


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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Not sure if this means anything. I totally support legalizing drugs. Nearly all drugs. Imprisoning someone for drug possession is insane. But, what does this all mean? Sounds like for medicinal purposes only. Are there any medicinal purposes for coke? 


A better step forward would be complete legalization of ganga here. Nobody should be getting fined or serving time for that. 


Ritalin used for ADHD and narcolepsi has somewhat similar effects as Cocaine and Amphetamine, so someone could probably twist that into saying coke is good for medical use.


Personally i'm not unfamilar with the use of cocaine and Amphetamin back in the 80's/90's when i was younger, but did some weird crazy things under the influence of those drugs.

Had some great times, but also some not so good times.

So i wouldn't recommend it to anyone today.


Haven't touched any drugs in many many years.

Chang and Singha are now my best friends ????



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8 hours ago, robblok said:

Ah so crack is a category II drug .. that is something new to me. Could you show me where it says that.


I thought it was category I


https://www.siam-legal.com/litigation/criminal-defence-drug-offences-in-thailand.php#:~:text=Category 2 – Cocaine%3B Codeine%3B Methadone%3B Morphine

Just following Globalist guidelines to break nationalist societies around the world in readiness for Global governance 


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15 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

Vaping is a fad, those who want to quit smoking will quit, those who try to quit smoking will try vaping then go back onto the ciggies. Vaping shops open and are closed again no time, maybe online sales are higher 



A lot of old smokers has changed from regular cigarettes and now just vape, because they still like the nicotine.

There is a huge benefit from that if you can't quit smoking completely.

Is it healthy? Probably not, but it seems like it's better than regular cigarettes.


Less additives, no tar, and if you vape without any flavours added, it does not smell and you don't have that nasty cigaret smell in your clothes.

I'm very happy that my GF switched from regular cigarettes til vaping with no flavours many years ago.


Just to bad she has to switch back to smoking regular cigarettes when we visit Thailand.

I wish Thailand would wake up and allow vaping, but that wont happen until they find a way to tax the things needed for vaping.

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34 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

Vaping is a fad, those who want to quit smoking will quit, those who try to quit smoking will try vaping then go back onto the ciggies. Vaping shops open and are closed again no time, maybe online sales are higher 


do you have the facts on your comment because you are completely wrong . the facts are sales of cigarettes have gone down and sale of e cigs have gone up .  the main problem is the government's who are connected to   Big tobacco and other tobacco companies want it banned for tax reason they do not like to lose money 


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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Used as an example for educational purposes;

Listen up class.... this is how we do a line of cocaine and then sniff. Make sure you do your homework and practice at home because you will be tested on this next week.

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19 minutes ago, PEE TEE said:

do you have the facts on your comment because you are completely wrong . the facts are sales of cigarettes have gone down and sale of e cigs have gone up .  the main problem is the government's who are connected to   Big tobacco and other tobacco companies want it banned for tax reason they do not like to lose money 


I dont have facts as it was a comment based from what I see/witness/experience through friends who have vaped, along with Vape shops not hanging around long (some succeed obviously) 
As for your statement saying cigarette sales have gone down and vape sales have risen, I agree. Thats because there is simply a 'new' product competing with cigarette sales. If cigars were new on the market I would expect the same. My point about them being a fad is that people try it and then go back to cigs from what I have witnessed

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