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Biden says UK border with Ireland must be open


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3 minutes ago, bannork said:

Come on Brexiteers, get it together. You've been saying we gonna get a great FTA with the US to help offset our suicidal exit from the EU.

Now you're upset Joe is warning the UK not to mess with the Good Friday agreement. Perhaps he regards the EU as more important than the UK. 

Jeez, we're really alone come New Year.




Perhaps looking beyond the blinkered short term efffects of brexit,one should look at the far bigger forthcoming global financial crisis thats going to occur when (if ) this corona crisis is over,britain will be free to make its own decision s about its future instead of being hamstrung by the eu.

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10 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well OK, another piece of political reality you wish to deny the existence of.


Biden has made his statement on the mater, and while you might want to wish it away, Johnson will be paying attention  - or at least which ever adult is nursing him these days will be listening.


The UK has chosen to be alone in the world, it will do as it is told.

Wow, an American supremacist troll, D. Trump lives on, Ha! You lot made a mess of your own country now you want to help the UK to do the same. Too late, Ha, the UK did that while you were still wearing nappies. The UK is quite able to manage its own mess. A famous man said '...We must build a kind of United States of Europe...', sure turned out to be wrong example to follow. 

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36 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


    The UK also wants the border to remain open , its the E.U's laws which will  cause it to close, if it does close

True but the UK can prevent it by agreeing to the EU's terms the US wants that too. So you either <deleted> off 2 big trade partners or you (as in the Brexiteers) get a bit more flexible and find a compromise. Its either pissing 2 big trade partners off or being stubborn thinking you hold all the cards while in reality the opponent is having better cards.

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9 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Why should he wait? Isn't it better for the UK to know as soon as possible where the future president stands on the issue?

Do you think the EU is complaining that he is "uninvited and interferes with the discussion". 


   Because he needs to wait until he actually gets the job BEFORE he starts doing the job .

   Until he is 100 %  certain of being POTUS, i.e. getting sworn in, he should keep quiet , as it must be awkward for the people hes talking to 

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'm not impressed. Even grade school kids know that the UK needs a good trade deal with the US much more than the US needs one with the UK. You lot foolishly voted to Brexit. Deal with it.


  You lot foolishly voting for Biden is what has caused this problem 

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


   Because he needs to wait until he actually gets the job BEFORE he starts doing the job .

   Until he is 100 %  certain of being POTUS, i.e. getting sworn in, he should keep quiet , as it must be awkward for the people hes talking to 

Its certain. 306 EC votes and won the popular vote by 6m+. He's the president elect, deal with it.

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5 minutes ago, 2530Ubon said:

Whilst I may agree with you on his character as an upstanding chap with morals, I must protest; What feelings?


1850 was the last time his family lived there. If he really cared, he should be independent to achieve meaningful results. Pis+ing off your closest ally and throwing his toys out of the pram isn't going to work. Bojo may indeed be a clown, but he's shown time and time again that he will walk away from trade deals. Who wants American chlorinated chicken anyway.


Of the top ten family names in the United States (2010), seven have English origins or having possible mixed British Isles heritage, the other three being of Spanish origin. Being British in America isn't seen as desirable anymore. In the 1990's 26.34% of Americans confessed to having English roots - that's now down to 0.06%. The facts are that there are more English Americans than there are Irish, however it's always the plastic paddy's / straw scots / incredibly NOT italian americans that boast their 'heritage'. This proves that they don't really care or understand anything about these 'homeland' contries - they just do what's fashionable. Typical American flashy style.

So much nonsense. It's the very fact that the Irish, Italians, Jews etc mostly arrived after the English had settled that kept them more cohesive as a group in the face of the original English settlers' prejudices.There was once a powerful popular political movement aptly called the "know-nothings" who were virulently anti-Irish Catholic. The current Irish attachment to Ireland may be sentimental only, but that doesn't mean it isn't a factor in American politics.

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15 minutes ago, kingdong said:

Perhaps looking beyond the blinkered short term efffects of brexit,one should look at the far bigger forthcoming global financial crisis thats going to occur when (if ) this corona crisis is over,britain will be free to make its own decision s about its future instead of being hamstrung by the eu.

You mean the great trade deal with the US that they wont get unless that accept the EU's terms ? What great future ? you mean after Scotland breaks free because of Brexit ?. 

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

True but the UK can prevent it by agreeing to the EU's terms the US wants that too. So you either <deleted> off 2 big trade partners or you (as in the Brexiteers) get a bit more flexible and find a compromise. Its either pissing 2 big trade partners off or being stubborn thinking you hold all the cards while in reality the opponent is having better cards.


   I do hope that we stand our ground and dont allow the USA and E.U to dictate to us .

  If a wall does go up, who will pay for it and who will man it ?

I cannot see the UK paying for a manning a wall that we dont want 

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10 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


   Because he needs to wait until he actually gets the job BEFORE he starts doing the job .

   Until he is 100 %  certain of being POTUS, i.e. getting sworn in, he should keep quiet , as it must be awkward for the people hes talking to 

Those of us who live in the real world, have no doubt about who the next president will be. If you want to cling to your delusions, fine. But don't expect political realists to subscribe to the alternative reality you believe in. Trump lost. Get over it.

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Such vitriol from all sides.


Mr Biden is not the President of the United States. He will be once he is sworn in, if he gets that far. As someone more well known than me, said, do not challenge the grim reaper.


Until that time, the UK deals with the incumbent.


The European Union has borders with Non EU member states, even some states that are in a Customs Union agreement with them. The UK had a border (of sorts) with Eire before joining the EU. If the peace agreement is dependent on not having a border, then I guess we go back to the Troubles, where most of the money for the nationalists came from people like Joe Biden.


According the the United States Trade Representative website, the US has Free Trade Agreements with 20 countries. Out of 193 members of the United Nations.

https://ustr.gov/trade-agreements#:~:text=The United States has free trade agreements (FTAs),our FTAs are bilateral agreements between two governments.


The EU has 11, According to:

 https://facts4eu.org/news/2020_aug_eu_vanishing_trade_deals#:~:text=So%2C the EU Parliament says that “The EU,includes those agreements which are still being negotiated.



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9 minutes ago, polpott said:

Its certain. 306 EC votes and won the popular vote by 6m+. He's the president elect, deal with it.


   I am saying he should wait until he's sworn in, BEFORE he starts doing the job .

  Until hes sworn in , theres no 100 % guarantee that he will be POTUS

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'm not impressed. Even grade school kids know that the UK needs a good trade deal with the US much more than the US needs one with the UK. You lot foolishly voted to Brexit. Deal with it.

Why do we suddenly need a trade deal with the US? The US and UK export and import at an EQUAL rate already. There is no need for trade to be increased, certainly not in the agriculture sector as Brits don't want hormone fed beef or chlorinated chicken and pork.


Interesting to note you didn't comment on 'Bidens feelings' - invalid as they are.


Again i agree with you! Brexit was foolish to the extreme - that's just one of the many reasons why I've settled in Thailand.

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


   I do hope that we stand our ground and dont allow the USA and E.U to dictate to us .

  If a wall does go up, who will pay for it and who will man it ?

I cannot see the UK paying for a manning a wall that we dont want 

Build that wall and the Irish will pay for it. 555.


There won't be a wall but there will be border posts and checkpoints, which is more than enough to restart the Troubles.

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'm not impressed. Even grade school kids know that the UK needs a good trade deal with the US much more than the US needs one with the UK. You lot foolishly voted to Brexit. Deal with it.

So we have an American President telling us we can't have a deal unless we do it his way and now we have an American poster telling us we voted the wrong way, I'm sure the word arrogance must fit somewhere in there quite nicely.

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Just now, 2530Ubon said:

Why do we suddenly need a trade deal with the US? The US and UK export and import at an EQUAL rate already. There is no need for trade to be increased, certainly not in the agriculture sector as Brits don't want hormone fed beef or chlorinated chicken and pork.


Interesting to note you didn't comment on 'Bidens feelings' - invalid as they are.


Again i agree with you! Brexit was foolish to the extreme - that's just one of the many reasons why I've settled in Thailand.

Actually, you make a good point. Trade between the US and the UK is already substantially free. The Conservative government itself predicted that a free trade agreement with the USA would give a very slight boost to the UK economy. Brexiters are have been falsely touting it as a major boost in order to minimize the seriously detrimental effects that the loss of free trade with the EU will have on the UK economy.

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2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Those of us who live in the real world, have no doubt about who the next president will be. If you want to cling to your delusions, fine. But don't expect political realists to subscribe to the alternative reality you believe in. Trump lost. Get over it.


   Its not an "alternative reality" at all .

Its very likely that Biden will the next POTUS , extremely likely , but he needs to wait until it actually happens .

  Thats not a "delusion" , he needs to wait until hes in the White house BEFORE making official phone calls 

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Biden needs a bit of a reality check - his country is in disarray yet he is interfering in an ally's sovereignty already. Look Joe, take all your <deleted> out of Lakenheath and Mildenhall, Fairford and the other 10 bases and go camp on Merkel's doorstep and see if SHE'll have you if you don't want to trade with us. 


We did fine with Australia and New Zealand before, we buy and sell already with many non-EU countries and non-US. We'll do fine while you try and save your sinking ship.


It would not surprise anyone if to keep trading harmony the Republic of Ireland didn't elect to leave the EU in order to harmonise the border again, especially as the EU is clearly imploding and losing our money is going to hasten that. Germany and France have already refused to pick up the financial slack and no deal exit by the UK means no more money from us too which is why Bojo is so unperturbed by a no deal exit.

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


   Its not an "alternative reality" at all .

Its very likely that Biden will the next POTUS , extremely likely , but he needs to wait until it actually happens .

  Thats not a "delusion" , he needs to wait until hes in the White house BEFORE making official phone calls 

Since he's not the President he's not making official phone calls. And if you think that because they aren't official they aren't significant, you need to consider how other governments are going to regard the words of the next President.

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:


   Its not an "alternative reality" at all .

Its very likely that Biden will the next POTUS , extremely likely , but he needs to wait until it actually happens .

  Thats not a "delusion" , he needs to wait until hes in the White house BEFORE making official phone calls 

Not true. The US has something called a "transition period". Trump has now agreed that Biden can start the transition. Having talks with other world leaders is part of that transition.

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