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Khao San: After the hype comes the reality - once "billion baht" street" deserted in the daytime


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Very sad, but this is just one of the well known attractions of Thailand that used to attract Thais and farangs in hoardes.

Hemmingways, Climax, Cheap Charlies, New wave bar, Soi 7, Soi 11, Soi 7/1, Sukhumvit street bars, Onnut beer garden, etc.etc,etc........ Get the picture ?  All of Thailand's going to look like KSR very shortly.......   

I'm currently in Portugal and i'm looking to get the hell out of SE Asia as the madness of greed seems to be infecting all the surrounding countries, i'm just glad that in my thirty odd years in SE Asia i enjoyed it to the full....... I'm gonna miss you Thailand, but the buffalo's too sick to fix........  

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13 hours ago, biplanebluey said:

`What we really need to help our own people is someone who generally and sincerely cares for them and is willing to help them.For typical examples are the military nessesaties all the Ships,submarines and now really fast and totally absurd are the so expensive aircraft.We already have fast military war planes in Udon Thani and I often stand and watch them do only circuits around town and think to myself--------- I wonder what that little jaunt around cost  just in fuel never mind the maintenance. Come on you military minded millionairs there are millions of hard working people here that have been ruined through no fault of their own---do something for them to get over this terrible chrisis.Do something sensible and sincere

"Do something sensible and sincere"?? An unelected soldiers "government" with a very low IQ from the "PM" downwards??

Absolutely no chance.

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13 hours ago, JesseHumphry said:

An unbelievable number of SMBs are tourism-based. 

Without tourism from people who are willing to spend money, those businesses are screwed, along with the jobs they provide and the money the spend in turn. 

Losing 15% of a nation's economy is just unprecedented; we're talking about a drop off of an entire sector of business that just turned into a big, gaping hole. You lose 15% of the hull of a ship, you sink. 

Bringing in the notoriously stingy Chinese against focusing on Westerners who actually like to spend money and spend more per-person than the Chinese probably ever will...that doesn't make much sense to me. The Chinese have the advantage in pure numbers and that's about it. 

But Thailand has been shooting its tourism sector in the foot for years now, culturally. When you prefer to scam people out of money instead of cultivating a rich tourism industry that values the consumer, you get what you get. 

I mean the whole country is backwards. Look at condos. Demand is subterranean; why are prices going up? 

Back to texting again are we? What is SMBs??

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There is a lesson here.  Khaosan Road's demise is the perfect example of what Thailand will achieve in the future as it continues to embrace xenophobic, anti-foreigner policies especially those aimed at foreign tourists.
"We will just replace those nasty dirty foreign national security risks with nice clean and well behaved domestic Thais."

Of course you will.  And this is what you'll get.  Billions of lost revenue.

What does it matter really?
Politicians will still have their jobs, experts will still have their jobs, military big-wigs will still have their jobs, those working for media outlets will still have their jobs (to keep spreading the fear and loathing), bureaucrats and government workers will still have their jobs. Those people who created this mess in the first place will continued to bring in a steady paycheck and benefits as they continue to issue economy killing policies one after another.  For these people?  Really - what does it matter?
It doesn't matter at all.

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12 hours ago, Catkiwi said:

Shove it son. I am not attempting to be grammar police. I am merely stating a fact. If you have had it wrong for 20 years then perhaps it is time you did some extended learning. Don't bother with quoting the forum rules.

Sure thing, your highness. I live only to obey such as yourself.



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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I assume small and medium businesses.

I agree that people that use abbreviations that are not in common use should spell them out. No one is texting on here, in my opinion.

That's just me being sarcastic, but these abbreviations are getting worse, and it is p!ssing me off big time.

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You must be kidding .........


a) stimulate tourism in Bangkok's famed district of Khao San Road ........
b) government and BMA urged to extend night time opening to 1 am

a) there are no tourists in the land; apparently 671 STVs were issued in November, worldwide, for the entire country and nobody knows, how many of those visas were actually used
b) if nobody is there at 10pm, don't expect a huge crown from 12am to 1am

Anutin's endeavours (and he is not the only one) proved right, get rid of the dirty farang!
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23 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Much like my visits to Bangla in Patong when I lived on Phuket.  Think i visited maybe 3 times.  Spent more time in Phuket Town and then with living in Rawaii we would hit up Laguna and the bars in Kata by the beach, but that was back in the day.  Now I just hang out and listen to live music where we can find it, mainly the Hilary 1 bar in Nana, just have to dodge the LB's on the walk down the road.

Hilary 1 for live music, Just simple good music ( no band ),Morning Night, and sometimes also fun in Bamboo bar, Soi 3.... 

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On 12/4/2020 at 8:50 AM, Pottinger said:

Well, cry me a river; many traders made huge profits in such tourist spots around Thailand during the good times, which extended for years. If they did not have the foresight to save and plan for the future then my sympathy only extends to those at the bottom of the food chain, who never had the chance to establish themselves.

The traders were poor and hardworking.  Constantly struggling.  In the late 80s early 90s the foreigners were a good bunch

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Obviously the area needed to rebrand itself for the Thai only market as its previous main customer base - foreign tourists - were all gone.


The road was once a meeting and melting point for foreigners from all around the world. From various Hula Hoop people to Fire Spitting Dragon like foreigners, you coyuld see them all.


The "fake Rasta hair shops" that you'd later meet in Pai, the backpackers had plenty of places to book the next destination.


It was not only a meeting point, it was good business for so many years. Unbelievable that anybody would not want such an attraction where Thai people went to sightseeing. 


The street had so many small hotels and rooms for rent that a lot of Thais had employment. 


It will never be as it once was. They're killing their own holiday industry.







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On 12/4/2020 at 8:50 AM, Pottinger said:

Well, cry me a river; many traders made huge profits in such tourist spots around Thailand during the good times, which extended for years. If they did not have the foresight to save and plan for the future then my sympathy only extends to those at the bottom of the food chain, who never had the chance to establish themselves.

What's your point?  Where are you now?

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Khao San's funkiness attracted tourists. If you remove the funkiness, you remove the tourists. Would you rather see a famous band in all their rowdiness or a sanitized imitation of the band?


Would you rather see the Temple of Dawn or a safe reconstruction of it.


Yes, I am talking about post Covid.

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On 12/3/2020 at 11:00 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

It always amuses me when a farang claims that Thailand is doomed without them. Every farang could vanish tomorrow and IMO only the bar girls, families and the tourist companies would miss them. Thailand survived just fine prior to 1970 and will do so again if it comes to it.

Prior to 1970 there was the Vietnam war with 7 airbases and other US army installation with thousands of American G I s  spending their paychecks.  Thais made millions off building said bases re: concrete and jobs

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On 12/3/2020 at 10:02 PM, Laza 45 said:

Read what it says..'While it is true that Thais have been supporting the nightlife scene on the street even that is not back to what it was before. '.. 

these places are pricy . I can't see Thai people will be interested to go to restaurant.. the Thai  food is quite Waterdown less spicy...the foreign dishes are poorly made... catered for low budget people. there is no quality food the Thai people will be interested  at high prices

besides there are tons of good restaurant in Bangkok away from Kho san 

traffic and access to Kho san is bad..


the Kho san business  thrive on gouging money from the farangs,,  there is no way they can be in business for thai customers.. there are just a few to none who will be interested,


a remake of khosan to be a great night life require a major investment of good restaurant, specialty shop or even a mini mall even add some  entertainment like build a good bath massages like the ones on Petbury or rashada..Thai people will flock there for sex.. and it will keep the area frequented by many male thai




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Just now, the green light said:

these places are pricy . I can't see Thai people will be interested to go to restaurant.. the Thai  food is quite Waterdown less spicy...the foreign dishes are poorly made... catered for low budget people. there is no quality food the Thai people will be interested  at high prices

besides there are tons of good restaurant in Bangkok away from Kho san 

traffic and access to Kho san is bad..


the Kho san business  thrive on gouging money from the farangs,,  there is no way they can be in business for thai customers.. there are just a few to none who will be interested,


a remake of khosan to be a great night life require a major investment of good restaurant, specialty shop or even a mini mall even add some  entertainment like build a good bath massages like the ones on Petbury or rashada..Thai people will flock there for sex.. and it will keep the area frequented by many male thai

all about money ...money 

Just now, the green light said:





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Before cellphones, before the internet, one would test ones ability and resolve,by traveling to destinations around the world.  

Exposing oneself to the inherent dangers of being exposed  to something called “ a moral compass “, and dealing with the consequences of someone who did not possess such a thing.

This insight would aid in developing one’s wisdom, in navigating life. This historically was done in one’s youth.


Kaho San was a meeting place for world travelers, to let your guard down, meet up with friends you met in Oaxaca, Byron Bay, Nandi Town, rest, meet, and most importantly gain valuable information, before setting off to another part of the world.

there is security in numbers.


Looking back, I think that’s what really <deleted> the locals off. That didn’t matter, the golden oracle MONEY was to be made easily.


Their  prey , granted , backpackers, were mostly affluent University graduates, with excellent critical thinking skills. A life arch the all of the locals acknowledge, will not experience , unless the daughter “ Lek “, marries a nice young man from Sweden ????????, producing the much sought after “ Luk Krung “, and a nice retirement.


most of the locals didn’t know or care what critical thinking is. A race to the bottom, and the lowest common denominator, which has proven repeatedly to be ,at best , dangerous.


This dance was part of the “ charm “ of navigating the cultural minefield that is Indochina.

the travelers were just passing through.

thailand is no different than any other 3rd world, banana republic along the way.


the kids were  oftentimes  ripped off, sometimes worse.drugged,raped, beaten. This is the elephant in the room, and the catalyst for the whitewash job.


Anyone who has spent any time in Mexico would be amused at the lack of real danger here, in the “ Land Of Smiles “

The authorities, drunk on power, attempted to white wash the past history & behavior of the Soi.............

By simply killing it.


And they did, and nothing has changed.


The Thai people continue to be gracious, practicing with humility, and some of the authorities continue with the misinformed attack on any thing not marble, chrome and glass. 


Isn't it a pity.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I assume small and medium businesses.

I agree that people that use abbreviations that are not in common use should spell them out. No one is texting on here, in my opinion.

If I find words that I either don't know I highlight them and do a right click, then click on the "Search Google for" .........................


It has always worked for me.

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22 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I think you missed the point that the government has barely given any type of stimulus to the people, and what they have is a pittance compared to what the Government workers are still earning.  Cutting people off and limiting them in what they can spend on some of these schemes they have put in place is just pathetic.  Then to top it off you have the businesses that are providing the service, where the Government pays them to be a supplier, are raising there prices in order to make more money and yet the people using the scheme are getting less.  Boggles the mind actually.  

They have always made less than government workers and government workers always have a job in any country.  That is why so many attempt to get those jobs (supposedly set for life)

Reading all the international papers it is the same issue all over the world.  


The challenge that governments have is where to get the money to pay these people and support the businesses.  It is great to say that these businesses should get money to support them but if the government said that we are gong to give every business10,000 baht a month for the next year and have decided that in order to pay for it we are going to raise the taxes on Thais by 10%  Month and charge all foreigners applying for a 90 day report 10,000 baht for every 90 days would you still think it was a great idea.

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14 hours ago, whaleboneman said:
17 hours ago, poohy said:

Things certainly change1999/2010 (until we were bought out by the big boys) my company would put 400/550 per week though KSR

we were only one of many foreign companies based here at this time

400/550 baht?

PAX you silly billy!

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