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Snakes, Scorpions, and Centipedes


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In the hot weather we tend to keep both front and back doors open to allow as much breeze through the house as possible.


The front door is fairly well covered with dogs and people watching to catch any unwanted wildlife from entering the house. 


The back/kitchen door is mostly unattended so to stop crawly, slithery things coming in I fitted a Farmhouse type door.


That's basically a door cut in half so the bottom half can be closed yet the top half stays open to still let the breeze through. Something like this:-


Just an Idea :thumbsup:

More Ideas

Edited by Daffy D
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Snakes not so much, since they are hunted almost to extinction in my area.


Scorpions and centipedes on the other hand love to intrude into the bathroom, especially when I shower (seriously).


Such intrusions lead to fights to the death, literally, which I have all won until now...otherwise I would not be writing this...


Scorpions are not really a major threat, because they are slow, but centipedes are super fast sonofb...es...

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23 hours ago, Mister T said:

In Isaan, only about once a week. We do get hungry when they don't turn up regularly though.

I'm in Isaan also.  2 weeks ago got a nasty centipede in the bathroom,  that's the only thing inside. Never seen a snake on the property but a few scorpions out back occasionally

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Don’t live near Hua Hin but notice but notice an uptick of critters when the weather changes from dry to wet and vice versa. I seal every crack but still get some scorpions in the house occasionally.  We live in the middle of the mountains near Muak Lek, Saraburi. No snake or centipedes yet in the house. Had close encounters with 4 cobras this year outside. Some brave dogs killed a cobra that was close to 4 meters next to the house.  Good to have dogs around.  Interesting topic. 


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I've been living in my house here for 7 years. The only unwanted guests I have had in those 7 years are ginkjo and ants. Nothing else and I haven't done anything special to ward other unwanted guests away. Only saw two cobra snakes while building the house and none since. I live 40 km north of Chiang Mai.

Edited by Kurtf
Left some details out
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After living down here for 10 years, in the same house, we have windows without glass, leave the door open all the time. Not very often to tell the truth - one scorpion a year or so back.


Had a cobra eating frogs in out covered garden once, seen a monster python, crossing the road to scrubland near out house, out in the sticks.


If you see a centipede, chop it’s head off - I saw one once in my carport, I let him slither away - I went about my clearing up, next thing, it’s hanging off my ankle.

Jeez, I had the worst night in history, couldn’t sit, stand, lie down, walk, cry, sleep - just a horrid experience.


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I live in Chiayaphum. They only time I have ever had centipedes, scorpions or lizards in my house is when the cat brings them in. Over the years I might get a small little snake in the pool and frogs. The King cobra does his neighbourhood rounds but I havent  seen any snakes this year accept on the highway or run over in the town.

When living in a condo in Onut I had a bucket of cockroaches come up the drain and run around the kitchen. 

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I live up country in a mooban ( very quiet ) and here, there are cobras and centipedes 

rare in house, but has happended already ; centipedes are very fast, yes, but I am faster than they are, very easy to kill ( with shoe, no naked foot or hand , of course ) 

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I agree with   others here...      Get a couple of  half breed dogs.  We  have two of them,,, and two little barkers   the wife  likes.

The big dogs   are not only good for security from  people   but will   take  to snakes and other crawlies.    Dont let other people feed them, they will get too  complacent otherwise.

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We live on the outskirts of a town in Isaan. Snake, scorpion or centipede in the house once every few months, mainly centipedes.


Bitten twice by centipedes so far. Once at night when I stumbled to the toilet and once when I turned on the air conditioner and it pat a centipede right on top of me.


Both bites extremely painful and intense for 12 hours.

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Had a black ant invasion last night. Woke up feeling something crawling on me, ah just an ant then another and another. Went to take a leak and the bathroom wall and floor and walls were black with ants.  There must have been thousands of them piled up in the bathroom.  Somehow they got in the grey water drain (supposed sealed) and made a two pronged attack on the deck above the bedroom roof deck (single house)  down into a small hole the caulking.  Spent the better part of the night with a can of bug spray and the windows open.   This morning found the biggest bug I have ever seen on the wall, shot with a bit of but spray but kept on going. Not sure where it went.  Mid afternoon I met a ninja spider.  Swat once, dodged, swat twice and up the wall. Up the wall to the ceiling than jumped down on me. Wife who never kills anything finally found it and put it in the spider grave yard.   Wife did let me know she can kill the ninja spider.   



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On 12/7/2020 at 8:57 PM, josefinee9 said:

I'm looking at going from a condo to a house (10 mins outside the city) and my biggest fear is having too many unwanted guests...


How often do these get in your house/villa?



You will be save with this one


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28 minutes ago, Saraburi121 said:

Had a black ant invasion last night. Woke up feeling something crawling on me, ah just an ant then another and another. Went to take a leak and the bathroom wall and floor and walls were black with ants.  There must have been thousands of them piled up in the bathroom.  Somehow they got in the grey water drain (supposed sealed) and made a two pronged attack on the deck above the bedroom roof deck (single house)  down into a small hole the caulking.  Spent the better part of the night with a can of bug spray and the windows open.   This morning found the biggest bug I have ever seen on the wall, shot with a bit of but spray but kept on going. Not sure where it went.  Mid afternoon I met a ninja spider.  Swat once, dodged, swat twice and up the wall. Up the wall to the ceiling than jumped down on me. Wife who never kills anything finally found it and put it in the spider grave yard.   Wife did let me know she can kill the ninja spider.   




I forgot about the ants. Our kitchen regularly gets raided by vast colonies on the move during the rains. Leave the kitchen spotless, go back a few hours later and the floor, walls, and every item in the kitchen completely carpeted with ants. Remarkable creatures in that regard.

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35 minutes ago, NilSS said:


I forgot about the ants. Our kitchen regularly gets raided by vast colonies on the move during the rains. Leave the kitchen spotless, go back a few hours later and the floor, walls, and every item in the kitchen completely carpeted with ants. Remarkable creatures in that regard.

"Carpeted" is a good term lol! It only takes minutes.  To the OP probably your worst you will see.  Just be aware. 

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On 12/9/2020 at 8:59 AM, jollyhangmon said:

... cat does well too, not so much appreciated if she brings them up the terrace as a present though.


(You could always spike their chow with some 5th grade yaba - in old military tradition, sort of - keeps them on the edge and makes for best perimeter watch ever, right up there with the Claymores ...)





Our cats are excellent with snakes, not sure how they would do with centipedes, never seen any corpses around, a few quite large live ones though.

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